Looting starts with the system

Chapter 73 Chapter 74

Chapter 73 Chapter 74
The player was yelled at by his teammates, and he was completely awake. At this time, he remembered that he was dizzy for some reason, and then his hands and feet seemed to be disobedient. Then under this situation, he felt that he had thrown Something goes out.

He was looking at his empty right hand, and he was confused at first: "Where did my bottle go?"

"What the hell are you asking me, don't you know what you did?" The teammate was about to go crazy, but he still held the player's hand and said, "What are you still doing?
The player ran along with his teammates in a bewildered expression, and he still hasn't found out what he did.

. . .

As for the police, Ye You looked at the situation there and showed a slight smile. He said softly: "Games, this is the only way to have fun."

The policeman who was hit by the bottle had blood spilled from his head and his brain was hit. He was a little delirious, and his blood was mixed with alcohol.

The companions around were a little worried, some of them squatted down and asked, "Are you okay?"

The man didn't answer, but it was a little strange that besides his brain having a splitting headache, he also felt itchy all over his body.

But what he didn't know was that some of the wine met his blood, which seemed to violate the rules of physics, and he wanted to rush into it.

It was the drinks that caused all of this. Of course, he would not become an Alcohol Man. It was impossible for Ye You to create a useless bullshit man to protect the world. Put a little something.

During the illusion, Ye You removed one thing from the system space, it was a syringe, and there was still a little bit of green liquid in it.

Ye You looked at the syringe with a little left, and put it back into the system space.

Suddenly he heard a slight panting sound, which naturally did not come from his side, because of the realm, so he could hear the sound from far away.

He thought about the policeman.The sound was naturally made by the policeman. He clutched his stomach and began to tremble.

In his body, an unknown microorganism started to act.

They followed the blood, arrived at various places, and then began to devour all the cells around them at an astonishingly fast speed. Not only did they actually devour the cells, but they also continued to divide infinitely.

One minute passed, and the team of players also ran away, but not many people paid attention to it, only two police officers followed them.

The rest are guarding, they are all bored, the superiors said that this is a difficult task, but after so long, they have not seen any difficulty.

Suddenly, a group of police officers uttered a roar, which was very miserable and hoarse.

After the yelling, a group of police officers also made a shocked sound, because the police officer who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed and twitching suddenly opened his eyes, and then directly bit the person next to him without saying a word.

Although his appearance has not changed much except for his dull pupils and loose skin.

But the bitten person only felt that he saw a black shadow, and then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and it started to itch from the shoulder.

He has only realized it now. Everyone doesn't understand what this is for, but they always feel that something bad will happen.

Soon the biting police officer let go, but his eyes turned to the others.

This glance made the others tremble uncontrollably, and they felt a sense of danger.

And the police officer who was let go stepped back two steps. He felt the itching on his shoulders spread to his chest, and the feeling was still expanding.

The important police officer stopped where he was and didn't move. Everyone was stunned again. What the hell was going on?
Someone started to approach and knew that person had come to him. Until then, the police officer who bit the person did not respond.

Suddenly he found some red four lines on the neck of the biting police officer. He was a little curious, so he couldn't help reaching out and clicking.

Suddenly the policeman's skin was like powder, and it began to fall off, until the skin on the neck was basically gone.

The rest of the skin was only red. Although the skin had changed, the man still didn't wake up.

Ye You watched all this, and counted to four minutes and 33 seconds in her heart.

According to the instruction manual, it takes 5 minutes to complete the transformation, but it seems to be successful now.

What was mixed in that bottle of wine was the biochemical agent that Ye Youza exchanged from the system. This agent is somewhat similar to the T virus.

It's just that this medicine is a medicine invented by another interstellar civilization. This medicine is not as contagious as the T virus.

But after being infected by this virus, there is a chance of awakening abilities, just like the T virus has a chance of awakening telekinesis.

It's just that this kind of virus awakens not only the power of thought, it may be fire, water or ice. . .

However, the biggest chance is to increase the strength, and the skin will turn red after being infected.

Although this virus is not contagious enough, it is powerful and has a strong development ability. As long as it devours creatures, it has a chance to fuse those genes and evolve the same or even enhanced abilities.

However, although it looks powerful, there is still a limit to this kind of thing, at most it can be promoted to the fourth level, which is the current Ye You's corresponding spiritual state.

. . .

"Five, four, three, two..." Ye You stood on the roof, looked at the police officers, and counted down.

"One..." As soon as Ye You's words fell, the police officers over there also reacted.

The police officer who was not moving at first, or the red corpse suddenly shook his body, and then opened his eyes, only to see him looking straight at the police officer next to him.

Suddenly these police officers felt a sense of crisis and immediately drew their guns.

"Roar!" The red corpse roared, and before everyone could react, he directly threw a policeman down.

Before the police officer had time to react, he was bitten by him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The police officer screamed, everyone lost to the red corpse gun, and the gunshots continued to ring out.

. . .

The hearts of the players in the bar trembled. Could it be that the policemen couldn't wait and rushed in.

Thinking of this, all the players were a little anxious. They had no choice but to go out with their teammates in the end. They couldn't guarantee that they would not betray the organization.

As long as they are betrayed, their relatives will be lost, so compared to this, they would rather die by themselves, and they may not necessarily die after going out. . .

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(End of this chapter)

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