Chapter 158 Easy Solution
Chapter 158 Easy Solution
The entire Liangzhou city looked no different from the past. The people were working normally, and the soldiers were watching these people work to prevent them from being lazy.

But today, a few very unfamiliar faces came in. The soldiers of the Northern Liang Army recognized these strange faces at a glance, and immediately asked, "Who are you!? Which team!?"

This man had a simple and honest appearance, and he grinned and said, "My lord, I got separated from the team, and I can't find where the barracks are!"

And the Beiliang Army soldier said: "Who is in charge of you, what is your corporal commander's name, I will send you there directly!"

"Don't bother Mr. Jun, I will find it by myself slowly!"

The soldiers of the Northern Liang Army didn't say much, they just said in a tepid way: "Everyone is working, you should go back quickly!"

"Hey! Hey! I'm going back now!" While talking, this seemingly honest and honest man was still looking around back and forth.

The soldier of the Northern Liang Army realized that something was wrong, and immediately reported the situation to the centurion, the centurion reported to the captain (thousand commander), and the colonel reported to the lieutenant general, and then passed the news up one by one.

After the general received the news, he didn't go to arrest people with great fanfare. After all, the general knew the inside story about this matter, so they pretended to be patrolling normally, and then called the strange face to a place where no one was around.

Then, taking advantage of his inattention, he directly buckled the prepared sack on his body.

Under the siege of a group of elite soldiers, the killer was easily taken down without even a chance to shout.

The Shadow Guards were in charge of investigating suspicious figures running around in various teams. After all, they also monitored Liangzhou City on weekdays, and everyone was very familiar with the area they were in charge of.

It is almost always possible to spot the faces of those people at a glance, and then look at his sneaky actions, and you can directly determine that this person is the killer who sneaked in.

The Shadow Guard directly took out the flying quiver at his waist and blew out the anesthesia needle. After knocking down the suspicious person, he directly ordered the soldiers of the Beiliang Army to imprison the corpses of these people in a cellar.

As time passed by, the Shadow Guards had discovered nearly a hundred people acting suspiciously in Liangzhou, and all of them had been identified.

Bai Jingyi was sitting on a chair with a dark gold cloud gun in his hand, watching the two dolls beside the stone table through the crack of the door, and at the same time he sighed in his heart: "This Mozi is indeed a top craftsman!"

"These two dolls are not only made lifelike, but they can also move while sitting on the stone table. If you don't go closer and look at them, you will never find that they are dolls."

At this time, King Lanling suddenly reported to Bai Jingyi through the system: "Report to Major General! There are more than 50 people approaching the direction of Baifu!"

Dian Wei reported through the system: "Leader General Qi, do you want to attack now!?"

Bai Jingyi saw more than 50 scattered red dots approaching the direction of Baifu on the system map.

Immediately, Bai Jingyi said indifferently: "Prince Lanling obeys the order! Kill!"

"The last general obeys!" After the words fell, King Lanling cut off the system connection, put on his fist blade and said, "Not one left!"

After hearing King Lanling's order, the Shadow Guard soldiers put on their weapons one after another. Behind them, the dark black hooded cloak fluttered slowly, appearing in front of these people at the fastest speed, and easily eliminated these killers.
Bai Jingyi ordered Dian Wei through the system and said: "Dian Wei listens to the order! Send people to let soldiers lead the people to work near the Baifu!"

Dian Wei didn't ask why at all, and replied directly in a hoarse voice: "The last general obeys orders!"

Bai Jingyi's purpose was to create opportunities for these killers. After all, Li Lizhi and Xiangcheng had already been hidden, so he had to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out these killers.

At the same time, he was also a little puzzled, why after such a long time, there was no killer to assassinate the two dolls, could it be that they noticed it! ?
Just as Bai Jingyi was about to get up and go out, he suddenly saw a few servants through the crack of the door.

Now that there is a shortage of human resources, there are no servants in the White Mansion. The basic life in the mansion is handled by the soldiers of the Northern Liang Army, and Bai Jingyi cooks the meals himself.

Therefore, these people dressed as servants must be killers, and their target is very clear, which is the two puppets.

Although they could easily assassinate dolls, these people were carefully disguised, some were holding brooms, some were carrying wooden buckets, and slowly approached the dolls.

Bai Jingyi ordered Dian Wei through the system, "Do it!"

While replying to Bai Jingyi, Dian Wei led the soldiers into the Baifu at the fastest speed.

And during this period of time, those people dressed as servants stopped pretending, and took out a black dagger to stab the doll.

"Not good! It's a hit!"


Just when they were about to turn around and run away, the gate had already been knocked open by Tiger and Leopard Knights, and Dian Wei shouted at the top of his voice, "One person's blood is not enough to pay off the debt!"

Bai Jingyi looked at Dian Wei Chong who was fighting frantically at the front with the double halberds in his hands, and thought to himself: "These pitch-black daggers must have been poisoned!"

Several killers were immediately surrounded by Dian Wei and his men, they didn't even have the thought of running away before the halberds in the hands of Dian Wei and others fell on them, these killers directly ended their lives with the daggers.


Just when Bai Jingyi was sighing, a killer suddenly came in, and when he saw Bai Jingyi, he was obviously taken aback.

And Bai Jingyi had already been waiting for a long time, without so much nonsense at all, he just waved the Dark Gold Flowing Cloud Spear in his hand,

The killer subconsciously blocked it with a dagger, but Bai Jingyi cut off the dagger in his hand with a single shot, and cut off his Adam's apple at the same time!

The other assassin who hadn't had time to rush in turned around and was about to run, Bai Jingyi turned around and exerted force, the Dark Gold Flowing Cloud Spear came out, directly nailing the fleeing assassin to the ground.

Blood instantly stained the courtyard of the White Mansion red, and Bai Jingyi directly ordered: "All the troops listen to the order! Thoroughly investigate their respective personnel! Take down all unfamiliar faces!"

The sound of fighting outside was naturally heard clearly by Li Lizhi and the three of them. Li Lizhi and Xiangcheng turned pale with fright, and Li Anran held the spear in his hand very nervously.

After all, she only practiced martial arts and competed with others on weekdays, but she had never killed anyone.

Although everything in front of him had been resolved, Bai Jingyi was not in a hurry to let Li Lizhi and the others out. After all, there was still blood in the room, so we'll wait until the soldiers of the Northern Liang Army take care of everything.

Bai Jingyi retracted his Dark Gold Flowing Cloud Spear, and while cleaning the blade, said slowly: "Search every corner of the Bai Mansion at the same time!"

"Especially the beams, stoves, water tanks, woodsheds and other places where people can hide!"

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry soldiers dispersed immediately, and each team of soldiers was in charge of a small area, carefully searching the entire mansion bit by bit.

When Li Anran heard the word "firewood house", he immediately became nervous. After all, Cheng Chuchu was still chopping firewood in the firewood house!
(End of this chapter)

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