Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 162 The Blue-faced Luo Yan

Chapter 162 The Blue-faced Luo Yan

This situation is not limited to Lantian.Even in other states and counties, this situation has also appeared one after another.

Originally, he was still entangled with Luo Yan's actions in Lantian, but now the court was instantly overwhelmed by a large number of memorials.The omen of this situation is obvious. The gentry hoard maliciously, but the common people have no place to buy food with money at the moment.

Or, the common people rioted and attacked the villas of those noble gentry, but this possibility is very small.The gentry had money and food, so naturally they hired a lot of people to guard their homes. If they really wanted to rush in and grab food, they had the right to kill them directly.It's okay to be hungry, it's not time to go all out yet.

There is only one other kind, that is, a large number of refugees gather in Chang'an.

It is really strange to say that the entire Guanzhong area is short of food.The people are going to surround the capital.That is to say, those states and counties that are close to the south and Shandong, etc., will go in and go outside.The common people are thinking, I am short of food here, but the emperor is not short, just reach out and ask him if it is enough.

Local officials do not have the right to open warehouses to release grain without permission.What's more, even if they have this power, they don't have so much food in storage.

Looking at the memorials sent by the Ministry of Education, which had been piled up like a hill, Li Shimin felt a little pain in his head.Although I believed Luo Yan's words before, a lot of food was dispatched in advance.Every granary is now full.However, seeing the scope of these memorials has seriously exceeded his expectations.

There is no way, let's start disaster relief according to the method that has been discussed before.

First, localities were allowed to use work as relief, and then Li Shimin sent important officials in the court to distribute a large amount of food to the localities in the name of comfort.At the same time, he also instructed the troops in various places to strictly guard against people taking the opportunity to cause chaos.In short, there is a hidden sentence behind all the actions, don't let there be refugees outside Chang'an City.

Relief with work, each adult worker is paid two renminbi a day.According to the current grain price, it is not enough for a bowl of rice.But just such a small point gave a large number of people the hope to continue to stay in their hometown.It's not enough for a bowl of rice, but it's enough for a family of five to drink three meals.

However, things are not that simple.There is still more than a month before the autumn harvest, but the price of food is still rising, but the remuneration for work-for-work remains the same.What's more, a family of five is considered a small number of people everywhere.Often a couple drags the two elders on top and several children on the bottom, so they still have to pay for food.

In Lantian County.After a few days without food, the price of food suddenly rose to [-] cents a bucket.This number is really beyond the tolerance of many people, but the stomach still needs to be filled.Even if these people take the opportunity to raise prices to make money, ordinary people can't help it.All of a sudden, more and more people came to Luo Yantian for loans.

Luo Yan has no time to take care of these things at this time.There are two things planned by Luo Yan in Lantian County for work-for-relief.The first is the water conservancy project in Lantian County.This matter requires a lot of manpower, and the scale is quite large. Luo Yan can only let Chen Yuru and the chief bookkeeper Liu Zongshen handle this matter.

As for Luo Yan himself, he was taking care of another thing, which was to prepare a place for resettling the refugees.

At that time, it is definitely not possible to let the exiles enter the city, otherwise the matter will be difficult to handle.But the refugees cannot be allowed to continue to move forward. If they go any further, they will reach Chang'an City.If one of them was let go, Luo Yan would not be killed by those old men who had food and drink in Chang'an City.

That being the case, they can only choose a place outside the city, so as to keep these people here.

But the time is tight, and the budget is definitely not the same as the normal house repair, so at most we can build some thatched sheds.Anyway, at this time of year, the rain is not too extensive, as long as it can cover the wind.Moreover, this way, it can be planned reasonably, and it will be much more convenient to put porridge in the future.

The construction of water conservancy is closely related to the life of the local villagers, and with Liu Zongshen as a local official, there will be no problems at all.But planning the resettlement of refugees, for the locals, is purely a matter of dealing with errands and earning some money, which is the easiest thing to be careless.Luo Yan was afraid that this matter could not be done well, so whenever he had time, he would come out and watch.

Lantian was the last barrier to the southeast of Chang'an City, and there were still several counties in front of it, so there would not be too many refugees, but they certainly would not be few.

Sanitation and order issues in the resettlement place need to be considered in advance.Fortunately, the project volume of this matter is not as large as that of water conservancy, and a lot of manpower has been dispatched. It only takes ten days, and this matter is considered to be completely completed.

On the day when the project was completed, Luo Yan was somewhat relieved.In the future, it will be very convenient to let the refugees live here, and then distribute the porridge and dispatch manpower.When the time comes, let Song Zhen bring people over to maintain order, and then let the mature and prudent Liu Zongshen manage it, so that he can enjoy himself at leisure.

Luo Yan was naturally very happy after completing a major event that was on his heart.Send someone to tell Chen Yuru and Liu Zongshen who were still watching the construction by the Chan River that Luo Yan decided to invite the county officials to have another good meal today.After being here for so long, Luo Yan doesn't like to take his subordinates to drink flower wine like other county magistrates, so he can only eat a few more times while celebrating his victory.

