Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 276 Luo Yan's Real Plan

Chapter 276 Luo Yan's Real Plan

Three hundred people drank the hot water in the bag, watching the sky from gloom to darkness, and the stars from distant to clear, waiting quietly.

No one asked what they were waiting for anymore, because Luo Yan had already answered for the last time: "You will know when the time comes." Then he strictly ordered everyone not to speak out without his permission.

Those who can follow Luo Yan are naturally not the kind of people who take Luo Yan's words as a joke.With hot water and a circle of people surrounded by people, it was finally able to resist the severe cold of this early spring night.Without any timing tools and clear goals, the long wait has become a test of endurance.Fortunately, there is still the crooked moon above the head and the looming stars around.Bored, the soldiers could only look at the moon as their only pleasure.

On the contrary, Luo Yan is not as boring as the others at all.After all, there are still many scriptures to recall in my mind, and I even forgot the cold around my body because of this.This can be regarded as another kind of spiritual hypnosis.

The night deepened.So deep that the moon has reached the top of the head.Although I am not very familiar with astronomy, I still have this basic common sense. Counting the time, it is almost the middle of the hour.At the time of Xu, Luo Yan looked towards the east, and Su Dingfang must have made a move at this time.If they delay, they don't have the conditions here, they can drink hot water to warm their bodies.Even if you have spirits on you, you can't drink too much of that stuff.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a faint cry of killing along the wind.

"Cheer up, they've started. For Tang Shangshu's safety, let's get closer. Let's go."

No nonsense, the three hundred people are like ghosts in the dark night, urging the horses to approach the Turkic tooth tent.

When a group of people arrived at a slope and looked down, no more than five miles away, it was a Turkic tooth tent.

I saw that there was fire everywhere at this time. Although the two sides were far away and couldn't see the fighting, many torches could be seen dimly and non-stop.Luo Yan knew that those were Su Dingfang leading people to show off in the tooth tent.

"Damn, I really want to go down and do something." Zhou Hu muttered beside him, just in time for Luo Yan to hear him.

"Why, regret it? It's too late to regret it at this time. Remember, if anyone dares to go down and charge, don't blame me for not remembering the past. What we have to do is ten times and a hundred times more important than this. Keep your eyes on me carefully, and wait a while If there is a small team rushing over, check to see if it is Tang Shangshu and the others. This is the first mission of this trip, so there must be no carelessness." Luo Yan warned sharply, lest these guys could not help but rush out.

"Don't worry, general. I'll just talk about it. However, besides welcoming Tang Shangshu, what other tasks do we have to do? I haven't heard that the commander-in-chief has given us additional orders."

"It's still the same sentence, you will know when the time comes."

Seeing the flames burning more and more intensely in the distance, the group of soldiers behind Luo Yan could only ignite a raging fire in their hearts.

Time passed bit by bit, just when Luo Yan's heart was starting to burn, Zhou Hu suddenly heard Zhou Hu shouted in a low voice: "Look, general, there are a few black shadows appearing in front of you."

"Take someone to touch it and have a look. If it's Tang Shangshu and the others, bring them here quickly. If it's a Turkic person, don't move, just let him come over." Luo Yan said to Yang Bao.In this matter, their archers are the most suitable for them. These people have good eyesight, and with Luo Yan's intentional adjustment, there is no night blindness phenomenon. Whether it is scouting or combat, they are quite powerful at night.

"Decree." After finally being able to do something, Yang Bao was happy, and waved a group of archers around the bend to approach those black shadows.

The most recognizable thing in the dark is not the appearance, but the clothes.Like Tang Jian, when he was on the mission, he always wore purple clothes to show the dignity of the Tang Dynasty.Such clothes are quite unrecognizable in the dark, but the style is quite different from that of the Turkic people.Yang Bao leaned over to take a look, although he didn't recognize Tang Jian's face, but the clothes, and the general beside him also had them, and the Turkic people also had them, which happened to be consistent with what Luo Yan said.

"But Tang Shangshu and General An, I am the captain of General Luo, and I have been waiting here for a long time."

After confirming his identity, Yang Bao naturally revealed his identity.

Hearing someone's voice, Tang Jian was also taken aback.It was just now that the Turkic camp was in chaos. Although he also heard the shouts of soldiers from the Tang Dynasty, in the chaos, Tang Jian believed even more in the people sent by Tuli a few days ago.Before the Turkic people came back to their senses, under the guard of An Xiuren, they quickly escaped from the Turkic tooth tent and headed west.

It was the first time he encountered such a thrilling thing at the age of several decades. Although he escaped for several miles and saw no Turkic people chasing him, he was still worried.When he came back to his senses, he remembered that it was Luo Yan's subordinate. "Where is Luo Sheren, take me there quickly." Now that there is no danger, he naturally has the confidence to speak.

In just a moment, Mr. Tang was brought in front of Luo Yan.

"It surprised Tang Shangshu." Luo Yan dismounted and cupped his hands, and said to Tang Jian.

Waving his hand, Tang Jian took a breath, then took Luo Yan's hand and said, "If it weren't for the letters from the Luo Sheren and Tuli Khan, my old bones would probably be buried in the Turkic tooth tent. I just took advantage of the civil strife. , I waited to be prepared and came out without any risk, I didn’t want to see you so soon. Alas, I have dealt with Turks so many times, but this time is the most terrible.”

