Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 115 The Alliance of Weishui

Chapter 115 The Alliance of Weishui
The Weishui River starts from Weiyuan, flows through Tianshui, the hometown of Xihuang, stretches to Xianyang, Chang'an and other places, and finally returns to the Yellow River at Tongguan.Entering Guanzhong, the terrain is gradually flattening, but the river water still looks a little muddy with the mud and sand along the way.It’s the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are already some bleak trees by the river. From time to time, a few dead leaves are scattered on the river surface, mixed with some emerald yellow leaves, floating and floating, causing a ripple on the water surface, which is quickly wiped by the flying waves. go.

Originally, this was also a good scenery.It's just that at this moment, because of the heavy soldiers on both sides of the Weishui River, the whole picture is full of blood and blood.

Although it was only early in the morning, the spears of Lin Li reflected the soft light of the early sun, and the big red and bright yellow banners were also dyed a little orange by the color of the early sun.The generals were dressed in Mingguang armor, which made people feel masculine all over their bodies at this time.The Turkic troops on the other side of the river neighed for a while, together with the incomprehensible scolding of the Turkic people, weaving together the beginning of the Weishui peace talks.

Li Shimin and his party arrived in Weishui yesterday evening. After seeing the battle on the opposite side, they roughly estimated that the opponent's troops were about 20. Therefore, Li Shimin temporarily gathered together a group of civil and military personnel, and briefly said something about seeing you the next day. Jieli things.After asking about all the arrangements, Li Shimin was relieved and sent everyone back to rest.

The time for the alliance was set at Chenshi, but before the minds of the two sides met, the underground soldiers had already set up their formations and demonstrated against each other.After all, this is an old opponent who has been fighting for many years, and the next peace talks are very important, so at this time, the two sides want to gain the upper hand at this time, so that when their boss comes out next time more powerful.

Although there are many Turkic people, the Turkic political system predestined Xieli to be able to rule them, but it was very difficult to be united from top to bottom.So on the side of Datang, all the ministries in the capital were originally elites, and they were treated well, and their mental outlook was always good. In addition, they were united as one, so no matter in terms of momentum or voice, it was Datang's side that had the upper hand.

Hearing the report from the general who came in from outside with a smile on his face, Li Shimin estimated that the time was almost there, so Li Shimin led Luo Yan and Yu Chigong on horseback to the Weishui Bridge.

Li Shimin doesn't care about who comes first at this time.Although some rotten scholars clamored for Jieli to come out first and wait for Li Shimin, Li Shimin quickly vetoed it.

The situation has already become like this, and they don't care about the little face. If the real peace talks are successful, they will suffer less losses at that time, which will be considered face-saving.And this matter finally does not need to be followed by those who live in the house. After all, peace talks are also a humiliating thing for many people, and it is a peace talk that was beaten to the door.Therefore, for the sake of honor, various details will not be recorded in the "Life Notes".Li Shimin simply let go of his face and took the initiative to ask Jieli to talk.

All three of them were wearing ordinary uniforms, and even Yu Chigong took off his armor.Of course, Li Shimin was still wearing an inner armor, which was woven with metal threads and fine silk, and it was said that it could block arrows fifty paces away.However, there was no trace of it under the coat.As for the weapon, Luo Yan still carried a horizontal saber, and Yu Chigong didn't bring a double mace either. He followed Luo Yan with a horizontal saber, according to him, to reassure Jieli.As for Li Shimin, as long as he can save his life, he doesn't bring any weapons or anything.

The three men were dressed in Confucian shirts, and they were standing on the side of the Weishui Bridge. Yu Chigong shouted loudly: "Please come and answer Jieli Khan." , is also one-on-one.The loud voice spread across both sides of the Wei River in an instant.Rubbing his ears that were about to be deafened, Luo Yan couldn't help complaining: "General Yuchi, it's good to just make a point, don't be so loud. The other party can see it, and I'm afraid they are just watching me waiting to come."

Yu Chigong stared, and said: "You are a scholar, you have no hair, what can you understand? This is called shock, do you understand? When I shout, their legs will be weak, stay for a while Come up, Custodian wanted the lion to open his mouth wide, but Lao Tzu stared at him, and he was scared."

For Yu Chigong's theory, Luo Yan can only express his admiration, and only this kind of fierce person can come up with such a method.

In less than half a cup of tea, Jie Li brought a few men to the side of the bridge, and both of them took a few steps forward, about ten meters apart, before getting off their horses.

Regarding this distance, Luo Yan thought that Li Shimin and Jieli were really shrewd.They were separated by more than ten meters from each other, and the words and expressions of both sides could be clearly understood, and they also guarded against the possibility of one party suddenly attacking - no matter how fast they ran, the other party would definitely be able to escape with their own subordinates blocking them.Moreover, this position is at least a hundred steps away from the opponent's army, which cuts off the possibility of the opponent's sniping.

Thinking of this, Luo Yan also has to admire these people, as expected of being the boss, the way they handle this matter is simply profound.

Next, Li Shimin and Jieli will be the protagonists.

