Marvel's Death Knight

Chapter 48 The Scourge Legion

Chapter 48 The Scourge Legion
Xiao Lin hurriedly ran to a corner where no one was around, and opened the door of death leading to the Azeroth Science and Technology Building.

Although he didn't know what was going on there, he felt that the attackers were basically Hydra people, and only those who possessed gene suppression drugs could subdue so many mutants at once.

As soon as he came out of the teleportation, Xiao Lin hurriedly released the magic mecha, and slowly lifted off from the top of the building.

"Mom, look, that's Iron Man!" A little boy shouted while pulling his mother.

The fast-flying mecha brought out a flame and disappeared into the sky. The people below thought it was Iron Man Tony Stark, and they didn't make a fuss because they were used to it.

They are all proud of Iron Man and Spiderman in New York City, there is no superhero fighting criminals in other cities to guard the city.


Looking at Wanda who resisted the attack of the army with her own strength, Stryker was shocked by her strength.

Now his mind is full of the powerful power of mutants. General Ross studies super serum to transform his soldiers. Stryker also wants his own super soldiers. He thinks this is the trend of future military development.

Waving the army to stop the attack, Stryker said: "Little girl, we don't need to waste time here, as long as you surrender, I can guarantee the safety of the two of you."

Seeing that there were only two mutants left, General Stryker thought the others were dead.

Wanda took a few breaths, looked at Logan beside her and said, "Impossible, you and Hydra are in the same group, and you will not have a good life in your hands."

Wanda now hates Baron Zemo so much, if she sees that guy again, she will definitely kill him.

"Hydra?" Stryker was a little puzzled. Didn't the Hydra organization disappear with the end of World War II?
"Wanda!" At this time, Pietro came to the academy, and he saw that only the scarlet witch Wanda was left intact in the academy, and all the other high-rise buildings collapsed.

"Why are you back again? Go away."

Pietro carried Logan on his back and said, "Wanda, let's go together, the students are already safe."

Wanda nodded, and just as she took off her protection and was about to turn around and leave, she saw that the floor above her head finally couldn't support it and fell towards them.

"Pietro!" Wanda released chaos magic with both hands, and only had time to protect the three of them before being covered by the rubble building.

"what a pity!"

Seeing the ruins of the building, Stryker felt a little regretful, and he wanted to recruit them into his army.

Just as he was about to let the army go up to check it, Congressman Kelly ran up from behind with a team of people.

"General Stryker, leave it to me."

Stryker looked at him with a frown and said, "Yes, but the corpses of those mutants need to be handed over to us."

Seeing his army all around him, Congressman Kelly had no choice but to temporarily agree. As for finding Experimental No. [-], he had plenty of ways to get it back.


As soon as Xiao Lin flew into Westchester, he saw that the woods were full of troops, including the sonic tank he sold to General Ross.

Is it from the military?How did they come here, and how did they find it.

After a little counting, there were about a thousand people, all of them surrounded the academy, and the academy was already in ruins at this time. Could it be that they were all dead?
Xiao Lin only felt anger welling up, no matter who it was, he decided to keep them all here today, this was his painstaking effort, and it was ruined just like that.

"Start the magic cannon!"

The weapon on the back of Xiao Lin's mecha began to recharge, and when everyone didn't notice the top, the fel cannon poured down.

Many soldiers in the forest were burned by the green evil fire, and the screams were heard all of a sudden.

"General, dangerous!"

Stryker's lieutenant pushed his head down, and a green fel fireball flew over his head, igniting a soldier next to him, and it burned to ashes in a short time.

Xiao Lin, who was in the air, looked at Xiaonian's officer a little familiar to him, and after thinking for a while, he realized that he was very much like Colonel Stryker, Logan's enemy.

"Idiot, shoot him down quickly." Stryker shouted angrily.

Weapons aimed at Xiao Lin one after another and attacked, but Xiao Lin was not very proficient in controlling the mech. After being hit once and knocked down to the ground, he simply put away the magic mech, and his ability was still reliable for the time being.

Xiao Lin took out Frostmourne, released the unjust souls inside, and sank into the ground under the enemy's feet. One by one, undead creatures crawled out from the ground, forming an army of the dead.

This is different from the mindless ghouls that are summoned. These are Hydra soldiers who have lost their memory, and undead creatures formed by combining the souls of pioneer technology employees and brainless ghouls summoned from other worlds , It can also be said that they are the new Scourge.

The soldiers were horrified to see hands with dirt sticking out from the ground, and faces full of carrion appeared in front of them.

"What the hell is this?" They felt like they were in a horror movie, and the scene in front of them scared them into panic.

The dead bodies that crawled out grabbed nearby soldiers and bit them, and the formation was in chaos for a while.

Even General Stryker was stunned. The resurrection of the dead cannot be explained by science.

Senator Kelly, who was going to search for Subject No. [-], also noticed the situation here, and the monitoring equipment on his body transmitted the picture here to Baron Zemo.

"Damn it, it's him again." Zemo gritted his teeth. It was this man who rescued the mutants from his base, but he knew nothing about him. He had never seen such a terrifying ability before. .

A great battle between the living and the dead took place in the woods, and Xiao Lin hurried to the academy, he wanted to see if there were still people alive in the academy.


"Lord Mephisto, there are a lot less ghouls in hell this time, maybe some mages from the world summoned them."

On another alien plane of the earth, in the hell controlled by Mephisto, an undead general reported to the Lord of Hell sitting on the throne.

"A total of 350 ghouls have been lost this time, which is the same number of souls that have disappeared recently."

The fire of soul in Mephisto's eyes was beating, "It's really brave to take away my soul and ghouls without my permission."

Immediately, he had some headaches again, his strength in the human world was greatly weakened, and even a ghost knight had some headaches, and now an unknown necromancer appeared.

"Let my believers complete the magic circle as soon as possible, and transmit as much of my power as possible to the world."

Mephisto regards the souls on Earth as his personal belongings, and he absolutely does not allow anyone to snatch them from him. Of course, this is because the God of Creation of Death does not want to pay attention to him, otherwise he would not have the guts.

 sleepy tonight
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(End of this chapter)

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