Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 303 Here Comes Send Tang Da Huyou

Chapter 303 Here Comes Send Tang Da Huyou

Taking the little loli on a date for a day, Luo Yan felt that he had nothing else to do except forcibly pretending to be aggressive.However, seeing the admiring look in the little Lolita's eyes when she returned to the palace, Luo Yan felt a little dark in his heart.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and Luo Yan is still thinking about how to spend the holiday with his relatives.

The time is spent in daily paddling.Originally, they thought that they could have a peaceful Mid-Autumn Festival without any surprises, but who would have thought that there would be something that Luo Yan had to take care of.

Just when everyone was happily preparing for the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Minister of Honglu Temple reported that an envoy from the Japanese Kingdom came to kowtow, and wanted to send envoys to study according to the old events of the previous Sui Dynasty.

When the court played, Li Shimin and many ministers seemed extremely interested.After listening to the report from the Minister of Honglu Temple, Li Shimin laughed loudly: "I don't think that I, Tang Tianwei, have already strengthened the country. Since the Japanese envoy has come, I will call him to come to see him in the future. As for the matter of invitation, when the time comes Let's discuss it again."

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival rest day, and Li Shimin doesn't know that little thought Luo Yan.It's just a great success, and I want these people who are not under Wanghua to see the prosperity of Datang.

Although out of that humble self-esteem, Luo Yan did not intend to agree with this matter.It's just that it's hard for him to say anything at this time, and he doesn't know much about the current situation in Wa Kingdom, so he just takes advantage of this day to make some preparations early.

A court meeting was spent in the praise of Li Shimin from the officials.

Back home, Luo Yan transferred the history of the Wa Kingdom for nearly a hundred years from the system, read it carefully, and then gained a considerable understanding of the relationship between the Wa Kingdom and neighboring countries.

After spending the Mid-Autumn Festival with Feng Chang's family and Lu Deming, a new morning morning was ushered in.

Li Shimin seemed to want to show off, announcing that the Japanese envoys had an audience with him, just as the sun was rising, and the bright morning light reflected on the glazed tiles of the palace halls, which can be described as resplendent and resplendent.In an instant, a messenger was dazzled by such a scene.

Fortunately, the leading emissary seemed to have quite a lot of experience, and with a small movement, he woke up the emissary who was lost in this scene.Then he walked forward in unison and bowed to Li Shimin: "Dan Kui Ken Tong Gou Shang San Tian Si, together with his deputy envoy Pharmacist and Hui Ri, visited His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and by the order of my king, I implore His Majesty to allow our country to dispatch The envoy learns the culture of the Central Plains. This is the national letter written by our king, and I hope His Majesty will personally entrust it."

Li Shimin nodded with a smile, and signaled to the servant to bring up the so-called letter of credence.

"Slow down." Just as the servant was about to go down the steps, Luo Yan stood up and stopped him: "Your Majesty, the country of Wa is a foreign country. According to the etiquette system of Honglu Temple, its king is no more than the third rank. This servant is arrogant and arrogant, saying that Why is this a letter of credence? If your majesty accepts it, wouldn’t it be a self-deprecation?”

"This..." Li Shimin hesitated at Luo Yan's words.

Seeing Li Shimin's hesitation, the dog Shangsantian said hastily: "Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, although his country is small, he has always worshiped the etiquette system of the Central Plains. Even though it is a foreign country, it is also a diplomatic relationship. How can we regard the letter of the country as important because of the size of the etiquette system?" Wait."

These words are quite deceptive, if you don't understand the inside story, you will really fall into the way of these little devils.

Luo Yan sneered: "During the Daye period of the Sui Dynasty, the current prince of stable households, the so-called Emperor Shu Ming, sent a letter of credence to Emperor Yang, saying: The emperor sent a letter from the emperor at the sunrise, and the emperor was safe on the day. The words were extremely Arrogant. At that time, the Silla Kingdom had already sent troops to occupy a lot of territory along the coast of the Wa Kingdom. Wouldn’t it be even more rude for such a self-respecting person to become the king of that tiny place now.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the court was shocked.

The three of them were surprised that Luo Yan was so familiar with the affairs of their country, while the ministers of the court and Li Shimin were shocked by the arrogance of this Japanese country.

"The words of Cheng Guogong are true. At that time, Emperor Yang said to the officials under the imperial court: If there are rude people in the barbarian books, don't hear them again. Daye 13 years, the former Sui Dynasty was in chaos, and these Japanese envoys sent to the Sui Dynasty crossed the sea and returned to the country. The news. If I remember correctly, this Inugamisanta Sui is the current envoy to the Sui Dynasty."

An old minister came out and explained to Li Shimin the story of what Luo Yan said next.

After hearing this, the faces of the officials changed drastically, and even the three envoys couldn't hold back their faces at this moment.

