Chapter 107 Rebound
Zhang Xiaoting was the one who took the boss's order to make the black material of "46 Billion Ensemble".

For this task, he really felt powerless to complain.

The black material for "46 Billion Ensemble"?where to start...

According to the boss's idea, let him criticize "46 Ensemble" from the technical level, but the problem is... Zhang Xiaoting really doesn't know where to start.

He knows what to do, but because of this, he doesn't know where to start.

To put it bluntly, for a work like "46 Billion Ensemble", it is difficult to find similar works of the same level abroad.Some 3D films produced abroad are popular science films about biological evolution. The investment is not small, but the effect is even worse than "46 Billion Ensemble".

This work, in terms of design, science, quality and content, and visual is difficult to find comparable works in the world.

Black this?What's wrong?

Zhang Xiaoting really can't.

In addition, in addition to the work itself, his boss Han Kelin also asked him to bring the rhythm and black out the value of this work.

At the same time, it is said that Han Kelin will find someone to report to the optoelectronic department. Anyway, what are the charges of "inducing children" and "teaching children to be bad"?Back then, Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit were hanged up by many jealous colleagues.

But the problem is, it's not easy to start from this aspect.

They popularized a lot of knowledge about paleontology to the public. The content is healthy and the pictures are harmonious. There are not too many elements of blood, novelty, and horror, and it has nothing to do with pornography or politics.

What are you talking about?

In every aspect, Zhang Xiaoting could not find a real black spot.

What's more, he didn't want to be black either.

He has seen this work, and he likes it very much.

It is very anti-human for people who like a work to go against their original intentions and say the disadvantages of this work.

But what can be done?After all, Han Kelin is the one who pays him.

I can only bite the bullet and write.

After holding back for a few days, under Han Kelin's urging again and again, the smearing soft article he wrote was released soon.

After reading it, Han Kelin was very dissatisfied, so he called back and asked him to correct it twice, asking him to make the wording more severe.

Just do it.

The content in the article lists some of the poor production of "46 Billion Ensemble", and also blackened a wave of values, saying "advocating the values ​​of survival of the fittest", "not showing the concept of unity and love", "not in line with the core values ' or something like that.

In addition, in the article, a mother's accusation was disgustingly fabricated, saying that her child became indifferent and selfish after watching this work, and even had a tendency to violence.

Pure nonsense.

At the end of the article, Han Kelin also wrote a few words himself, vaguely mentioning that "The 46 Billion Ensemble of Evolution" won No.1 in the 'Popular Science Animation Contest'.

In the end, Zhang Xiaoting shook his head after reading the article, thinking that what he wrote was really not a thing.

But Han Kelin was very satisfied.

Holding the article, I contacted several We Media public accounts, wanting to publish the article.

After reading the article, many self-media declined the request of "Ming Animation"-the media is shameless, but some still want to be famous.Can this kind of thing that is sure to turn black and white at first sight be posted casually?As long as the money is enough, that's all. The most important thing is that the money given is so-so...

In the end, there were only a few who were willing to post.

Han Kelin also contacted several big Vs on Weibo and sent out criticisms.

Soon, this kind of article aroused repercussions—a large number of readers gathered under those self-media official accounts that received money, and those who dared to post this article, whether it was an official account or a Weibo big No matter what, V was scolded bloody.

The audience is not stupid.

"Don't talk nonsense, my children haven't become indifferent and selfish after watching this animation."

"Never heard of it."

"The film is very good, the children love it, and I love it too!"

"I have always lacked the opportunity to watch a work with children. The current children's works are too stupid. It is rare to come up with a good work. Are you still blind?"

"The collection of money is a real hammer."


In the beginning, such criticisms only appeared on a small scale.Later, the distress intensified.

Especially on Zhihu, there is a paleontological science popularization V who posted a column, praising a wave of "46 Billion Ensemble", and also slammed those sunspots who took money.

"Recently there is an animation about paleontology. I believe many people have seen it. Yes, what I want to talk about today is the animation "46 Billion Ensemble of Evolution"."

"In my opinion, as well as that of many colleagues in the industry, everyone appreciates this work. This is an out-and-out excellent paleontological popular science animation, which has great positive significance for popularizing paleontological knowledge to the public .”

"Some people may say that the evolution of the protagonist 'Lin' has nothing to do with ancient creatures. How can any creature control the direction of evolution by itself? But I say, no."

"Lin's evolution is a learning process. It constantly analyzes and learns the advantages of all other species in the same era, and finally develops. It is undeniable that this is indeed full of fantasy, but this kind of Fantasy is not without science, and this is the most charming part of this work."

"Except for the part about the protagonist 'Lin', at least judging from the content broadcast so far, it tells all the audience a lot of knowledge about the development of paleontology, and it has a very strong scientific nature."

"Although this work is essentially a science fiction work, those who deny its popular science value are either stupid or bad."

"At present, there are a large number of black texts about "46 Billion Ensemble" appearing on the Internet. Is it stupid or bad? I think there may be stupid people, and there may be more bad people."

This article soon received more than 3000 likes on Zhihu, which aroused certain repercussions.

Then, a question of keeping up also became popular.

"How do you view "46 Billion Ensemble" being maliciously smeared? Does it reflect the lack of media ethics from the self-media?"

Under this question, a lot of comments popped up.

With the incident of "46 Billion Ensemble", everyone began to criticize the problem of unscrupulous self-media.

There is also a benefit, many people who have never known this work are also attracted to watch the animation.


This should be the last public chapter.

It will be released at [-] o'clock in the morning, and the next chapter will also officially enter the production of the "Fantasy Three Kingdoms" TV series.

I still hope that everyone can support the original version more.

Ask for the first order!

There will be a testimonial later.

(End of this chapter)

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