Chapter 453


The light disappeared, and Jiraki, who had recovered to his original state, appeared next to the beam of the grating cannon. A pair of eyes full of anger and fear stared at Dawu's super golden monster.


He almost died in the hands of this giant metal monster!


An angry telepathy sounded, Jirachi's eyes shone with dazzling blue light, and a huge superpower acted on the super golden monster, making it sink uncontrollably.

The trick - gravity!
At the same time, it focused on two purposes, and with a wave of its small hand, Bankiras, who was far away, appeared behind the super giant gold monster in an instant.

As the highest authority in the main god's space, Ji Laqi deeply understands the power of the nirvana of assimilation.


"Spiritual strength!"

As an elf of the super power system, the mental strength of the super giant golden monster can temporarily counter Jiraki's gravity, but if you want to avoid the attack of Ares Banjilas in the middle of the confrontation with Jiraki, it will be a bit difficult. I'm beyond my strength.

Facing the mysterious secret technique with unknown power, Dawu, who was linked with the Super Metagross fetters in a super-evolved state, obviously felt the former's uneasiness, so he was heartbroken and ordered the Nianli puppet on the side to use the exchange venue.

Next to the Nianli puppet is Mikri's Menus, so it cannot be exchanged with Bankiras, only the giant metal monster.

The positions of the two sides were exchanged instantly, and at the same time Bankiras' attack also arrived.

Earthy yellow, spreading.

There is no bright flame, no extremely powerful explosion, the manifestation of this assimilation move is ordinary, it just turns itself and the Nianli clay puppet into a mud-like khaki, and there is no sound at all.


The two elves were shaken and fell, and they were instantly torn apart. The inside was completely mud, not internal organs.

Bankiras and Nianli Clay Puppet died together.

"Che, good luck."

Ares spat, his trump card was not Dawu's super golden monster. Although he also replaced a main elf, it was obviously a blood loss.

Fortunately, his elves are all quickened and controlled through the main god's space, so there is no emotion, so he doesn't feel distressed.

In comparison, Dawu's reaction was more like the death of the ace spirit.

"Nianli clay puppet!"

Although he had expected it when he gave the order, seeing the Nianli clay puppet die without any resistance, it still broke Dawu's mind.

The red eyeballs stared at Ji Laqi, never before at this moment, this German gentleman has never had such a strong desire to kill an elf.

"Super Metagross, lock it!"


The super golden monster exudes a strange wave, and the moment this wave passes over Ji Laqi, a strong sense of crisis comes instantly.

Metagross cannot learn locking, but Dawu's Metagross is an exception. Relying on special skills, it has learned a secret technique similar to locking, although it is limited to steel elves.

But Jirachi happens to be a steel type!

"Raster gun!"

Dawu ordered bitterly.

Ares hurriedly said: "Hey, if you don't do anything, Ji Laqi is dead, and we are both going to die!"

Athena knew this without Ares telling her. In fact, she had already been preparing for it, but it was just a waste of time because of the need to force Shimada Ye and Ikegami Mitsuko back.

"King Napoleon, use yourself as a shield!"

Under the influence of the secret technique, Emperor Nabo, wearing a golden crown, quickly turned into a ray of light, and crossed his hands in front of Jirachi.

"Secret Technique Crown of Thorns!"

"Secret Skill Steel Wings!"

"Secret Technique Ocean Heart!"

"Secret Skill Martial Arts Prestige!"

"Combined nirvana, the blessing of the Valkyrie!"

The secret skills were used by Emperor Nabo one by one, and transformed into powerful nirvana under the combination of special skills. A huge phantom of the Valkyrie shrouded the sky above Emperor Nabo, and with a wave of the scepter, Emperor Nabo and Ji Laqi took shelter together.

The torrent of the grating cannon hits, but this move is only effective against steel-type spirits and steel-type special moves, and the effect is mediocre when facing water-based special moves.

Under the protection of Emperor Nabo, Jirachi opened the Eye of Reality in his abdomen for the first time in a non-prayer state, and the huge millennium comet was reflected in the pupil of the Eye of Reality, separating powerful energy from it, Falling to the ground with a devastating impact.

