weird luck system

Chapter 64 Alien Beast Army

Chapter 64 Alien Beast Army
The medicinal materials from Earth Star are all grown here, and Jiang Hailong's descendants are also here. The Long's Pharmaceutical Factory was moved here, so that they can not only produce medicines nearby, but also take care of Jiang Hailong's descendants at all times.

Long Yuqing, whose power has grown so much, is grateful and at the same time wants to develop Long's Pharmaceutical Factory, and also wants to go further on the road of warriors. Moving the pharmaceutical factory here can kill two birds with one stone.

She had already found someone to experiment with Dixing's cold medicine. She drank one milliliter of the cold medicine and saw that the severe cold was cured in less than 3 minutes, which surprised her beyond words.

I learned from Jiang Feng that the medicine for colds is in the earth star, but it is not a popular medicine. When the medicinal materials planted are mature, she is confident to sweep all the pharmaceutical groups and make Long's Pharmaceutical Factory famous all over the world.

"He is my nobleman, the descendant of his friend, and should be regarded as a relative. Do I still have relatives?"

Long Yuqing, who was in a complicated mood, smiled and said, "Uncle Jiang, it's getting late, let's go eat!"

At this time, Jiang Feng was holding the tail of a nine-level alien beast with three claws in both hands, and smashed it back and forth vigorously.

The originally beautiful island quickly became a mess, with potholes everywhere.

The nine-level alien beast, the three-clawed dragon, can be called the strongest alien beast on the ground and underwater.

It's a pity that Jiang Feng's strength, speed, and defense are much, much stronger than it.

The Xingyi divine power coming out of the body turned into an indestructible defensive cover, isolating water attribute attacks.

Physical attacks are no match, energy attacks are useless, and the three-clawed dragon is reduced to a fish to be slaughtered.

Seeing that the opponent lost the power to resist, Jiang Feng threw it on the ground and sat on a stone
After more than ten days, he practiced to perfection and turned into a three-clawed dragon.

Looking at the three-clawed dragon lying on the ground, Jiang Feng asked old-fashionedly: "Little guy, are you convinced?"

"How could you transform?" Three-clawed Flood Dragon asked in shock.

"I was originally a three-clawed dragon. I ate a magical fruit in a valley on the bottom of the sea a few years ago, and I was able to change my shape." Jiang Feng said nonsense seriously.

"What kind of fruit is so miraculous?" The Three-clawed Flood Dragon asked curiously.

"That fruit exudes colorful light," Jiang Feng explained in a serious manner.

"I have no enmity with you, and we are all of the same race, why do you trouble me?" asked the three-clawed flood dragon.

"I am going to unify the Jiaolong clan and dominate the entire planet." Jiang Feng said in a deep voice.

"Your strength is already invincible, you go, I just want to be free." Three-clawed Flood Dragon said.

"Boy, do you want to die or live?" Jiang Feng threatened.

"Don't force me." The Three-clawed Flood Dragon said sharply.

"So what if I force you?" Jiang Feng shouted coldly.

"It's a big deal to fight with you." The three-clawed dragon said forcefully.

"Since you don't want to surrender, then I have no choice but to beat you seriously, and then throw you into the sea, and let you watch yourself being eaten up bit by bit by those fish, shrimp, and crabs." Jiang Feng murderously Said.

"I, I, I surrender." The three-clawed dragon said in fear.

As time passed day after day, Jiang Feng, who had perfected his mind and spirit, left the island with Jiao Yi.

There will definitely be more and more of the same high-level beasts under his command. It is too troublesome to name them, so it is better to get a number.

More than two months later, there were fifteen three-clawed dragons behind him.

"There's no need to force it. Fifteen three-clawed dragons are enough."

The three-clawed dragon is an amphibious beast, and it is too difficult to search for it. Jiang Feng doesn't want to waste any more time.

After looking at the three-clawed dragons that were more than ten feet long, he took them back to the medicinal planting base.

Looking at his army of alien beasts, Jiang Feng felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

There are not many alien beasts, but they are very powerful.

