Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 455 Agreement

Chapter 455 Agreement
"Are you kidding us, human?"

The original Gulardo opened its mouth, showing its sharp fangs, and drops of orange-yellow lava melted a large piece of soil from the corner of its mouth.

Primordial Kyoka narrowed his eyes. Although he was not as blatantly threatening as Gulardo, he gave people the feeling that it was even worse, and the pressure was like an abyss.

The huge shadow cast by the two ultra-ancient beasts enveloped Long Yi and the others below. The horror and powerlessness of human beings in the face of giant beasts and irresistible forces were vividly rendered.

Long Yi raised his head and smiled calmly.

"Not really."

"Although I don't know where the first generation of Liekong sat, I have a way to force it out."

Even Kyoka has to admit that even among the many human elites he has come into contact with in his long life, few of them can be so calm under the pressure of himself and Gulardo.

This human being is indeed not simple.

"Tell me." It said, and Gulardo didn't make a sound when he saw this.

These two ultra-ancient divine beasts are completely different from the tranquility written in the history, which obviously caught everyone by surprise. This must contain some unknown secret, and Long Yi obviously knows this secret.

And it's also related to the first generation of Raekongza!
Long Yi moved his gaze down slightly, looked into the distance through the gap between the two ultra-ancient divine beasts, and said: "Chasing and killing other Liekongzai in the world. As long as you kill enough, you won't be afraid that it won't come out."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was startled, even Gulardo and Kioka were taken aback by Long Yi's thoughts.

Kill Lie and sit empty!Raykuza is also the strongest among the beasts!
And it's not just one or two, it's to kill it until it becomes extinct!

"You're crazy!" Shimada Taka exclaimed.

Among all the beasts in Fengyuan, no one has more dealings with humans than Liekongzao, and the upper limit is also the highest.

As a military leader, Taka Shimada naturally knows how powerful Raykonza is, and even the military itself secretly supports one of them.

And now, Miyazaki Ryuichi is actually instigating the other two super ancient beasts to jointly hunt down and kill all Raykuza!
"Good idea!" Gulardo praised, which was exactly what he wanted.

"How do you guarantee that this will lead to the first generation Raykonza?" Kioka asked.

Compared with those 'weak' descendants, it values ​​the original Raykonza more.

Long Yi said with a smile: "If you don't pay attention, it won't spread its branches and leaves."

This reason obviously convinced Gaioka, plus Long Yi ensured that he had a channel to lock Raykonza's position, so a simple alliance was reached.

The original Kyoka, the original Gulardo as the main combat team members, and Miyazaki Ryuichi as the humanoid navigator.

After the agreement is reached, the next step is the side details, such as how to hurry up.After obtaining the consent of the two bosses, Long Yi used two of the most common poke balls to put away Gulardo and Kyoka.

Of course, this is just for the convenience of traveling. With this level of Poké Ball, two ultra-ancient beasts can break free in minutes, let alone brainwashed.

"Come out, Jinpeng!"

After releasing Jinpeng, who had learned the fastest moving secret technique in history to deal with Ji Laqi, Long Yi turned over and rode on it, nodding to Du, Dawu and the others, formally saying goodbye.

"Golden Lightning Cloud Piercer!"

With a flap of Jin Peng's wings, it turned into a flash of golden lightning and disappeared into the distant sky. The speed was so fast that it exceeded human reaction time.


The sea, the isolated island, the pillar of the sky.

This is a high tower hidden on an isolated island in the sea. It was built by the Meteor People who worshiped the first generation of Raykongzai in the super ancient times. Although the tower has been dilapidated due to years of disrepair, it still has some mysterious power after years of wind and frost. Stand upright.

There are a lot of eddies and fog around the isolated island, coupled with the characteristics of distorted electromagnetic waves, so it does not exist in the regular sea chart. Only the ancient sea chart left by the Meteor People has the correct way to go to the Sky Pillar.

Legend has it that at the top of the Pillar of the Sky, there lives Hoenen's most powerful top-level beast-Raykuza!

If someone can rely on their own strength to pass through the vortex and fog of the sea, break through barriers layer by layer and reach the highest point of the Sky Pillar, then they will meet this legendary beast, and even have the opportunity to become a trainer favored by Liekongzai Home!
It is precisely because of such legends that, compared to Gulardo and Kyoka, who destroyed the world, Raykon sitting in the Fengyuan area has always been a symbol of the patron saint of the front, and his popularity among the masses remains high.

With Long Yi's current status, although the location of the Sky Pillar and the method of entry are top secret, he has already mastered it, and even gave it to half of his disciples long ago.

