Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 287 Master Lu meets Emperor Li (surprise inside)

Chapter 287 Master Lu meets Emperor Li (surprise inside)

Having temporarily solved the problem of the eldest grandson Wugou, Luo Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Previously, the visit to Du Ruhui and Li Xiaogong was delayed because of refining rock sugar, but now it can finally be put on the agenda.

Luo Yan's skills have spread throughout the capital.In addition, after coming back, after only one shot, the news spread from Duke Yi's mansion that Luo Yan's skillful hand had rejuvenated, making Qin Qiong, who was originally frail, healthier.

It would be fine if this news was shared casually by ordinary people, but it happened to be spread by several generals in the army.These people include the generals of the Twelve Guards, as well as the governors who lead remote Shangzhou, all of them are dignified.These people are definitely not the kind of people who tell lies to build up Luo Yan.That's why the name of Luo Miracle Doctor in Beijing gradually spread like this.

The only regrettable thing is that Luo Yan's painful rules made many princes and nobles who wanted to use this to show off their status completely quit.

These high-ranking people all knew that the people from the Huai'an Palace made trouble with Li Shimin, but they didn't get any benefits.Weigh your identity for yourself and what result you can achieve with Luo Yan.So, obediently follow Luo Yan's sign in front of the door, and ask him if you have an illness that ordinary doctors can't handle.

It took two days to run around the two houses, and finally filled in the various pits before.The next thing is to accompany Mr. Lu Deming to compile books every day.

But what Luo Yan didn't know was that when he was running around these two days, Lu Deming went to see Li Shimin once.

In the afternoon two days ago, it was nearly March, and the weather was getting warmer.It is said that it is expected to be cold in spring, but in fact, the warm wind blowing in at noon is quite intoxicating.It was this kind of old master Lu Deming who had lived in seclusion at home for several months when he was out, for the first time, he asked his servants to send him to the gate of the palace.

Old Master Lu Deming is not an ordinary person.Li Shimin dared not neglect to be Li Chengqian's elementary school teacher after studying exegesis all his life.As soon as I heard that the old man was coming to see me, I originally wanted to take a nap, but I didn't want to sleep at this time, so I quickly sent someone to carry a small sedan chair to bring the old master into the palace.

After waiting in the Nuan Pavilion for a couple of minutes, the old gentleman, who was supported by the inner guard, finally walked in tremblingly.

Seeing Li Shimin, Master Lu would bow and salute.This frightened Li Shimin.

The elderly can't stand the toss.At this age, people usually stay at home to provide for the elderly, so Lu Deming has to salute Li Shimin now.In case something goes wrong, Li Shimin can't bear it.

"Dr. Lu is free. If there is anything, you can just send someone to tell you. Why come in person. I haven't visited for a while. Is Dr. Lu still in good health?" When I got to Hu's bed, I asked.

"Your Majesty, please bear in mind that this minister is still in good health. Although he can't gallop through the capital like those younger generations, he has three meals a day, enough sleep, and he is in good spirits."

Hearing what Lu Deming said, Li Shimin also seemed very happy: "Dr. Lu is a giant in the literary world. After years of self-cultivation, he has such good results. He should be a model for scholars."

"Your Majesty's absurd praise." Lu Deming declined with a smile, and then said seriously: "Your Majesty, I came here today to propose marriage to Your Majesty on behalf of my ineffective disciple."

"Marriage proposal?" Li Shimin was confused by these two words at first, and then he remembered that Lu Deming's disciple was Luo Yan.Thinking about Luo Yan's thin figure yesterday, Li Shimin fell silent for a moment.

Seeing Li Shimin bowed his head and said nothing, Lu Deming became anxious too. "Your Majesty must have a better understanding of Jinzhi's skills than me as a teacher. Now he is only in his early twenties, and he has already made great achievements at a young age. If the days to come are so long, if he is not put on a shackle, There is no excuse for forgiveness, and I am afraid that even if His Majesty is generous, there will be no room for him."

Li Shimin lowered his head, but he was actually listening patiently to what Lu Deming said.

Although what he said was a bit too straightforward, Li Shimin was not angry at all.What Li Shimin knows about Luo Yan's ability is only what he has. Who knows if he will burst out with new abilities when needed.

Fortunately, the current situation is that Luo Yan still has many shortcomings and shortcomings, so he can still control it well.If one day Luo Yan becomes more shrewd and sophisticated, I'm afraid it's really like what Lu Deming said, and I can't tolerate him.

For an emperor, this is such a terrible thing.

But with Li Shimin's unyielding character and his magnanimity now, it's not good to deal with Luo Yan coldly now.That's too bad.

Lu Deming was really thinking about Luo Yan. Seeing that Li Shimin was already a little moved, he continued, "Jin Zhi is still a child at heart, and His Majesty can know from his behavior. So I thought, if I can make Jin Zhi It is the best of both worlds to be completely tied into His Majesty's hands. And bestowing a marriage is the best way. Therefore, out of selfishness, I beg Your Majesty to grant Luo Yan a marriage."

"I don't know what Dr. Lu said. It's just that the person who gave the marriage needs to think about it. I have the heart to give him a daughter of the clan..." As soon as Li Shimin said this, Lu Deming interrupted regardless of etiquette: "Your Majesty Absolutely not. To ensure everything is safe, please marry me as a princess."

