Chapter 931 This is the Nine Heavens Era! 24
The Demon Monarch actually started introducing himself, but it wasn't about introducing himself, but about Xian Jun.

"By the way, the people standing behind him are all from the fairy world, that is, the people you usually like to make wishes to the sky with them. What the god said just now is very correct, because you seem to be really Most wishes can’t be fulfilled, so you might as well ask me.”

"I usually don't have many things to do, and Xianjun is really not as good as me. After all, I am a big devil in your eyes, so the big devil will always be slightly more powerful than decent, right? So if you come here and make a wish with me, maybe I will help you fulfill it."

Xianjun: "..."

These two people definitely can't understand me, and they have hated me since a long time ago, and they have been on the same side since a long time ago, although they are always at odds in the rumors of outsiders, and There will always be big fights, but it seems that the two of them have never really fought.

And they always like to team up to bully themselves alone, which is really too much. This is completely bullying the weak, and it is still bullying a weak who has no intention of saying anything to them.

When Xianjun thought of these things, he almost fainted out of breath. He really felt that he was very miserable, because he really didn't do anything, and in the end he was disgusted by so many people.

But it can't be said to be a kind of disgust. Anyway, I like to bully myself in gangs, and there is no real bullying. I just like to say a few random words on my mouth, but these words But it is said to make people feel very annoying.

It's because of this kind of behavior that there is nothing too excessive, so you can't care about anything, otherwise it will appear very unreasonable.

Moreover, Xianjun really felt that these two guys didn't really want to deal with him, but because they thought that way in their hearts, so they said all the most true thoughts in their hearts.

It's not the first time that Xianjun has such an idea. Every time he has such an idea, he almost doesn't recognize himself and beats them up. He wants to pry their brains open. Let's see What exactly is in their minds.

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to pretend to be me, because if it is really me, I will definitely not keep arguing with myself like this, making noises, talking, and blaming.

The guard had already gone to communicate early.

The emperor who wants to come to this world will get it immediately, and maybe he has to put on some airs. After all, he always has to arrange his outfit and demeanor before going out. Only in this way can he meet again. Always be on top of each other.

After Xianjun waved his hand, all the immortals who followed him had already left. After all, this situation does not require them to exist, and if they stay here all the time, they will definitely show all their embarrassing appearances In my hands, do I still need face in the future?

The four of them stood together very harmoniously like this, very unassumingly talking about some topics that would only be mentioned during small talk.

(End of this chapter)

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