Chapter 64 Be Yourself
After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Shen Chuci finally let out a sigh.

It's been a really tiring day.

Slowly stroking the lower abdomen, and finding that the pain in the lower abdomen was almost negligible, Shen Chuci closed his eyes in satisfaction.

As long as this day passes, starting from tomorrow, it will be the era of the bounty hunter queen again.

[Welcome the host to the fast travel game, the game is being imported——]

[Game imported successfully——]

Shen Chuci opened his eyes.

A pair of black grape-like eyes stared at Shen Chuci without blinking.


Shen Chuci took a step back calmly, and his gaze fell on the owner of those eyes.

It was a three-headed little fellow, with a pair of big dark eyes occupying almost half of the entire face. On a face with extremely uncoordinated facial features, only a small hole for breathing could be seen in the nose, and the mouth was surprisingly large.

Shen Chuci took a visual inspection, and estimated that the little guy's chin was about the same size as the Stitch in the cartoon.

The little guy is purple all over, with animal-like claws on his hands and feet, and white on his belly, which looks like soft fluff. If the little guy in front of him hadn't been of a different color and had no ears, Shen Chuci probably would have Will recognize it as a chinchilla.

But Shen Chuci still recognized him.

When Xue Qingqing bought this game for her back then, what she received was a small box with a portrait of the little guy in front of her on the cover.

At that time, Xue Qingqing told her that if she bound the system, this little guy would appear as the system commander and issue missions or something.

However, during the few months when Shen Chuci entered the game, she had never seen this little guy. Although she could hear the system's voice, the little guy never showed up.

For this reason, Shen Chuci asked Xue Qingqing, but Xue Qingqing is only a player after all, and she doesn't know very well about other things. up.

How is this going?

System upgraded?
[Hello host, I am the system commander, and my name is Qiqi. 】

While Shen Chuci was still curious, the little guy took the initiative to speak up.

It was still a cold mechanical voice, although what he said was very playful, but once said by that voice...

Shen Chuci couldn't feel the playful tone at all!
"You are the commander of the system? Why didn't you show up before?" Shen Chuci didn't care about Qi Qi's attitude, anyway, they were all robots, and their attitudes were intimate or cold, that was all a setting, and she didn't bother to worry about these things at all. nonsense.

[Before...cough, because the probability of the host completing the mission was too low...]

Shen Chuci: ...

Is it a trick to say that she was too good before?You can't even play a game well, can you?

[Ha, that's all from before, the host doesn't need to care about these, from now on, I will always accompany the host until all the tasks are over! 】

Shen Chuci trembled all over.

Hearing the cuteness of a cold voice, Shen Chuci expressed that he couldn't accept it.

"You'd better use your previous tone, I can't stand this now." In order not to let his ears continue to be tortured in the future, Shen Chuci said very "tactfully".

Qiqi was stunned for a moment, and finally bowed her head a little aggrieved and let out an "oh".

After thinking about it, Shen Chuci reached out and touched Qiqi Yuanyuan's big head. Xue Qingqing said that her commander in the game was a cute white puppy, and she would pet her every time before entering a mission.

Shen Chuci silently "plagiarized" what his friend did.

After being touched, Qiqi obviously became happy.

Although Shen Chuci didn't understand why being touched on the head would make a robot like Qiqi happy, but thinking that it might be the setting of the game, Shen Chuci was relieved.

[Is the host going to do the task?There are still seven hours before dawn, and the host can do a seven-month mission. 】

Being pleased by Shen Chu's resignation from Mao, the system naturally started to talk about serious business.

Shen Chuci thought for a while and nodded.

In fact, she didn't think of doing the task at first, but as soon as she closed her eyes and her body automatically fell asleep and entered the game, Shen Chuci simply didn't bother to go out.

She has the right momentum to complete the task now, so she might as well follow this momentum and continue to complete the task.

"Do a mission."

[Good host, Qiqi will search for a seven-month mission for you right away——]

[OK!The mission is found, do you want to enter the mission plane now? 】


[Plane in progress——]

[After entering the plane, do you want to accept the plot immediately? 】


[The plot is being transmitted——]

[The plot transmission is completed. 】

Shen Chuci was about to open his eyes when he heard Qiqi's voice——

[Now broadcast the results of the last task completed, the host has successfully completed the task, the character value is increased by 5, and the current total character value is negative 1090, the host please continue to work hard!In addition, as a reward for the successful completion of the previous mission, this mission does not set the character of the character, the host, just be yourself! 】
When Jin Chengfeng returned to the apartment he bought in the city center not long ago, he felt something was wrong as soon as he opened the door.

At the entrance of the apartment, there was an extra pair of branded and expensive men's leather shoes.

Jin Chengfeng frowned, with a look of extreme impatience on his face.

"What are you doing here again?"

Even before the others entered, the voice of disgust had already entered the room.

"Are you back?" In the living room of the apartment, a handsome man with the air of an elite man sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He didn't respond to Jin Chengfeng's obviously disgusting words, but his tone was cold asked.

Jin Chengfeng had already come to the living room, and when he saw the elite man, his handsome face was icy cold that couldn't be concealed.

Sitting down not far from the man, he looked at the elite man without saying a word, just watching.

The elite man suddenly smiled.

His facial features are very similar to Jin Chengfeng's. He couldn't see it when he had a cold face, but now he smiled, it suddenly became obvious.

Jin Chengfeng frowned, "Jin Chengzhou, I won't go back, you can go."

The smile on Jin Chengzhou's face slowly disappeared. Although he was used to Jin Chengfeng's attitude, he still felt angry.

"Dad has been tolerant enough to let you do what you like for so many years. Now that you are old enough, it's time to come home."

Jin Chengfeng snorted coldly.

"I won't go back."

Jin Chengzhou stood up, with a strong sense of oppression in his tall figure, he gave Jin Chengfeng a condescending look: "I will come again."

After speaking, the tall figure left Jin Chengfeng's apartment.

Jin Chengfeng watched him leave coldly, and when he heard the door of the apartment close, he waved his hand, and the cup on the coffee table was immediately thrown to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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