I heard that the county magistrate is going to treat guests. Although there is no beauty to accompany him, he is still happy to have a good meal after working so many days.

At the beginning of Shen Shi that day, these officials were taken together by Luo Yan to the largest restaurant in the county.Anyway, coming out is purely for relaxation, the best dishes are served, and the wine is not only served for one or two jugs like the previous few times. Under the surprised eyes of his subordinates, Luo Yan wants ten jugs of Lanling at one go.

Chen Yuru had the most contact with Luo Yan, so she was more courageous, and asked, "Mr., there are so many, we're afraid we're going to get drunk."

"What are we afraid of? What we want is not to get drunk and not to go home. Let's drink it up today, and in the future, when the famine can't be solved, we can have a good meal again." Luo Yan is completely Just to buy people's hearts.For a long time to come, everyone will suffer. If Luo Yan wants to make good use of these subordinates, he must do so.

With Luo Yan saying that, everyone was relieved.Moreover, in the past two months, in addition to thinking that Luo Yan has great powers, everyone also knows that he is a very peaceful person.Immediately, there was a lot less restraint at the table, and everyone was smiling and talking to each other in low voices.

After waiting for a short time, the food and drink came out. Luo Yan took care of the scene, got up and toasted his subordinates with a glass of wine.

"Everyone, everyone must know what to do next. Although today is to celebrate the completion of the refugee resettlement site outside the city, but more, I still want to use this to tell everyone that the time for me to work hard has come." Luo Yan said: "I only hope that you will do your best and only do what you should and can do."

These words of Luo Yan naturally have more meanings.However, there are not many people here who are very simple, and naturally they know what is in the words.Regardless of sincerity or sincerity, he raised his wine glass, gestured to Luo Yan, and drank it down in one gulp.

Now that the scene is over, the rest is to eat and drink well.

When pushing cups and changing cups, it is also the time when these officials communicate with each other. Official exchanges, private teasing and the like, and even some cryptic things, are all treated as jokes on this occasion. out.

Halfway through the wine, a dozen or so people have finished drinking five jars of wine.While talking about sex, some people entered the private room next to it noisily.Originally, the surrounding area was quite quiet, and everyone laughed and laughed at each other and felt very relaxed.But with so many people around, it made people feel that someone was eavesdropping, and the original laughter disappeared in an instant.

After calming down, he still didn't stop pushing cups and changing glasses, but the voice he said was laughing, and the frequency was less.

However, the sound on my side is low, but the sounds next to me are louder.

I could only hear these people yelling for a lot of wine and meat, and they started yelling loudly before the food and wine came.

"I said, Lao He, you have made a lot of money these days. The old rice from the year before last was sold out within half a month, and the price is seven or eight times higher than when it was collected. You just treat yourself to such a meal today, It's really too petty."

"Hey, what are you talking about, Lao Liu. It seems that you didn't sell the old rice for a price yourself. I just sold a little more, and you wanted to take the opportunity to kill me."

"Stop arguing, both of you, as long as you two are rich and powerful, this year, the rice from the year before last has not been sold out this year. This year is a good time, not to mention the year before last, I think it is the year before last, and it can be sold Good price."

"That's not bad. Hehe, to be honest, I really have to thank this new parent officer. If it weren't for the land loan law he instituted, those muddy legs would have started to be refugees. I said earlier that this sale of land One is blocked by us, and life will be difficult in the future. Who would have thought that there will be such benefits now."

Hearing this, Luo Yan's face turned dark.I didn't start with these people, I didn't expect that I would have to seduce them.But what made him even more angry was yet to come.

"That's right. Originally, the price of grain could be raised to [-] yuan at most. But once the land loan is issued, it has now risen to [-] yuan. Those mud legs still have money to grab grain every day. So I said, this county Ling, just looks a little more imposing, but in real work, he is not as good as Xu Song."

"That is to say, if this Luo Yan wants to talk to us well, we can still hold back when we encounter this situation. Like him, haha, he still wants to use land loans to block my way to buy land .Now this treasury has become our treasury obediently."

These people became more and more unrestrained, and the voice became louder and louder. In the end, this sentence was directly heard by everyone in Luo Yan's room.Everyone stared at Luo Yan, but Luo Yan himself became more and more annoyed, he slapped the table hard, and said with a pale face, "Drink."

PS: It seems that the temperature is cooling down all over the country today, everyone should pay attention to adding clothes.Don't ask me why I know so much, I've already used up a roll of paper to wipe my nose.

 Thank you 9871569 for the reward, and thank you for the monthly tickets of Helan Feiying, Jiatai, Five Hundred Pounds of Meat, Wangqing Shuiye, Evenlove2013, Nan'an Beiyue Desolate Year, and Hidden Squirrel.Thank you all for your votes.At the same time, thank you for your collection and subscription.Recommend the book "Take Chengdu Back to the Three Kingdoms" by a good friend, take a city back to the Three Kingdoms, and rewrite a period of history.One person, one city, and see what tricks he plays.

(End of this chapter)

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