Luo Yan couldn't say anything about Tang Jian's emotion.Do you want to speak ill of Li Jing?

"Okay, Tang Shangshu. I have one more thing to do, but it's a bit dangerous. If possible, I want to send someone to send you to Mr. Xu first. I don't know what you want?"

"Hahaha, the old man was lucky enough to survive, and he sighed just now, but he didn't want to die for no reason. Now if the Luosher people are not afraid of me being dragged down, they can take me with them. General An and these guards, when they want to come It can be of great help to Luo Sheren." Hearing what Luo Yan said, Tang Jian was unwilling to leave.

After all, the dozens of guards under An Xiuren are also the elite of the Twelve Guards, so they might be of some use to some extent.

"In this case, let's retreat first." Luo Yan listened to Tang Jian's promise, and told An Xiuren and his two captains without any nonsense.

"General, at this time, can you tell us what we are going to do instead? After holding back all the way, Tang Shangshu was also rescued. If he is still mysterious, the brothers will feel a little bit unbearable." Zhou Hu didn't care about Tang Jian's presence, so he asked Luo Yan.

"Since you are eager to know, it doesn't matter if I say it now. Anyway, I will let you know when I give orders. Let's go, let's talk as we go." Seeing that the situation really couldn't be concealed, Luo Yan nodded and said: "Actually, the next thing we have to do is to wait for Xieli to come to our door."

"What?" A group of people turned pale with shock.Unexpectedly, Luo Yan's ultimate goal was actually this.

Zhou Hu and Yang Bao licked their dry lips, their throats moved, and they suppressed the shock in their hearts. First, Tang Jian asked: "General, how did you know that Xieli would run away from us? Wouldn't it be easier for him to go north?" Is it suitable?"

These days, the theory that Li Jing and Na Jieli fled to Xue Yantuo across the Yin Mountain has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.With a strong theoretical foundation, Zhou Hu couldn't believe that Xieli would run away in his direction regardless of future development.

"Look north, how far is Yinshan from us?" Pointing to the north, Luo Yan asked.

"It's only a few hundred miles, and a fast horse can arrive there in a day and a night." An Xiuren was full of suspicion, not knowing why Luo Yan asked this.Since the distance is short, wouldn't it be best to flee in that direction?
Seeing that the people around him became more and more suspicious, Luo Yan explained: "Fleeing to the north seems to have a great chance, but have you ever thought that when the horse crosses the Yin Mountain, its speed is actually severely restricted, and it is even worse than walking like me?" How could Xieli not know this. Their biggest advantage is that they can change horses and drive without stopping. If they reach the foot of Yinshan Mountain, wouldn’t that advantage be lost? On the contrary, there is a large grassland for him to flee east or west. With his men and horses, he can wipe out the pursuers as quickly as possible, if you were Xieli, what would you choose to do?"

"Of course he fled east and west. But, general, how can you be sure that he is not going east, but west?" It was Yang Bao's turn to be the curious baby.

"The Turkic situation is over now. No matter where Xieli flees, he is going to seek refuge with the forces to recuperate. Do you have any disagreement with this point?"

Seeing that no one answered, Luo Yan asked, "Then let me ask you, if you go east, where will Xieli end up?"

"To the east? Goguryeo is definitely not possible, and we are still separated by our Tang prefectures and counties. Presumably, they must have escaped the pursuers to the east, then turned north, and finally passed the Yin Mountain to attach themselves to Xue Yantuo or Tie Le." Tang Jian is very familiar with the Northland, so he spoke on behalf of several generals.

"That's right. For a long time, everyone thought it would be best for Xie Li to go to Xue Yantuo. After all, the territories of the two tribes border each other, and there is not much difference in customs or language. Thinking about it this way, Xue Yantuo is the best object of attachment. But you Have you ever thought about the relationship between Xue Yantuo and the Turks, and the person Xieli?"

Now it was the turn of several people to ponder.However, in the end it was Tang Jian, who was proficient in Turks, who answered: "The Turks have always regarded Xue Yantuo as the target of conquest. In the second year of Zhenguan, Tuli Khan was imprisoned by Jieli only after he led troops to conquer Xue Yantuo and Tie Le. Calculated, their relationship is the same as the relationship between my Tang Dynasty and the Turks. As for Xieli, he is a bit arrogant and domineering, but he is also shrewd."

Seeing these people still don't understand what I mean.Luo Yan could only continue to explain: "Xue Yantuo's strength is not weak. Do you think that a person as arrogant as Jieli, if he goes to Xue Yantuo, will he really be able to increase his strength as he wishes? I am afraid that not only will he not be able to achieve his wish, but he will be more powerful. It will ruin his own life. With such worries, does he still want to go to Xue Yantuo?"

"That's right. Now that the Turks are gone, how can Xue Yantuo feed on tigers?" Zhou Hu finally understood this time. "Then, if he fled to the west, wouldn't it be possible to go to the Western Turks?"

Shaking his head, Luo Yan said: "Western Turks have undergone two coups, so it's hard to say what relationship they have with Tang Dynasty. Maybe Jieli will run away from them. Or he may go to Tuyuhun, the place where the local turtles are. In short, both places are Jieli's ideal dormant place. And I just want to take advantage of the fact that there are not many people under his command when he flees in a hurry tonight, so I can capture him and kill him."

After Luo Yan's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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