It's a pity that although Onijima Senbei has a special green caterpillar, although the Meteor People in the Pillar of the Sky have left, the organs they left behind and the powerful wild elves living here still stop it, leading to the summit. fail.

Today, the Pillar of the Sky ushered in another challenger.

The owner of the gymnasium in Chenghua City, known as Qianli, the owner of the strongest gymnasium in Fengyuan.

Sky Pillar No.40 floor.

"Please leave the king, use the arm hammer!"

The pig-faced gorilla smashed a baby with a big mouth into the air, and guarded Qianli with a heavy breath, without the slightest lazy look of the wild king of leave.

Around, a few big-mouthed bats led a group of supersonic bats hanging upside down on the roof, their bloodthirsty eyes locked on one person and one pet.

In the shadows, a soul-hunting eye remained silent, took out a rock and put it in his mouth, chewing it up.

In the corner, an Alidos wove a net and blocked the stairs leading to the 41st floor.

"The Sky Pillar really lives up to its reputation. The closer to the top, the stronger the wild elves." Qianli wiped off his sweat.

Legend has it that there are colorful meteorite fragments on the top of the Pillar of the Sky, so the wild elves became extremely strong under the radiation, and even a race-limited baby with a big mouth appeared on the 40th floor, which put tremendous pressure on Qianli.

"It's a pity that you can't fly directly to the top floor, otherwise you will be attacked by Lie Kongzai, otherwise it will save a lot of effort."

After drinking the water he carried with him, Qianli, who was about to order the leave king to break through this floor, suddenly heard a loud and clear eagle cry from outside the tower.

Looking out from the windowless opening against the strong wind, a golden electric light flew quickly from far to near, piercing through the clouds and reaching the top of the Sky Pillar in the blink of an eye.

Who is that?
When he was in a daze for thousands of miles, Long Yi had already arrived at his destination in Jinpeng.

"Go down."

Jumping off Jinpeng's back, stepping on the severely weathered floor tiles, Long Yi squinted his eyes against the strong wind, and looked towards the center of the top floor of the Sky Pillar.

There is an obvious man-made building, a huge stone tablet stands in a pavilion, and a small fist-sized colorful gemstone is inlaid on the top of the stone tablet.

Taking a closer look, it uses murals and a small amount of ultra-ancient text to describe the story of Liekongzai accepting the offerings of the Meteor People and helping humans drive away the lava demon Gulardo and the sea demon King Kyoka.

Of course, it is a version that has been polished by the people of the shooting star.

On the top of the stele, among some simple lines, is inlaid a fist-sized precious gemstone overflowing with colorful light.

"Is this a fragment of a colorful meteorite?"

Of course Long Yi knew about the legend about the Sky Pillar, if it wasn't for the strong warning from his own Lie Kongzao, he would have come here a long time ago.

But now, with Kyoka and Gulardo at his back, Long Yi can use his strength, and he doesn't have to be afraid of a direct descendant of the first Rakonza.

Not in a hurry to pick off this legendary treasure that is said to be very attractive to Liekongzuo, Long Yi went around the stone tablet and successfully found the finishing touch learning method in the north.

3D dragons!
With a thought in mind, the 3D dragon incarnated as a system elf quickly took a picture of the learning method, and transmitted it to Lie Kongzuo's mind through the system, helping the latter comprehend this exclusive secret skill in an instant.

The finishing touch!

In the exclusive space, a burst of green light suddenly flashed on Long Yi's Lie Kongzuo, and a strange feeling rose in his heart, as if his body was preparing to generate a new organ, but something crucial was missing, causing the secret skill It failed to use and did not achieve super evolution.

Colorful meteorite!

Less colorful meteorites!

This thought entered Long Yi's mind, he jumped easily, his five fingers inserted like hooks into the stone slab, and he took off the fragment of this colorful meteorite, and sent it to Lie Kongzuo's hand.

"Be careful!" Rayquaza came to warn.

As soon as Long raised his head, a beam of yellow energy light pierced through the clouds and struck obliquely from above, his eyes were on him.

Inspired by the energy of destroying the dead light, the white clouds drifted away, revealing a huge Lie Kongzai with an exceptionally dark green head behind him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Long Yi grinned, and a red figure appeared in front of him, easily overturning Shiting.

Destroy the dead light with a frontal hit!

Gulardo scratched his itch, looked up and saw the dark green Rayquaza, showing a smile similar to that of Long Yi just now.

"Not bad, the human boy did a good job." Gulardo was very pleased, and shot a mud shot with his backhand, making Lie Kong sit face-to-face.

(End of this chapter)

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