Chapter 126
The appearance of No.4 Golden Behemoth completely made the angry Deep Sea Demon Whale King explode.

If it is said that those 10-year-old and 20-year-old wastes are indeed stronger than it in terms of blood, but a mere 7-year-old golden Behemoth has no right to overwhelm it.

"Asshole! Asshole! Why is God so unfair to me, why does it always target me!

God, you have targeted me again and again, and one day, when I become a god, I will defy the gods and kill the heavens! ! ! "

The hostility emitted by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King at this time made the sea soul beasts tens of kilometers away, even hundreds of kilometers away, tremble.

This nightmare-like existence in the deep sea has devoured countless sea soul beasts, and also made the nearby sea soul beasts fearful and invincible.

Even in the vast sea, there is an existence with 40 years of cultivation, but it still fears the deep sea demon whale king like a tiger.

The wife of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King saw that her husband was so angry, she didn't dare to persuade her, otherwise, with her husband's brutality, even he would kill him.

"No.3 on the bloodline gold list, human beings, with 89% angelic bloodlines, excellent bloodline strength.

At present, the strongest member of the clan, Level 99 Title Douluo, will be rewarded with a 9000-year increase in the age of the soul ring, a special soul skill—sky domain, three chances to strengthen skills, and a 5% reward for bloodline purification.

Since his strength has reached the level of Titled Douluo, he will enter the trial in the Ancestral Land of Ten Thousand Beasts one year later, and will receive rich rewards after completing the trial. "

Enshrined in the hall.

Feeling the sudden warm current on his body, Qian Daoliu clenched his fists tightly, with a slight smile on his face.

Even he himself didn't expect that his bloodline could be ranked third.

This was an unexpected joy for him. During this period of time, five Title Douluo subordinates fell, and he, who was in a terrible mood, became much better at this moment.

He became more and more confident, and now he felt that if Tang Chen came in front of him, he might not even be able to take the three moves!
"Mist grass?"

Ling Yun's eyes widened, he didn't expect that the blood of the angel really belonged to the beast spirit.

Ling Yun is [-]% sure that the publisher of this gold list is definitely related to Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue's clan.

Otherwise, is there such a need for partiality?

I'm afraid that the angel's bloodline doesn't have such a high bloodline concentration at all, and the publisher of the gold list also closed his eyes and gave the reward to him.

If it was true as Jinbang said, the concentration of Qiandaoliu's blood was surprisingly high, reaching 89%.

Since he is so awesome, why is that old guy not qualified to be the god of angels.

Could it be that the blood concentration of 89% is not enough?Or it could be said that Qian Renxue's blood concentration has returned to the ancestors.

Blood concentration is still higher than his grandfather?Ling Yun thought it was impossible.

Therefore, Ling Yun secretly concluded that the publisher of the gold list is not fair at all.

He doesn't consider the feelings of humans or soul beasts, he is simply shameless and shameless!
The more Ling Yun thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He was sure that he had no chance to be on the list, not even a boss like the Deep Sea Demon Whale King could make it to the top three.

Not to mention the Dark Devilgod Tiger. In the legend of the Darkmoongod Tiger, it is said that the consciousness of the King of the Devil descended on a white tiger, causing the white tiger to mutate and become the Darkgod Tiger.

It stands to reason that this white tiger shouldn't be of some great bloodline, and it would be foolish to want to win the top two rewards.

Ling Yun was cursing in his heart, because he found an excuse to come out from the Prince's Mansion after seeing the Bloodline Gold List.

After being followed by Ghost Leopard Douluo, he can only go through the mouse hole, and that's fine.

In order to get this reward, he also called Grandpa Yu Yuanzhen. He made such a big sacrifice, and what he got in exchange was nothing but bullshit!

"I'll go to your uncle! My God, are you sick! Don't give me a gold list in the future, believe it or not, I will kill you!!!"

When Ling Yun was swearing, No.2 was finally about to come out.

"No. 2 on the bloodline gold list, human beings, with 89.99% Seagod bloodline, excellent bloodline strength.

At present, the strongest member of the clan, Level 99 Titled Douluo, will be rewarded with a 9000-year increase in the age of the soul ring, a special soul skill—the Light of God’s Domain, three chances to strengthen skills, and a 5% reward for bloodline purification.

Since his strength has reached the level of Titled Douluo, he will enter the trial in the Ancestral Land of Ten Thousand Beasts one year later, and will receive rich rewards after completing the trial. "

No.2 is another god's spokesperson in the mortal world, and Ling Yun spit out the words "sure enough" in his heart.

Ling Yun completely believed this time, that this bloodline gold list is favoring the spokespersons of those gods in the mortal world.

Ling Yun believed 100% that Bo Saixi had the Seagod Martial Soul, but wouldn't it be nonsense to say that she had the bloodline of the Seagod?
Bo Saixi's ancestors once accompanied the sea god before becoming a god in battles and made great contributions.

That's why Poseidon chose her to be his spokesperson on Seagod Island after he became a god, so it was impossible for Bo Saixi to have the orthodox Seagod's blood.

Unless Bo Saixi was bestowed by the Sea God himself!Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for such a bug to occur!


This gold list is an undisguised favor for the spokespersons of the gods in the mortal world.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Clear Sky Hammer didn't belong to the bloodline of soul beasts at all.

I'm afraid No. 1 is not someone else, but Tang Chen who was parasitized by the blood-red nine-headed bat king, right?
Even if his deity inheritance has not been completed, God Shura is, after all, the existence of the four major gods who jointly control the world of gods.

This gold list will definitely favor Tang Chen brazenly.

It's just that Tang Chen couldn't get the reward due to being parasitized, so the reward will definitely be given to the most qualified person in the clan, Tang Hao! ! !

Now Tang Chen and Tang Hao have no chance to be on the list because of their blood incompatibility.

There is no doubt that the gold list will find people from other gods who are in the mortal world to be on the list.

"My God, don't play if you can't afford it, what kind of hero are you!!!"

Ling Yun roared to the sky angrily while flying at high speed, the three Title Douluo who were chasing him looked at each other.

This fast-flying soul beast really has an unusual personality, even God scolds him, isn't he afraid of being struck by lightning?
There are gods in this world, and to insult the heavens is to insult those gods.

If those gods hold grudges, I'm afraid the 10-year soul beast will be in bad luck.

While Ling Yun was swearing, the deep-sea Demon Whale King, who was far away in the Demon Whale Sea, became even more annoyed.

It is basically certain that this gold list is aimed at it.

It knew the High Priest of Seagod Island very well, that woman relied on Seagod's gift to become a level 99 Title Douluo.

Relying on the power of the Seagod, he could display the strength of a demigod at sea, and be able to compete with it.

But to say that she has the blood of the Sea God, this is absolutely nonsense! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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