Chapter 473 The final chapter!

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke hid their tracks and began to visit the Iron Country. After visiting the Iron Country, they secretly entered the Taki Country, the Grass Country and other countries.

These countries all have one thing in common, that is, in the Fourth Ninja World War, these countries were all conquered by Uzumaki Jiuming himself.

It is not easy to restore people's livelihood after the war, and there are inevitably resistance forces formed by diehards in various countries. Along the way, what Naruto, Sasuke and Sage of the Six Paths have seen is not all a scene of harmony and tranquility .There are many people who live and work in peace and contentment, and there are also many displaced people.

They even saw a few battles where the rebels were killed by Konoha's ninjas in front of them.They have seen many such battles with Naruto, but they rarely intervene.

One side is Konoha's ninja, and the other side is the resistance force that attacked and killed Konoha's ninja. Naruto himself doesn't know whether he should stand on the side of the village to suppress the rebellion, or stand on the side of the weak and sympathize with the victims.After all, the resistance forces can no longer be regarded as innocent people.

To the relief of Naruto and Sasuke, they did not see the massacre of civilians by Konoha ninjas during such a long journey. A mess of things.

After traveling to several countries, Naruto and Sasuke started to cross the land of rain and head towards Konoha under the advice of Sage of the Six Paths.

Naruto seems to know what Uzumaki Jiuming is going to do, and he is not as resistant to what Uzumaki Jiuming is going to do at the beginning.

Just when Naruto and Sasuke were traveling in the ninja world, Uzumaki Jiuming had already led the large force of Iwanin to the Kingdom of the Moon, and with the arrival of Uzumaki Jiuming, the people of Yunin completely lost their understanding of the moon. control of the country.The two sides stationed troops on the border, forming a confrontational situation.

"Master Raikage, the ninjas sent by the intelligence department have sent back information one after another."

"During this period of time, Konoha and Iwanin's people have controlled the Kingdom of the Moon, and a lot of information can only be transmitted by sea, and the speed has been somewhat affected."

In Lei Ying's office, Mabui put scrolls on Lei Ying's desk and reported.In the entire office, besides Lei Ying Ye Yue Ai and Ma Buyi, the secretary, there are also seven or eight Yun Ninja ninjas standing. .

With the development of the war to this point, the wisdom of Ye Yueai alone is no longer enough.

"Information, after such a long time, finally some information came back!"

"I thought everyone in the intelligence department was dead!"

Ye Yueai snorted coldly, quite dissatisfied with the intelligence department's work.As early as when the Konoha ninjas invaded the Kingdom of Tang, Yunin had noticed it, but when they planned to take action, the Kingdom of the River completely lost control. When the war burned to the Kingdom of the Moon, Yun Shinobu started to fight back.

But the war has been going on for such a long time, and Yunin's intelligence department has no grasp of the situation in the ninja world at all, and no relevant information has been transmitted until today.

Yeyue Ai was complaining, but she grabbed a scroll in her hand, spread it out and quickly flipped through it. Her face, which was originally dark, became even darker after reading a scroll.

Lei Ying, who was in a bad mood, picked up one scroll after another and began to flip through it, his expression became more and more serious, and his face became darker and darker.Everyone in the office noticed Lei Ying's expression, and unconsciously, everyone's hearts sank.

"Bastard! These guys from Konoha dare to do such a thing!"

"Uzumaki Jiuming is hiding so deep, this guy is plotting the entire ninja world!"

After reading the last scroll, Ye Yueai finally couldn't hold back the anger in her heart, and slammed the table, and a huge desk was suddenly split into two by him.Lei Ying's words made everyone in the office look at each other, not knowing what happened, but from Lei Ying's few words, these people also realized something, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

The worst thing happened. In the past, the wars in the ninja world were nothing more than fighting for the amount of tasks, or for revenge for the blood succession limit. It is said that there is no end to death, but with the consumption of ninjas at the bottom, the war will always end.Even if it is a defeated country, what it loses is nothing but the economy.

Plot ninja world?Sorry, no ninja village or country has had such an idea for so long.

But such a thing is happening now.

"We can't continue to confront each other like this. If this goes on, our cloud ninja will definitely die!"

"The bastards in the intelligence department are all idiots, and they didn't even know about these major events until now!"

