Chapter 112
Long's Pharmaceutical Factory is famous for Long's Cold Medicine, and Long's Cold Medicine is famous for I am not a magic medicine. The box office originally dropped, but it rebounded because of Long's Cold Medicine.

I am not the special effects team behind the magic medicine, which has attracted countless film and television companies to investigate.

Jiang Feng, who has become a leech, has devoted himself to transforming the production line.

The factory buildings of the material factory and the machinery factory have been built, and the factory can only operate after the machinery and equipment are installed.

Out of the desire to hide the earth star machine, he ordered a lot of machines and parts.

The machines and parts he bought were successively put into the Chaos Orb by him.

It took him more than ten days to complete the production lines of the material factory and machinery factory.

"The materials of the first-grade alloy are available on the earth, so first make the first-grade alloy."

"Before that, I have to recruit some workers, and the college students I trained should come back to work."

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng drove to Shuangqing, picked 42 college students, and then took them to the talent market to recruit [-] young and strong, and finally brought everyone back to Wangjia Village.

Production Department, Sales Department, Purchasing Department, Logistics Department, Finance Department, Administration Department, and Technology Department each have three college students, one of whom is a manager, and the other two are deputy directors.

The personnel department was canceled by him. Only the departments know what kind of people are lacking in each department. The administration department only needs to be responsible for the recruitment advertisements. It is up to each department to decide who needs to be recruited.

After arranging the positions of 42 college students, Jiang Feng assigned the recruited [-] young men to the production departments of the material factory and the machinery factory. If there was a shortage of people in other departments, they would recruit them themselves.

The existing positions are all tentative. After the one-month assessment period is over, everyone will be determined to stay or stay, as well as the specific positions.

Looking at the workers in front of him, Jiang Feng said slowly: "The cafeterias of the material factory and the machinery factory don't have chefs yet, and I eat three meals a day at the Fengyu Battery Factory. There is a dormitory area, four people share a room."

"Boss, when do we start work?" A young man asked.

"You go to the battery factory first to visit and learn. The material factory will start work next week, and the machinery factory will start work next week. You work five days a week, eight hours a day." Jiang Feng said.

He led everyone into the Fengyu Battery Factory, and asked the heads of various departments to arrange the employees of the two factories.

42 college students went to the corresponding departments to study, and [-] workers received safety training in the workshop.

A few days later, 21 college students and [-] workers returned to the Fengyu Material Factory.

After spending more than an hour teaching the workers to produce first-grade alloys, Jiang Feng was idle again.

"The daily production of first-grade alloys is several hundred tons. What does the machinery factory do?"

After thinking about it, he decided to produce kitchen knives, engines and precision machine tools first, and then do it after a while.

The first-grade alloy produced by the material factory every day, the machinery factory can't run out, and sooner or later it will be sold to the outside world.

He didn't want to advertise, so he planned to produce a batch of kitchen knives, and then waited for customers to come to his door.

Kitchen knives are very simple. When producing kitchen knives, it happens to let workers familiarize themselves with the machinery and equipment in the factory.

A few days later, Fengfeng Machinery Factory officially started construction.

"Boss, what do we produce?" Guo Hongliang, the production manager, asked with a blank expression.

"Produce kitchen knives first, and then produce engines after you are familiar with them," Jiang Feng said.

"Boss, is this jump too big?" Guo Hongliang asked.

"I'm the boss. Whatever I want, you can do whatever you want." Jiang Feng said domineeringly.

"Yes." Guo Hongliang nodded quickly.

Throwing an operation manual and a blueprint to the other party, Jiang Feng said: "Produce the kitchen knife as soon as possible."

"Yes." Guo Hongliang nodded in response.

"Being the boss is the most enjoyable when you don't consider whether you can make money!" Dispelling the rising distractions, Jiang Feng turned and returned to the office of Fengyu Battery Factory.