After all, the two had worshiped their masters before, and although they met each other in battle now, they still had a hypocritical politeness on their faces.We have greeted each other, anyway, if Jieli makes too many detours, he will look confused, so Li Shimin asked very bluntly: "Brother leads the army, travels thousands of miles, kills my soldiers, breaks my pass, won't you?" You just came to greet me."

Jieli made a smirk and said, "I just heard that my brother has succeeded to the throne. I was overjoyed, so I came to congratulate my brother with my troops. It's just that my subordinates stopped me all the way. In desperation, I could only do this. Coming all the way to raise troops, it disturbs the interest of the brothers."

Hearing Xieli's hypocritical excuse, not to mention Li Shimin, even Luo Yan felt a little nauseous.

Not being polite to Xieli at all, Li Shimin reprimanded: "I became brothers with you back then, established a covenant, and promised not to invade each other. Now when I succeed to the throne, the domestic turmoil, not only did not help my brother to stabilize the external situation, but also took the opportunity to attack I am in Tangzhou County. I looted all the way, but I didn’t see half a congratulatory watch, but countless battle reports of your aggression were sent to my desk every day. Have you forgotten how you made an alliance with blood that day?”

Jie Li smiled sarcastically, but had no words to refute.

Li Shimin was still angry at this moment, and continued to scold: "I heard that in Turkic, after two people swore to each other, they can confide in each other, and they will only do their best to help their brother, and will not do anything to harm their brother. Your Excellency, as the leader of Turkic , so treacherous, aren't you afraid of losing the trust of the Turkic ministries, and in turn putting yourself in danger?"

After all, Jieli came here to blackmail Li Shimin, so even if Li Shimin said something, Jieli still said: "I am here, firstly, to congratulate my brother, and secondly, because this year brother promised The good offerings have not yet been offered, and the sons of my Turkic tribes are a little bit overwhelmed, so I want to ask my brother face to face, when can I give this offering, and how much can I give.”

Seeing that Xieli's purpose had already been stated, Li Shimin felt relieved at the moment.Well, after all, the other party has no plans to destroy Datang, which is a good thing.As for offerings, no, rewards, we can talk about it.

Immediately, his tone softened, and he replied: "I first ascended the throne, and domestic affairs were complicated at the moment, and I didn't have time to deal with the issue of enshrining. You can naturally send envoys to ask, how can I raise troops without authorization. As for enshrining, when I ascended the throne, I spent a lot of money. A large amount of money has now been poured into the treasury, and it can be regarded as 5 taels of gold and silver, 30 bolts of cloth, and [-] shi of grain. Brothers, if you don’t think it’s too little, you might as well take them all.”

Seeing that this number was much lower than in previous years, Jieli was a little annoyed: "How can you deceive me, brother? This amount is much less than in previous years. Even if it costs a lot for my brother to ascend the throne, I can't just let me go back like this." The amount of grain and grass is barely acceptable. After all, this thing still needs to be stored and transported, and the amount is too large to handle.But the amount of gold and silver is really too little. I originally wanted some money to buy things by myself, but now this little money is not enough for everyone to share.

Li Shimin was not in a hurry: "I know how dissatisfied my brother is. In order to make amends, I decided to break the salt ban and give the Turkic brothers [-] catties of green salt. Although I can't send so much every year, [-] I still have some jin, this condition, I think brothers will be happy to hear it."

Salt is a scarce material on the grassland, and Turks spend a lot of money to buy it every year.Coupled with Datang's ban, the price of salt on the grasslands is several times higher than that of Datang.I am afraid that two to three out of ten of the gold and silver that Xieli brought for this trip will be spent on salt.This condition of Li Shimin is definitely very attractive.

But Xieli was still not satisfied at this time, thinking that if he asked for more, not only would his position be stable, but he could also get a lot of money, so he didn't agree to Li Shimin's conditions, but said: "Brother is bullying again. For me, this amount is not enough for the annual consumption of my ministries, so I have to add some more, and I will send an extra [-] catties every year in the future."

Li Shimin was angry: "Brother is so greedy, then there is nothing to talk about. I have exhausted the treasury, and Qingyan has also taken out all the inventory in recent years. In the future, my people will want to eat Qingyan." It’s all very difficult, and brothers are still not satisfied. In this case, why not start a war, I will fight to the death, and save my treasury from running out in the future, causing civil unrest.”

Li Shimin's hand frightened Xieli.

Originally, the purpose of bringing so many people here this time was to get some benefits. Now that a war is really going to start, seeing the fortified army formation on the other side of the river and the faintly looming military flag in the distance, Li Shimin must have brought a lot of soldiers and horses.So in the end, Jieli turned to look at a scribe behind him, and when he saw the man nodding, he turned around and agreed to Li Shimin's condition.

The next thing, of course, was to kill a white horse, and the two formed an alliance again on the banks of the Weishui River.

When he turned to leave, Luo Yan stared at the scribe next to Jieli and smiled strangely.

 Thank you Fengyue Xingchenluo for your reward.Thank you all for your votes.Continue to ask for favorites and recommendations.

(End of this chapter)

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