Douluo's Demon Seed Invasion

Chapter 103 Soto City Trio

Chapter 103 Soto City Trio
The vibration only shook for a while, and soon stopped, but the darkness that replaced it could not be removed, and the atmosphere in the tavern was suppressed to the extreme, and even the uncontrollable crying of a woman was heard in the darkness.

Just in case, Kai asked Zhou Yu and the others to retreat slowly to the corner of the tavern with him, so that even if a disaster strikes, they don't have to face crises from all directions.

"Kay, what should I do?"

"Wait!!" In this situation, Kay was also at a loss. If it was a natural disaster, they could only consider themselves unlucky, and now it's just darkness, and it hasn't reached the moment of real despair.

If Kai could look down on the Douluo Continent from a height of [-] meters, he would be horrified to find that thousands of households in the entire Douluo Continent were plunged into darkness, and he could not find a single ray of light.

The sea area of ​​hundreds of thousands of kilometers centered on the mainland is also hard to find a single spark, which forms a sharp contrast with the bright sea surface. From time to time, there are frightened soul beasts scrambling to escape to the bright side at the junction.

It was as if hundreds of thousands of kilometers of plates had been hollowed out, forming a silent, lifeless area, a bottomless abyss of magic.


Notting City, the streets near Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy.

A boy who is more than nine years old and close to ten years old can't help but look at the girl with long braids jumping around in front of him, and just go shopping with her. Why is he so excited?

At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly shook, followed by a dark sky, like the lights were turned off in the middle of the night, the sealed house was pitch black and nothing could be seen, Tang San was horrified to find that his The Purple Demon Eye unexpectedly also failed.

What made him even more panicked was that Xiao Wu was not by his side, he blamed himself for holding Xiao Wu's hand just now, Tang San quickly rushed forward according to the picture that remained at the moment when the light was lost, and at the same time Shouting Xiao Wu's name loudly.

"Xiao Wu, where are you?"

"Brother, it's me!" The person who was flung down uttered a voice, and Tang San breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Xiao Wu's voice, wiped his sweat and pulled Xiao Wu's little hand to lean against the wall of the house by the side of the road.

At this time, the people on the street were in a state of panic, there were constant sounds of panic and despair in the darkness, and the scolding of a woman being violated. In short, in this night where nothing could be seen, anything could happen.

Tang San was worried that this place was not safe, recalled the topographic map of the "Daytime" street, and dragged Xiao Wu to hide in a shop. In this short distance of dozens of steps, even Tang San, who was as sensitive as mental power, stumbled I don't know how many times.

The business of this store is very deserted on weekdays, so naturally there are no people at this time, Tang San easily found a safe corner in the dark.

Although he seemed to have frightened the shop owner when he came in, causing the boss to yell, but he didn't get a response and the shop boss didn't dare to act rashly, allowing the atmosphere in the shop to gradually return to calm.

"Brother, is it you?" Xiao Wu who was being held by Tang San seemed to be terrified, Tang San blamed himself very much when he heard that, all because he didn't make a sound when he dragged Xiao Wu to run.

Xiao Wu must be in a state of extreme panic and nervousness and has lost her judgment. In addition, he was careless and only cared about finding a safe place and forgot to make a sound, which made Xiao Wu unable to judge and pull her in this dark environment. Is it he who is leaving?

It may also be that Xiao Wu was sure it was him, just because the eerie dark environment gave her uncertainty, so she asked to find a sense of security.

"Xiao Wu, it's me." No matter what, Tang San gave Xiao Wu an affirmative answer as quickly as possible!

Feeling the big warm hand tightly holding her, Xiao Wu slowly relaxed, but still asked worriedly:

"Little San, what's going on? Why did the sky suddenly get dark? I can't see anything anymore."

"I don't know, let's stay here for a while, don't move, don't move, don't move...".Tang San tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart, and spoke in a relaxed language. It was also the first time he faced this kind of ghost event that cannot be done by human beings. It is impossible to say that he is not afraid.

"Xiao Wu, I blamed me for not grabbing your hand just now!" After an unknown amount of time, Tang San's self-blaming voice sounded again in the silent room.Xiao Wu also sensed that Tang San cared about her, and comforted her shyly:
"Little San, can you blame you? You can't hold my hand when you go shopping, can you?"

"That's true!"

"..." Xiao Wu.


Suotuo City, the fighting spirit field, in Goulan Washe, one kilometer away.

"Damn ghost, you were shocked just now! I can't do it!"

"...Damn! That was a real earthquake, do you think it was a bed quake?" On the soft bed, the fat man rolled over from it, hurriedly put on his pants in the dark, and walked out the door. There was not even a single light here. He had to do the same in the environment.

And the fat man just wanted to turn on the soul lamp on the table, but the soul lamp could not emit any light even though it was working normally.

If it wasn't for the plowed field on the bed, he wouldn't come to such a ghostly place. It's really expensive and the service is poor.

However, Fatty hadn't realized the "dark sky" situation yet, but he also felt the violent vibration just now, so the most urgent thing now is to gather with Boss Dai and Xiao Ao to talk about it.


There was a hasty knock on the door, followed by Fatty's shout: "Boss Dai, are you done yet? Something happened?"

"Xiao Ao, why are you so slow today? You won't be wasting time inside again, right?"


"Ah! Come out quickly!" Ma Hongjun couldn't help but roared in the dark and oppressive, unknown space environment.

When he was almost done yelling, the two doors he knocked on just now clicked and opened one after another.

After opening the door, Dai Mubai glared at the direction where Ma Hongjun was wailing like ghosts and wolves, what's the rush?How come the fat man is so fast today?
Matt, what's the matter?It's getting dark so soon?And it just happened that the soul lamp in the room was broken, what a coincidence, Dai Mubai touched his forehead suspiciously.

When he was being urged and yelled at by Ma Hongjun just now, in order to find a pair of pants, he hit countless sharp corners, and his head almost hit a bleeding hole.

"Fatty, what's going on?"

"Boss Dai, have you come out? Something big happened, did you feel the shock just now? And look, there is no light outside the window..." Pointing out the window, Ma Hongjun swallowed hard.

The current situation is simply shocking. The city of Soto, which is lit all night, has no light?Do you believe this?Is this normal?

"This..." Dai Mubai's eyes narrowed, this situation was beyond his tolerance.

"...Boss Dai, the window is here, you are looking in the wrong direction." Ma Hongjun patted the window frame he was supporting, wondering why Dai Mubai spoke with his back to the window.

(End of this chapter)

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