"There are many scheming and cunning people in the clan. If Luo Yan wins, I'm afraid it's better to let him find an ordinary woman to spend the rest of his life. Therefore, for this marriage, what I think is that His Majesty will marry a princess of direct blood."

With a wry smile, Li Shimin could only say helplessly: "At this time, the relationship is very important. Can Dr. Lu allow me to think about it. After all, there are only a few unmarried princesses, and I am afraid that there is only one who is of the right age. I was born with her. It is the treasure of me and the Guanyin maidservant, if I can't get the consent of the Guanyin maidservant, I have no way to hand it over to Zongzheng Temple for discussion."

Of course Lu Deming knew who Li Shimin was talking about.Seeing that he already had the intention to think about it, he said with confidence: "It's because I was too concerned, and I missed the gift. I apologize to Your Majesty again."

"Dr. Lu doesn't need to be too polite. To be honest, it is definitely a blessing for me to use Luo Yan well. If Dr. Lu didn't mention it, I'm afraid I really neglected this section. So, Qing is not only innocent, but also Great work. Oh, by the way, can Dr. Lu know about Luo Yan's birthday, and if I get the consent of Guanyin's servant girl, I can ask someone to make a deal first."

"The old minister has been prepared for a long time. This is Luo Yan's birthday horoscope." After handing over a note to Li Shimin, Lu Deming was also a little mentally ill because of his eagerness and anxiety.When Li Shimin took the post, he was relieved, but found himself a little dizzy.

Seeing this, Li Shimin hurriedly sent someone to bring ginseng soup, and asked Lu Deming to drink it and have a rest, and then sent someone back to the mansion respectfully.

After sending Lu Deming away, His Majesty Li Er's troubles really began.

Li Shimin agrees with Lu Deming's words in his heart.He is not a person who likes to kill donkeys, but he is quite talented.Li Shimin likes Luo Yan's ability to make money, profound knowledge, forward-looking vision, and unpredictable ability that no one knows when it will appear suddenly.

In his heart, Luo Yan was trained as the future prime minister.

But now that the title has reached the top, could it be that in the future, Luo Yan will be treated like Li Jing.Li Shimin didn't want to and didn't want to, Li Jing was not his confidant after all, but Luo Yan was the core person who helped him reach the top.

A daughter can firmly tie Luo Yan to her side, and she has taken advantage of this account.

But, where is the eldest grandson empress?
With complicated emotions, Li Shimin walked to the warm pavilion where his eldest grandson Wugou lived.

When Li Shimin came in, Empress Changsun was tasting the rock sugar tremella soup made by the imperial cooks.The crystal clear white fungus, like a soup of jade dew, shone little by little as a spoon was swiped slowly.

There are also a few goji berries, floating and sinking with the soup at the bottom of the cup, Empress Changsun is half admiring, half drinking, if not reminded by servants, it will be cold if it is not used up, I don't know how long I will have to enjoy it.

Seeing Li Shimin coming in, Changsun Wugou put down the bowl, stepped forward to salute, and said with a real smile: "Your Majesty came so early today, don't delay the court affairs."

"Haha, you don't have to worry about the empress. If it wasn't for the finished disposal, how could I come here free. How do you feel about the things Luo Yanjin offered?" Looking at the things on the table, Li Shimin asked.

"Let your majesty remember it. It's the first time to taste it today, but I've only used half of it. But now, the lips and teeth are sweet, and there seems to be gold and jade dew coming from the tip of the tongue. The heart is also quite cool, and the heat is not lost. "

"That's good. Oh, yes, you wait and go down first. No one should approach within three feet." After all, this matter is only under discussion, and Li Shimin is afraid that the palace people will talk about it, and it will ruin his house for no reason. The reputation of her daughter and Luo Yan, therefore retreated from the left and right sides.

This was the first time Li Shimin talked to himself like this since he moved into the Tai Chi Palace.The eldest grandson Wugou also knew that the matter to be discussed next was absolutely serious, so he nodded, and even his personal maid also let out the door.

"That's true, Your Majesty, but what's the important thing to discuss with my concubine?"

"No one, just now, the old Mr. Lu Deming came to see him and asked me to marry Luo Yan." Li Shimin smiled wryly, but looked at the face of his eldest grandson Wugou.

"Marriage? Which family's daughter does Dr. Lu want to marry for Luo Yan? Could it be our princess?" Empress Changsun is not stupid. Seeing Li Shimin like this, she must not be inviting an ordinary family, so she couldn't help screaming in a low voice.

Seeing that Empress Changsun had already thought about it, Li Shimin nodded and said, "That's right, I want to marry the princess for Luo Yan. You also know that now our daughter is the only one who can marry. So, I can only find you Come discuss it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Empress Changsun.

 Thank you Shan Qingying, double-entry bookkeeping for your rewards, thank you You Mu, De Yu in the Rain, Aile's Cat, Mobei Wolf, and Future?A brocade monthly ticket.According to the sun and moon, the direction of the blade, and the direction of the horsewhip, all are Han soil.Proud Ming! ——"Daming 1629" Xiao Wudao, who eats claws, recommends it to everyone.Oh, there is also a little fish who wrote "The Summoning of the Three Kingdoms Water Margin". I really don't know what will happen when the big knife Guan Sheng meets his ancestor Guan Yu?Should he fall headfirst to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors, or...you can see for yourself.Especially I don't know, hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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