weird luck system

Chapter 176 Solving the Problematic Person

Chapter 176 Solving the Problematic Person

The expected revenge did not come with the night.

The next morning, under the leadership of Zhang Biao, Jiang Feng drove to the site of the Lion Gang.

"How far is it?" Jiang Feng asked.

"It's on the other side of the mountain." Zhang Biao said in fear.

"You stay here, I'll go over to negotiate." Jiang Feng said.

"Be careful." Zhang Biao reminded after parking the car in the woods on the side of the road.

"Yeah." Jiang Feng nodded and walked forward quickly.

"Who?" Alf, the Rust man with live ammunition, asked secretly guardedly.

"I'm looking for a lion." Jiang Feng said in a foreign language.

The current time is fictional based on the novel, which is set on Earth.

The language of the Rust people is exactly the same as that of the earth.

Jiang Feng, who is proficient in various foreign languages ​​and dialects, can be regarded as an all-round translator.

"What's the matter with you?" Alfred asked.

"I'm here to discuss with your boss about the mine of Liyang Group." Jiang Feng said indifferently.

"Boss, the people at the mine want to see you." Alf put down the walkie-talkie and said, "Come with me."

Following the other party to an office, a burly man was sitting on the sofa, and on both sides of the big man stood a hot foreign beauty.

"Are you a lion?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Who are you?" Lion Muller asked.

"Don't trouble the mine anymore, otherwise, kill or bury it." Jiang Feng said coldly.

"Boy, you are looking for death." Alf raised his assault rifle and threatened with murderous intent.

"I've already told you, how to choose, you have to think clearly." Jiang Feng turned around and walked out as soon as the words fell.

"Kill him," Mueller yelled.

"Bang bang bang" Alf pulled the trigger, and a series of bullets shot out.

Jiang Feng dodged to avoid bullets, and calmly left the territory of the Lion Gang.

It is broad daylight now, which is not conducive to mass killing.

Being abroad, his words and deeds represent the Yanhuang people.

Although Lattes is a small country, it will not tolerate outsiders acting recklessly in the country.

Jiang Feng always felt that he should not cause trouble to others because of what he did.

It is easy to destroy the Lion Gang, but the troubles that follow are not easy to solve.

"How was the talk?" Seeing him returning to the car, Zhang Biao asked expectantly.

"The talk has collapsed." Jiang Feng pretended to be very angry.

It has been said that all problems will disappear if you just solve the people who create them.

It was not advisable to do anything during the day, he planned to come back at night, kill the troublemakers, and the mine affairs would be solved.

As soon as they returned to the mine, Zhou Jiaying greeted them and asked impatiently, "Mr. Jiang, how are you?"

"The Lion Gang has only one condition, and that is that the mine provides them. If I'm not mistaken, they have people behind them. Those who attacked the mine yesterday should also have gold masters behind them." Jiang Feng said.

"Mr. Jiang, is there anything you can do?" Zhou Jiaying asked in a daze.

"The investment and operation of the mine are legal. First, we should find the consulate to solve the problem. If we can't solve it, we should create some public opinion and put some pressure on the Lattes officials." Jiang Feng said his suggestion.

If you encounter problems abroad, who can you turn to instead of the embassy?
"Yeah." Zhou Jiaying nodded, and called Zhou Yuanhang on the satellite phone.

When the night was deep and still, Jiang Feng climbed over the wall, avoiding the cameras and patrol personnel in the mine, and came to the Lion Gang quietly. It took him more than ten minutes to find Mu Le.

"Ah!" The woman screamed.

Mueller's whole body was shocked, and he quickly took out the pistol under the pillow to see who the opponent was, and his whole body trembled.

"You can try it, is your gun faster or my knife faster." Jiang Feng said disdainfully.

"What do you want to do?" Mueller asked pretending to be calm.

"I don't want you to go to trouble the mine again." Jiang Feng said.

"The black devil mercenaries asked us to trouble the mine. If we don't do it, they will kill us." Mu Le, who had a gun in his hand, did not dare to pull the trigger easily.

In the morning, the other party was able to leave easily from the hail of bullets. Even if he had a gun in his hand, he was no match for the other party. If he didn't confess who was behind the scenes, he would most likely die.

"Black devil mercenaries?" Jiang Feng asked thoughtfully.

"It's the Black Demon Mercenary Corps." Mueller nodded.

"Which faction are those people who attacked the mine?" Jiang Feng asked.

"It's from the White Bears," Mueller said.

"Where are the people from the Black Demon Mercenary Corps?" Jiang Feng asked again.

"Mount Oman more than ten kilometers away." Mueller replied quickly.

"Take me there." Jiang Feng said without doubt.

Mueller hesitated for a few seconds, nodded in response, quickly changed his clothes, and drove a pickup truck.

Jiang Feng took out a pistol, pointed it at his left palm, and pulled the trigger a few times.

Mueller, who was driving, was startled when he heard the sudden gunshot.

Several severely deformed warheads appeared in Jiang Feng's palm. Looking at the stunned opponent, he said with a half-smile: "If something happens to the mine in the future, I will not find anyone, but you."

"Don't dare, dare not." Mueller said fearfully. After a few seconds of silence, he said again: "Actually, I don't want to cause trouble for Liyang Mine, nor do I want to provoke any Yanhuang company."

"Why?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"Yanhuang Kingdom's business in our Rust. Although they made money, they all sincerely helped our Rust, which is far from comparable to the vampires of the Star Kingdom." Mu Le said seriously.

"Then why do you still trouble Liyang Mine?" Jiang Feng asked.

"If you don't agree to the request of the Black Demon Mercenary Group, more than 100 members of the Lion Gang will definitely die. Even if they don't die in the hands of the Black Demon Mercenary Group, they will die in the hands of the gang controlled by the Black Devil Mercenary Group." Mu Le Said helplessly.

"How many camps of the Black Demon Mercenary Corps are there in Rust?" Jiang Feng asked.

"It's just a camp on Mount Oman," Muller said.

"How far is it?" Jiang Feng asked again.

"It's right there." Mueller pointed to the top of the mountain in the distance.

Looking at it with fixed eyes, a little bit of light appeared in the darkness.

"You stay here and wait for me." After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he opened the car door and ran out.

Seeing the young man disappearing quickly, Mu Le couldn't calm down for a long time.

The fastest man in the world has a speed of just over 11 meters per second.

The Yanhuang man in front of him has a speed of at least thirty meters per second.

When the track and field athletes run wildly, the sound of their footsteps is loud.

And what about the other party?Between the ups and downs of footsteps, there was almost no sound.

Under normal circumstances, a person with a strength of more than 2000 kilograms can't reach the fastest speed of 20 meters per second.

Jiang Feng, who grasps the meaning of the universe, understands the artistic conception of wind, and comprehends the laws of wind magic and space magic, can ignore the resistance brought by part of the air even if his soul is damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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