Fast game: this host is not too cold

Chapter 38 Rescue the sick man with hallucinations (14)

Chapter 38 Rescue the sick man with hallucinations (14)

The girl's hands are petite and exquisite, while the boy's hands are fair and slender. The years have not left any traces on these two hands. Under the light of the street lamps that recede from time to time by the roadside, they look so suitable.

Fu Nanfu looked at the hands that the two held, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

If it was in the past, he would never have thought that he would fall in love with a girl one day. In his world, everything is actually very simple. Although he didn't want to follow the path arranged for him by his family, he was born In the Fu family, it is natural to serve the Fu family.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he was about to do something for the family, Shen Chuci would appear.

He is not a person who is greedy for beauty, he can't even remember how he fell in love with Shen Chuci, he only knows that since the first meeting, he has remembered the girl who made his heart flutter.

Will heartbeat turn into love?

Fu Nanfu didn't know, but what he knew was that he would never let go of Shen Chuci's hand.

Feeling that Fu Nanfu was holding her hand a little tight, Shen Chuci looked up at him.

Seeing him staring at the hands they were holding and wondering what he was thinking, Shen Chuci guessed for a while and found that he couldn't figure it out, so he gave up.
Time flies by like running water.

In a blink of an eye, more than half of the freshman year has passed.

Fu Nanfu is getting better and better towards Shen Chuci, changing ways to please her every day, not to mention, eating three meals a day for so long, and never having the same ones.

The time has entered December.

In another month, it will be winter vacation.

After Fu Nanfu took off the bandage on his face, he successfully squeezed into the ranks of the grass. This is no different from the previous plot, and Shen Chuci knew her because of her good looks but low-key and scary. There are not many people.

Everyone only knew that Fu Nanfu's girlfriend was very beautiful, but few people saw her.

It's no wonder that Fu Nanfu's girlfriend is like a sweetheart, unless he attends some unavoidable activities, and the rest of the time he will take his girlfriend to play after school , others never find them.

For such a situation, apart from the annoyance of the gossipists, Sheng Lingfeng was also extremely annoyed.

If it was said that he originally resigned to Shen Chu only because Shen Chu's long resignation was more in line with his aesthetics, but now it is not the case for him.

After such a long contest, he is actually not very interested in Shen Chuci, but for Fu Nanfu, he has a feeling that he will not be reconciled until he is defeated.

Thinking about it, a person who was suppressed and beaten by him is not only famous and has become a grassroots, but also has such a beautiful girlfriend, which really makes his heart ache.

He was unwilling to be defeated by Fu Nanfu, so he was determined to find a chance to defeat him.

This opportunity will come soon.

As New Year's Day approaches, according to the customs and traditions of Ningda University, the whole school will hold a New Year's Day party on New Year's Day.

It is said to be a party, but it is actually a performance that starts at one o'clock in the afternoon and ends at six o'clock in the evening.

After the school's official evening party, the student union organized a New Year's Day dance in the evening.

This dance party is a dress-up dance party that is more popular with everyone. To put it another way, it is actually a matching dance party. If people get along well, then you can develop it further.

And in order to be in line with the school's New Year's Day party during the day, after the best performer is selected at the New Year's Day party during the day, the performer can make a request to anyone who participates in the dance at night.

As long as the request is not very embarrassing, the person who is asked must agree.

I heard that the best performers of the gala over the years put forward very simple requests at night, and most of them want the person they like as their dance partner.

Thanks to the successful experience of those seniors and sisters, the daytime evening parties where no one was actually willing to participate, now there are more people.

After all, everyone is willing to do things that can show their face in front of the whole school and ask for it at night.

Everyone participated in the New Year's Eve party enthusiastically, and the counselors of each class and the school also agreed to their dance party at night. As long as the disturbance was not excessive, the school not only would not interfere, but sometimes would provide a little bonus or funding for the dance.

In this way, the tradition of the double meeting of Nanjing University has been passed down.

In more than 20 days, it will be New Year's Day, and almost the whole school has become busy.

Naturally, the Spanish class is no exception.

As a pair of excellent character and learning in the class, Fu Nanfu and Shen Chuci were naturally invited.

Because Shen Chuci sang at the sorority meeting last time, the class leader asked her to sing this time.

For this kind of thing, Shen Chuci directly refused.

"I'm sorry, I have no plans to go to the party." Shen Chuci said to the class leader who came to persuade him for the fifth time.

There was a trace of embarrassment on the face of the class leader, and when he wanted to persuade him again, Shen Chuci just saw Fu Nanfu who had gone out to the toilet come back from the corner of Shen Chuci's eyes, so she pinched herself hard, holding back tears: "I really don't want to participate. Don't come to me again, okay? I don't want to participate!"

Her voice sounded wronged and pitiful, but just enough for everyone in the class to hear.

The originally lively atmosphere in the class froze in an instant.

Everyone knows that Shen Chuci is a naive young lady in the past few months. Sometimes she is very confused, and sometimes she is honest and cute. The people in the class can't say that they don't like her.

It's just that when many girls see her being pampered by Fu Nanfu like that, they will be a little jealous and call her stupid.

Apart from those who were jealous, the boys in the class actually had a good impression of Shen Chuci.

It was probably because Shen Chuci was easy to talk on weekdays, so those class cadres kept annoying Shen Chuci so that they could get the program to deal with the counselors.

Seeing Shen Chuci crying, the face of the female class leader was not very good-looking: "Student Shen! This is something to contribute to our class. If you don't want to, forget it. Why do you have to do this? When you cry like this, others You thought I was bullying you?!"

The tears in Shen Chuci's eyes flowed quickly, and she said sobbingly: "I really don't want to participate in the show, you always look for me like this, I am also very troubled, don't you have any other students in the class? ?”

Of course other students have, but they are not as outstanding as Shen Chuci's appearance, and each class has to produce ten programs before the first review of the programs, and their class currently only has three programs. She, the class cadre, is under a lot of pressure .

Speaking of this, the face of the class cadres became even more ugly, and the negative emotions of being told by the class leader and the counselor that they were not doing well on weekdays almost all came out at once.

(End of this chapter)

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