Under the boost of the Millennium Comet, Jilaqi's exclusive secret skill, which has reached the nirvana level, is a wish to be shattered!
Seeing that the light of the broken wish was about to burst out from the Eye of Reality, a bright red figure suddenly appeared in the corner of Jiraki's eyes, and the ferocious black pliers slammed down fiercely.

Iron Claw Lobster!

It is Kajigawa Kageki's iron claw lobster!

Relying on the special ability of slamming east and west, its phantom passed through the protective shield formed by the Valkyrie's blessing, then quickly switched positions, and successfully came to Jiraki's side.


Interruption of evil secret skills, forcibly interrupting the secret skills of the opponent's unique moves, even if the attacker uses a restrained unique move such as superpowers or ghosts, the abilities of the two parties can conflict, causing huge internal injuries.

Although Shattered Wish is a steel-type secret skill, it didn't take much damage, but it was actually interrupted by the iron lobster, and it failed to use.

At the same time, the grating gun of the super golden monster also came to an end, and the two sides had a dead end in this round.

But Kajikawa Kageki's story is not over yet!
He smiled slightly, looked at the iron-clawed lobster that was slowly falling to the side of Ji Laqi, and said again: "Ambush the vital point!"

The other lobster claw suddenly glowed black, and swung it fiercely into the air.

No, not air!
Instead, the iron-clawed lobster once again used the special ability of slamming east and west, and what stayed with Ji Laqi was already a phantom, and the real iron-clawed lobster...

A palm with the size of a cattail leaf fan blocked the iron claw lobster's sneak attack, and the veins on the back of the palm full of calluses showed that he was not so relaxed.

It's Ares!

"If you think I don't have elves, you can leave me alone." Ares kicked the iron-clawed lobster flying, twisted his neck and looked at Athena who seemed to be frightened beside him, and said mockingly: "Mr. You can't fall twice in the same place."

Ever since he was killed by Long Yi last time and suffered physical losses, Ares, who returned for revenge, used a large amount of main god points to strengthen himself. He has already become a fighter of courage level, fighting with elemental level elves It is also true.

It is precisely because of this that he only has one champion-level elf. Not only are there very few secret skills, but also the assimilation skill that can only be used once.

Not for other, because cheap!
"Hmph, reckless man." Athena scolded, but her heartbeat still didn't slow down.

"This stinky lobster is too elusive, and I can only protect you personally. If you don't have a hidden hole card, we will confess together today." Ares said indifferently.

He had no choice but to escape, and he couldn't escape, and he couldn't fight.

If Athena had no way to turn things around, the two would surely die here today.

"Three champions, two kings, how to win?" Athena said. (Ikegami Mitsuko was classified as the king of heaven by her.)
Seeing that the original Gulardo had been lured further and further away by Mikri's Menus, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the goddess of wisdom.

"For the present plan, it's nothing more than breaking the boat."

"Nirvana, strange space!" At this moment, Shimada Taka's voice suddenly came to mind.

A beam of colorful light diffused from Sun Rock, and where the light touched, the sky, lawn, and ground all disappeared, turning into a strange space shining with colorful light, including all the people and elves present.

"Since you are the incarnation of the comet, I will cut off your connection with the comet!"

"Jirachi, the Hoenen Alliance is not a place where you can run wild!"

What can't be done to the original Gulardo, and what can't be done to you Jirachi?
Dawu looked at Athena and Ares who joined Ji Laqi, and ordered the giant golden monster to stand by with cold eyes.

The Sun Rock, the Super Metagross, Kajikawa Kagetsu's Iron Claw Lobster and Ikegami Mitsuko's Duck-billed Flame Dragon occupy a position respectively, firmly surrounding the protection of the female warrior.

As for Mikri, in order to lure the original Gulardo, he was not included by Taka Shimada.

Although the nirvana is strong, it is not invincible, just wait for the female warrior's protection for an hour, and the alliance will launch a general attack!

"Jilaqi, can you break this space?" Ares asked quietly.

Ji Laqi shook his head, his face embarrassed.

"What about making a wish?" Athena asked.


"Yes." Ji Laqi nodded.

But it has only one last wish left.

(End of this chapter)

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