However, it is obvious that everyone underestimated the thickness of these people's skins.After this Inugami Mita was exposed, he still smiled and said: "According to the agreement, the scholars we sent at that time studied in China for two years, and then returned to their country to entrust them with important tasks. I never thought that the former Sui Dynasty would perish. "

Luo Yan snorted coldly: "Since the year of Wude, there have been many merchants from the Japanese country traveling to and from the sea. If the people sent by your stable household have really learned my Chinese culture, why don't you come here to present the letter of credence? Hmph, I think You only made up your mind to come here just because you were looking at the profit. This kind of person who sees the wind and turns the rudder really dirty our eyes."

"Duke Cheng, I think you are quite young, and you don't read many classics and history when you come here. As the saying goes, when barbarians enter China, China will live. I admire the culture of the Celestial Dynasty, so I come here again. It is precisely because of what I learned last time. It’s not deep, so I sent people here again this time. Such a rotation can not only satisfy the people’s desire for the Central Plains culture, but also strengthen the relationship between the two countries. How can such a best of both worlds be said to be so dirty.”

This Inugami Mita's mouth is really good. After some accusations, if you don't know Luo Yan's identity, you will be really moved by him.

After saying these words, the fellow looked at Luo Yan triumphantly.

"Haha, it really is arrogant and conceited." Some courtiers immediately began to discuss.

Luo Yan forcibly held back the urge to laugh, and said to Inugami Mita: "Then do you know that barbarians who enter China and perform barbarian rituals are still barbarians. So outside."

"You..." Inugami Mita was so angry that Luo Yan couldn't speak.

"I, oh, yes, I would like to introduce myself to you again. I am Luo Yan. I have been favored by His Majesty, and I have been granted the title of Cheng Guogong, and I have given it to you. Your Excellency, don't remember it wrong, otherwise, I will ask you in the future. When the stable household reported back, there was no way to excuse it. Hehe, the emperor, it’s really a good name, even His Majesty the Dynasty dare not use it, and I don’t know who gave you the courage to call yourself such a group of barbarians.”

Luo Yan snapped back, and rolled the eyes of the dog Mita in anger.

"Okay, let's go in, we have to forgive others and forgive others. Just hand over this letter of credence to the Ministry of Education and read it and give me an opinion. At this moment, we mainly want to discuss the matter of dispatching envoys. Do you have any opinions?" Why don't you tell me about it." Li Shimin didn't want Luo Yan to make too much trouble, so he stopped him in time and changed the topic back to the issue of sending Tang envoys.

Sending envoys from other countries to the Tang Dynasty is a matter of honor to the present courtiers.Li Shimin turned the topic back, and someone suggested to Li Shimin: "This matter can show the style of our country, and it must be feasible."

"Once this matter is completed, there will be many people in the surrounding small countries who admire our Chinese culture. When the time comes, all nations will come to court, isn't it a sign of prosperity. Your Majesty, this is a major event for the rejuvenation of the country, and we must do our best to facilitate it."

After hearing so many people's agreement, Inugami Mita could not help but say: "His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I, Emperor Shuming, have diplomatic relations with Silla, Baekje and other countries, and also have close contacts with several countries on the sea. If this time If the Tang Dynasty is successfully dispatched, I, Emperor Shuming, will definitely write a book to those countries, saying that the Tang Dynasty is good, and urging them to submit."

As soon as this remark came out, many people were even more elated. They really said what they said, and when they said that all nations came to court, many small countries on the sea would join them.At that time, I don't know if I can learn about the legendary abbot Yingzhou and other fairy mountains through these countries.

Li Shimin's eyes were full of longing.

Luo Yan was amazed, this little dog is really a big fool, and easily captured the psychological defense of so many people.Just now he was contemptuous of this Japanese country, but now he immediately became a fanatical supporter of sending envoys to Tang.

It seems necessary to cool these people down.

"Your Majesty has learned a lesson. Sending an envoy from the Tang Dynasty will do me a hundred harms but not a single benefit." Only by raising my voice can I suppress the excitement of the officials at this time.

"Oh, why did Jinzhi talk like this? Isn't it a great thing to show my greatness in the Tang Dynasty?" Li Shimin was a little unhappy at the moment. Luo Yan always opposed this and that, which made it difficult for his dream to come true.

"Your Majesty, don't even think about it. If the Wa Kingdom had this ability, it would have done so as early as the former Sui Dynasty. Why wait until today. In my opinion, the so-called relationship with Silla, Baekje and other countries on the sea is just knowing that there is such a thing. It’s just a place. As for Silla, it’s a feud with Japan, so there’s no friendship at all. So, these people are just trying to deceive His Majesty.”

"Okay, okay, don't say any more. The so-called benefits and disadvantages of this matter are just your imagination. This matter is settled like this, that dog, after a while, you will send someone back to the country of Wa, and tell that Stable Household, I agree with you to send envoys to Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin made the decision, Luo Yan could only sigh helplessly, while the three people from the Wa Kingdom kept thanking Li Shimin.

(End of this chapter)

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