"I'll go to the front line right away, now is no longer the time to take it easy!"

After Ye Yueai finished speaking, she shattered the window with her fist, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the office.After Raikage left, these cloud ninja ninjas picked up scrolls from the ground and began to check the newly sent information.

There are many and complicated things in these intelligence records, but the key points are also easy to find.

All Yannin Village turned against Konoha, and under the leadership of Uzumaki Jiuming, they conquered the Country of Grass, the Country of Taki, the Country of Iron, and the Country of Sound.Moreover, Sand Ninja and Mist Ninja all fell to Konoha, and tacitly cooperated with Konoha to capture some small countries around them.

Looking at the entire ninja world, they are the only ones who can form a sufficiently objective counterattack force now.

But Cloud Ninja missed the battle opportunity. Now, the Kingdom of the Moon has completely lost control, where Iwanin led by Uzumaki Jiuming and Konoha's ninja merged.

Before they knew it, their cloud ninja had actually reached the moment of life and death.

After reading the information, the cloud ninjas have different expressions, some are frightened, some are panic, they are not fools, they all know that Konoha's general trend has come, and there is only one way for cloud ninja to turn the tables, and that is to kill The whirlpool of death screams!
Konoha can form a general trend, the most critical point is Uzumaki Jiuming, as long as Uzumaki Jiuming can be killed, the ninja coalition led by Konoha will be destroyed without attack.

Thinking of this, these senior executives of Yunin began to summon their own subordinates, and then rushed to the front line. For a while, the entire Yunin village came out together, and there was not much left behind. At this time, the battle situation developed. Also desperate.

At the same time, Uzumaki Jiuming on the border was not idle. With the confluence of Iwanin and Konoha Ninja, many conflicts erupted in the camp during this period. Some Konoha Ninjas always thought that Iwanin was defeated. Fang, who is a captive, always looks at Yan Ren differently.And many people in Yanren couldn't stand this kind of anger, and conflicts in the camp arose one after another.

Fortunately, the power of Whirlpool Jiuming was so powerful that after severely punishing a few troublemakers, the conflict was suppressed for the time being.Among the Konohas today, only Uzumaki Jiuming can manage this kind of mixed army. Even if Minato comes here, there are many Iwanin who refuse to accept him.

In order to pass on the contradiction, Uzumaki Jiuming started the infiltration plan to the Land of Thunder. Although the Land of Thunder is the training ground he prepared for Naruto and Sasuke, but now Naruto and Sasuke are missing, Uzumaki Jiuming has no plans Procrastinated, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Under the escort of Uzumaki Jiuming, batches of ninjas successfully entered the Land of Thunder. Their goal was not to fight the ninjas of Cloud Ninja, but to assassinate the nobles in the Land of Thunder!
In Uzumaki Jiuming's plan, Yunin only needs to be weakened, not smashed.What really needs to be cleaned up are those who are actually in power in the Kingdom of Thunder.No matter how strong Raikage is, he can only control a village. What Uzumaki Jiuming wants is not just Yunin Village.

With the unfolding of the assassination operation, the whole country of thunder began to be jittery, and the hearts of Yun Nin's troops facing each other on the front line were in turmoil.It was at this time that Lei Yingye Yueyue rushed to the front line, but on the same night Lei Ying arrived at the front line, an unexpected visitor came to Lei Ying's military tent.

No one knows what happened in Raikage's military tent that night, but after that night, Yunin suddenly let go of the border completely, and the coalition forces of Iwanin and Konoha marched into the Land of Thunder.

In March of Konoha's 66, Uzumaki Jiuming's plan was finally completed, and the entire ninja world fell under Konoha's control. The daimyo system that had ruled the ninja world for a hundred years was completely rewritten.

In April of Konoha 66, an upper-level ninja meeting was held in Konoha Village. The meeting was led by Uzumaki Jiuming. To put it bluntly, it was the distribution of benefits after the war and the restructuring of ninjas.

The entire ninja world has completely canceled the titles of all different countries. The ninja world is unified into a country named "Ninja", ninjas are called ninja troops, and all regions are re-divided into 66 provinces, Konoha is the capital, and Konoha is the capital. Ye Ninja was transformed into the Central Ninja Army, Cloud Ninja was transformed into the Northeast Ninja Army, Rock Ninja was transformed into the Northwest Ninja Army, Sand Ninja was transformed into the Southwest Ninja Army, and Mist Ninja was transformed into the Southeast Ninja Army.

