Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 451 Dayake Maru!

Chapter 451 Dayake Maru!
It is detected that Jiraki has suffered a powerful attack, and it is judged that the reincarnated person has passive avoidance behavior, and the first/second warning is given to it.

The moment Jiraki was attacked by the Crab Fist, the same warning sounded in the minds of the three reincarnators at the same time. The difference was that both Ares and Athena warned for the first time. Kawaji is the second time.


A thunderbolt fell, and it hit Fu Chuanzhi's body. Although it didn't do much damage to his body, it made his face black and his hair explode.

"Damn it!" Fu Chuanzhi spit out a mouthful of black smoke, his face as black as charcoal was very ugly.

He had already discovered the trickiness of the Lord God's Space, but he couldn't think of a way to get rid of it. Later, he finally found someone to split the B card for the dead ghost, so that he didn't have to complete the monthly routine tasks. After so many years, he still has nothing. get.

It is precisely because he has thought of many ways that he is also the one among the three who has a deep understanding of the power of the main god's space, knowing that even with his current strength, it is delusional to escape the so-called obliteration.

Since you can't resist, you can only obey.

Seeing Jiraki being besieged by Dago and Mikri, Nukawaji squinted his eyes, put one hand on his waist and the other behind his back, and assumed a posture of Iai drawing his sword.


A ray of lightning emerged from the corner of Nukawaji's eyes, and a brown samurai sword appeared out of nowhere in the palm he needed to hold. With a squeak, the light of the sword shone like thunder, and he crossed a distance of more than 30 meters in an instant. Appearing in the air behind the confronting Ryuko Miyamoto, he posed in a posture of withdrawing his sword while falling.

The thunder light went out along with the knife light, and Takashi Miyamoto, who still had white lightning in his eyes, raised his hand just as he was about to say something, when a slash suddenly appeared on his body, and then his face instantly turned into panic, from his right shoulder to his left abdomen, The upper body slowly slid down.



Terrifying thunder and lightning erupted from the wound, and along with Miyamoto Ryuko's scream, his body was charred by the lightning, and the elf ball in his arms was blown to pieces, only the desert dragonfly under him was spared.

This scene frightened Shimada Ye and Ikegami Mitsuko to quickly avoid it, just like when Ryuichi killed all directions in Miyamoto's house, in the irregular battle, what these champion trainers are most afraid of is similar beheading tactics .

After all, compared with his own elves, his combat power is simply negligible, and his life-saving ability is also weak.

Takashi Miyamoto's desert dragonfly and cursed dolls were originally handed in by the people below after training, and his relationship with him was limited to the master and servant. Seeing the death of the master at this moment, he felt the bondage from the elf ball disappear. After a moment of hesitation They fled one after another.

The battle here also attracted the attention of Du, Dawu, and Mikoli, especially Du, the moment he saw the thunder, some memory in his mind was touched, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently.

After judging the situation, Watanabe understands that if no one resists Nuokawaji, then everyone here will be defeated by it sooner or later. Athena and Ares have mutual filth, and Shimada Taka and Ikegami Mitsuko have hope to delay it.

I can only go up by myself.

"Leave that person to me, and you will deal with Ares and Athena!" Du Lang said.

The two sides quickly changed positions, and for some unknown reason during the process, neither Athena, Ares, nor Butanji did anything to stop it.

Fu Chuanzhi finally landed, loosened the knife with his right hand, and Leiqie floated out of thin air and landed behind her.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped forward with his feet in a figure of eight, clasped his hands in front of him, sank his center of gravity, and assumed a new posture.

Puff, puff.

Feeling the heart beating powerfully in his body for a long time, Nuokawaji pulled a ferocious smile from the corner of his mouth, the muscles on his body swelled one by one, exhaled and said softly: "Flame Slash."

Fierce flames soared into the sky, and the huge energy swayed layers of air waves centered on Nuo Chuanzhi. The hot flames were reflected in the depths of Nuo Chuanzhi's eyes, and were held in the hands of a red evil ghost.

Dust-laden memory finally attributes, feeling the powerful energy of the flame, Du finally exclaimed: "Da Yue Wan!"

"You are the former ghost king Dayuemaru of the Demon Cave!"

Dayuemaru, once the head of the three ghost kings in the demon cave, the killer king who controlled the two major regions of Kanto and Chengdu, was a strong man in the previous generation. Du had just debuted when he became famous.

Later, due to unknown reasons, this ghost king Jinpen washed his hands and sealed his sword and went back to seclusion in a certain place in Kanto, and expelled all the well-known killers in the Kanto area, and then he was gradually forgotten.

As for Shuten-douji, Otakemaru had already gone into seclusion when he became the Oni King, and because of the vacancy in the Johto area, he took advantage of it.

Now that Dayue Maru is back in the rivers and lakes, how can Du not be shocked!

You must know that this person's combat strength is not on the elves, but on himself and his three demon swords!
Leiqie's power has already been seen, although the Yan Zhan in front of him is not as fast as Leiqie, but the destructive power is still increasing.