Guo Hongliang and two other college students devoted themselves to the study of the operation manual.

It took them two full days to understand the machinery and equipment.

Another two hours later, alloy kitchen knives after another were continuously packed into boxes by workers.

Jiang Feng, who heard the news, picked up a kitchen knife and chopped at the steel bar in his hand.

The steel rods were taken by him at the fab site.

There was only a clang, and the thin steel bar as thick as a finger snapped.

Looking at the still sharp blade, Jiang Feng nodded in satisfaction.

"Boss, the quality of this kitchen knife is even better than that of a Damascus kitchen knife." Guo Hongliang said dumbfounded.

"How much do you think is a good price for such a kitchen knife?" Jiang Feng asked.

"The cheapest Damascus kitchen knives cost several hundred dollars. Our kitchen knives are of better quality and cost at least 500 yuan a piece." Guo Hongliang said confidently.

"Let the people in the sales department sell it for 200 yuan." Jiang Feng thought for a while and said.

"Boss, don't you have a shopping platform? How about selling directly on the platform!" Guo Hongliang suggested.

"The sales department seems to be redundant." Jiang Feng thought to himself. After a few seconds of silence, he nodded and said, "You should inform the sales department about selling kitchen knives. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Kitchen knives can be sold online, but someone needs to be in charge, and the sales department is still useful.

Back at the battery factory office, Jiang Feng asked Youying to transfer the Fengyu operating system to the Fengyu shopping platform.

In less than half a day, the Fengyu operating system became famous in the Yanhuang Kingdom.

A shopping platform originally only had Long's cold medicine, but suddenly there was an operating system, and anyone would be curious. The two isolated things are naturally very eye-catching.

"This system is so easy to use, mobile phones and computers are universal, and office software is readily available."

"The price is really cheap, ten yuan a piece, and you won't be charged if you don't upgrade."

"Could it be that this wind and rain operating system was also produced by Long's Pharmaceutical Factory?"

"Could it be that the Fengfeng Shopping Platform and the Fengfeng Operating System are both owned by the Fengfeng Group?"

"The operating system compiled in Chinese is so intelligent!"

The price of [-] yuan a copy is not expensive, and the phone can be reset when it crashes. Those who tried it with their hands found that the Fengyu operating system is very easy to use, and immediately recommended it to relatives and friends around them.

For several days in a row, the market value of several foreign software companies plummeted again and again.

The instigator, Jiang Feng, threw a large stack of blueprints to Guo Hongliang, asking him to produce the engine according to the blueprints.

This afternoon, seeing him coming, Long Yuqing smiled and said, "I'm not a magic medicine."

"Oh." Jiang Feng responded.

"Do you know how much the box office is?" Long Yuqing asked with a smile.

"How many?" Jiang Feng asked back.

"Guess?" Long Yuqing asked again.

"It should be seven or eight billion." Jiang Feng said uncertainly.

"Hehehe, the domestic box office is more than 120 billion, and the foreign box office is more than 5000 billion star coins." Between Long Yuqing's words, there was an expression of disbelief.

"Why so many?" Jiang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Cold medicine is famous all over the world. Out of curiosity, many people abroad also read it. If there is no pirated version, the box office will be even more." Long Yuqing explained.

"The box office at home and abroad adds up, isn't there more than 200 billion Yanhuang coins?" Jiang Feng laughed.

"I didn't expect that the box office of the first film we invested would break the world record." Long Yuqing said proudly. She originally planned to spend money on advertising, but she didn't know that she made so much extra money.

"I am not a magic medicine. I have made a cold medicine, and the cold medicine has also made me not a magic medicine." Jiang Feng sighed.

Long's cold medicine is famous all over the world. Many people at home and abroad, in order to find out, went to the cinema to watch I am not a magic medicine, and many of them watched it several times.

If it weren't for the rampant piracy, I wouldn't be the box office of the magic medicine, and there would definitely be more.

(End of this chapter)

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