He has 68 of the eighth-level alien beast Fengleiying.

He has two of the seventh-level golden armored dragons under his command.

The eighth-level alien beast, the Flying Tiger, has two heads under his command.

He has one of the ninth-level exotic beast Golden Winged Roc.

The strength of 88 high-level beasts is enough to sweep any force.

Among the flying beasts, the golden-winged roc was the strongest.

Among the beasts on the ground and underwater, the three-clawed flood dragon was invincible.

After letting all the strange beasts know each other, Jiang Feng let the three-clawed dragon hide in the big river.

"Whether it's flying in the sky, running on the ground, or swimming in the water, as long as it is not a group of high-level beasts, they will never invade my territory!"

Back at Jiangjiazhuang, Jiang Feng sat cross-legged on the bed, took out a piece of Origin Stone, and practiced Xingyi Shengong.

"I still have three 10,000+ source stones. I will practice for a while before subduing high-level beasts."

The vigorous source force continuously poured into his body, and with the operation of the exercises, the source force transformed into form, mind and divine power.

With all his strength in practice, he refined the origin stone faster and faster. It didn't take long for him to refine more than 1000 origin stones a day. When the origin stones were all consumed, he stopped again with unsatisfied desire.

Jiang's pharmaceutical factory only earns more than 500 origin stones a day, which cannot meet his cultivation needs.

"From now on, refine 500 yuan of origin stones every day, and practice martial arts in the rest of the time."

The more meridians and acupoints opened up by the Xingyi Divine Art, the more Xingyi Divine Power is stored. Every time a change is practiced, his body will be tempered once, and every increase in physical strength will consume the Xingyi Divine Power.

There are 360 ​​acupuncture points in the human body and 12 meridians. If all of them can be opened up, the human universe will be created. At that time, every gesture of the hand will have the power to destroy the world.

The acupoints are quite simple. Jiang Feng knows exactly where each acupoint is, because many of the 12 meridians are hidden meridians, and he doesn't know the exact location.

Only when he has practiced certain changes, when the meridians and acupoints vibrate, can he take the opportunity to open up those hidden veins.

As far as he is concerned, the Nine-Turn Immortality Divine Art has some effect now.

Xingyi Shengong is a kind of exercise that cultivates both energy and spirit. Nine-turn Immortality Magic is just a body training method. If it is practiced to the extreme, it will shatter the void, while Xingyi Shengong has no limit.

After that, Jiang Feng practiced every morning, studied medical books, medicine books, and prescriptions in the afternoon, and occasionally went out to order some things or buy some daily necessities to enrich his space bracelet.

"The stronger Long Yuqing is, the more secure her parents will be!"

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng decided to take some time to develop some pharmaceutical equipment.

"The operating system used by the pharmaceutical equipment on Earth Star is compiled in Chinese language."

"The voltage of all kinds of pharmaceutical equipment in Huaguo is 280 five volts."

"Men can't be afraid of this and that, isn't it troublesome?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng planned to acquire a pharmaceutical equipment factory in order to save trouble.

After choosing a suitable pharmaceutical equipment factory, he used the power of money to buy it.

The voltage of pharmaceutical equipment is easy to change, just install a transformer, and he has to compile the operating system himself.

"Huaguo characters can be programmed, why not Chinese characters?"

Without affecting his practice and research on medical skills, Jiang Feng taught himself software programming every night.

Fortunately, he has a photographic memory and is very flexible in his thinking. In less than a month, he has completed the operating system.

"The way of cultivation is one piece at a time. Take advantage of this time to rest and improve the operating system."

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng recompiled the operating system. The operating system that was originally dedicated to pharmaceutical equipment was turned into an intelligent system by him, which can be used not only for pharmaceutical equipment, but also for mobile phones and computers.

Just adjust the voltage, and the pharmaceutical equipment and testing equipment will be done.

"When I contact you next time, if I give these things to Long Yuqing, it's time to subdue the high-level beasts."

After Jiang Feng thought about it, he left Jiangjiazhuang again and quickly flew to the southwest.

(End of this chapter)

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