The original ninja village has become a military region, and several military academies have been established in these military regions to train ninjas.Moreover, Whirlpool Jiuming has established political colleges one after another, specializing in training management talents.

At the same time, under the leadership of Uzumaki Jiuming, the ninja world began a large-scale disarmament. Some of the ninjas who were dismantled turned into policemen and filled them in places, responsible for maintaining law and order and firefighting. Go to the local government to take up administrative positions.

As for the Ninja Army who had no more wars, Uzumaki Jiuming sent to the border between the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth, using ninjutsu to improve the geographical environment and make it livable.

The ninja world is originally a world that has undergone industrial development. Under the leadership of Uzumaki Jiuming, people's livelihood in the ninja world recovered rapidly after the war.In order not to block the upward path of the people at the bottom, Uzumaki Jiuming subdivided the original third-level ninjas into six and twenty levels, and the standard for the new level is based on merit and task volume.

That's right, the amount of work.

After the war, armed rebels emerged one after another in the world, and Uzumaki Jiuming did not cancel the "mission" mode.Whirlpool Jiuming has set up mission points in each military region, and clients can dispatch missions to the nearest mission point.As for the ninja troops stationed in each military region, they will change their defenses every three years.

At the beginning of the founding of the Ninja Kingdom, there were quite a lot of things, and many systems had not yet been established. The Uzumaki Jiuming and other people were basically busy until late at night. In addition to the original high-level members of Konoha, the original Iwa Ninja, Sand Ninja, and Mist Ninja, Yunin and other high-level officials also participated, and Uzumaki Jiuming did not exclude them from the center of power.

Orochimaru was also released by Uzumaki Jiuming. Looking at the changed ninja world, Orochimaru resumed his duties as the dean of the Academy of Sciences. Under his leadership, the science and technology of the ninja world is changing with each passing day.

Under the concerted governance of everyone, the ninja world glowed with a completely different vitality.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha are still traveling in the ninja world for a while, the whole ninja world has changed.Naruto and Sasuke, who originally planned to return to Konoha, were of course aware of these changes. Under the suggestion of Sage of the Six Paths, they changed their direction and began to travel around the ninja world.

After half a year, Naruto and Sasuke, who had seen the changes in the ninja world, finally returned to Konoha. As soon as the two returned to Konoha, they were directly thrown into the Political Science Academy by Uzumaki Jiuming.

After that, after five years of rapid development and turmoil, Ninja Country finally started to get on the right track, and each system was revised and improved in these years to be perfected.

After Ninja Kingdom officially entered the right track, Uzumaki Jiuming handed over the power to Namikaze Minato, and traveled around the ninja world hand in hand with Terumi Mei.

Six years after the two played in the ninja world, the two returned to Konoha. There were two people when they went there, but there were three when they came back.

"Father, is this Konoha?"

At the gate of Konoha Village, a five-year-old girl carved in pink and jade was lying on Terumi Mei's chest, with her small head raised, and a pair of big black eyes were staring at the gate of Konoha curiously.

"Yeah, this is Konoha."

"We will live here in the future, and you will make many friends of the same age here."

Uzumaki Jiuming looked at the gate of Muye Village and said with a smile.

"Little friend?!"

"Can I really make friends? Will they think I'm a monster like the previous people?"

There was a gleam of expectation in the girl's eyes, but it soon dimmed. The child lowered her head, and her red hair covered her face.

"No, I've said it many times, you are not a monster, you are my father and my child, you are a genius."

Uzumaki Jiuming said softly, took the girl from Terumi Mei's arms into his own, patted the girl's head lightly, and comforted her.


The girl became happy, and excitedly raised her arms high and cheered.As she cheered, a terrifying chakra erupted from her body suddenly, and a wave of air swept towards the surroundings, cracks appeared on the ground where the whirlpool Jiuming was standing.

This sudden change caused the guards guarding Konoha to look at this side in astonishment. The few guards who were still vigilant at first saw the figure of Uzumaki Jiuming clearly, and their faces showed deep surprise.

Uzumaki Jiuming was not affected by the girl's Chakra at all, so he tightened his hands and said:

"Come on, we're going home."

(End of this chapter)

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