Chapter 1185 I Actually Met a Villain 52
It is really normal for girls to quarrel with girls, but if girls quarrel with boys, it is really a very rare thing, because boys are really more generous. And this is the case for most of them, but it cannot rule out some boys who especially like to quarrel.

And these boys don't just think about it, that is, they really like to quarrel, but these things seem to have been very clearly determined at this stage, so it means that Xiao Bairong is not a person who likes to quarrel, and Just a small-minded person.

Xiao Bairong’s words just now were indeed confounding truth and wrong. If you randomly asked a classmate to ask, you would definitely be able to explain all of these things, and Xiao Bairong’s words would also become evidence, but Xiao Bairong was also Said these words subconsciously.

Xiao Bairong knew that once he said these words, if he used another way of saying it now, he would definitely be regarded as a liar, so it was impossible for him to say what he said. It needs to be changed, because only maintaining such a state can allow oneself to win the final victory.

Xiao Bairong has really regarded all of this as a state of fighting now, but it seems that this can be called a state of fighting, because these words are not just words That's all, because the situation represented is too serious.

"Lin Jiuxuan, I have never said that I like you, and I have never told you that I like you, because all I want is to study hard, and I just said this, so why don't you Do you put together everything I said seriously before you lie?"

"What you said just now is indeed a loophole, and you are really a bad student who dares to lie in front of the teacher, so a student like you will really not be liked by anyone. Can you admit your mistakes? You see, if you admit your mistakes, then everything will be solved now."

Jiu Xuan: "..."

Fuck me, I really haven't seen such a thick-skinned person, these planes really refresh my cognition time and time again, but if you can become the hero, then this The world seems to be a bit inappropriate to continue to exist.

Or it can also be said that you are not suitable to exist in this world, otherwise, wouldn’t more people be persecuted by you?
Jiuxuan still had that pitiful expression on his face, but he had already thought about a lot of things in his heart.

Moreover, they have already thought about the most suitable end for Xiao Bairong, anyway, it will definitely not be a good end, because treating a person who is not a good person in the first place.

Then if you want to give Xiao Bairong a particularly good end, then he will definitely not thank you, but will feel that all this is what he deserves, and he may even scold you severely .

Jiuxuan clenched his fists tightly and made an expression of refusal to die.

(End of this chapter)

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