Du, who recognized his opponent, didn't dare to neglect, and quickly ordered the ace, the elf Kuailong, to stand in front of him, and the secret skills of the dragon king's power and the dragon king's armor were launched at the same time.


The huge flame storm formed a [-]-meter-long flaming sword and slashed down. It was too late for Kuailong to use the remaining combined secret skills. He raised his hands bravely and chose to resist under the strong oppression.

Countless sparks splashed, and Kuailong let out a scream. After the divine armor of both hands was broken, his arms were swung away. The scorching knife energy split a deep knife mark on the armor on its chest, and the skin below it could be seen to be cracked by the naked eye. , revealing scarlet muscles.

With one knife, Kuailong who used two secret skills was hurt!
"Love Fish, use Healing Wave!"

A blue water ball fell on Kuailong's body, quickly healing its skin trauma. As for the damaged dragon king's armor, it was also repaired in the blink of an eye under the blessing of the dragon king's divine power.

It was Mikri who made the move, and in the current three battles, they are the only ones who have enough energy to support Wataru and Shimada Taka.

Du nodded his thanks, and then ordered Kuailong: "Continue."

A phantom of a divine dragon appeared behind Kuailong, roared and got into the back of his head. It was the soul of the Dragon King, a unique secret skill with both mental attack and defense.

"Come the knife!"

With Du's stern shout, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, and the thunder fell into Kuailong's hands, forming a terrifying machete with a snow-white blade and a long dragon coiled on the back.

Special Secret Skill - Dragon King Blade!
The dragon head on the abdomen, Kuailong's eyebrows, the dragon head decoration on the shoulders of the god armor, and the dragon carving on the back of the knife all light up their eyes, and the eight-point white light attracts people's eyes.

I only heard the continuous dragon chant for an instant, and Kuailong dragged the Dragon King's God Blade backwards with both hands, raised the knife and slashed, and a platinum-gold knife light flashed across the sky, piercing the void instantly.

The unique nirvana of the Yulong family-Shenlong Slash!

However, when Kuailong was accumulating power for a short time, Nuo Chuanzhi had already let go of the flame chop in his hand, and his muscles contracted and relaxed.

He stood sideways facing Kuailong, and his figure became somewhat slender for no reason. His black hair suddenly grew wildly, and soon grew into soft waist-length hair. A sunlit skate formed in his hand.

"Leiqie's swiftness, Flame Slash's burst, and Bingren's elegance."

"When I was young, I liked Leiqie the most. When I was young, I liked Yanzhan the most. As for now, I only like Bingren."

With a wave of Nobuokawa's hand, the air and space in front of him can be seen to be frozen with the naked eye. Although Kuailong's Shenlong Zhan is powerful, it is extremely difficult to move forward in front of this knife light that can freeze even space. A few centimeters in front of Nukawaji's body was completely frozen.

"You can't even kill the dragon?" Du was shocked.

This big ghost king, who has been retired for more than ten years, has become more terrifying than the rumors. He has even walked out of his own way like Master Iwata, and has become a terrifying existence that can physically fight against champion elves!
"It's up to me now." Nuokawaji smiled charmingly, raised his hand to hold the handle of the ice blade in his hand, and then twisted himself into a weird posture.

With one hand back, Lei Qie fell into the palm, and with the other hand raised high, Yan Zhan was controlled by him.

As the three demon knives returned to their positions, his long hair was also divided into three colors equally, flying behind his head.

"Three Swords Style--A Flash of Ice Flame and Thunder!"

I don't see how he moved, his body suddenly became blurred, red, cyan, and blue energy formed three giant dragons and soared out, entangled in the midair and merged into a purple dragon, and swallowed the fast dragon in midair.

will die!

Absolutely die!

The powerful and direct stimulation made Didu's heart pounding, the pupils in his eyes completely turned into needle-shaped vertical pupils, and a burst of blue energy was directly poured into Kuailong's body in front of him, giving him a powerful boost.

The power of Yulong is fully activated!

"Quick Dragon, Divine Dragon Slash!"

The more powerful golden sword light and the purple dragon fought in mid-air, but the sword light could be seen by the naked eye and was pushed back step by step.

If this continues, Kuailong will die, and Du will die too!

However, at this moment, Taka Shimada couldn't help him, and Mitoko Ikegami couldn't help him, because the powerful energy suppressed the space to be harder than steel, and Dawu's giant golden monster and Nianli clay puppets couldn't even move Tono over.

This is a doomed situation!

However, at this moment, the purple dragon suddenly dissipated, and the golden knife light flew to the distance and exploded a big hole, Kuailong suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

Fu Chuanzhi lowered his head in disbelief. An iron-clawed lobster that appeared at an unknown time looked at him and smiled coldly. The lobster pincers clamped it hard, and the fresh heart turned into a pile of minced meat.


Bu Chuanzhi gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words, then fell to the ground and died, and a generation of ghost kings fell.

With the death of Nukawaji, the three peerless demon swords Raiqie, Enzhan, and Bingren also lost their luster and turned into three katana swords of different colors, silently waiting for the arrival of the next master.

(End of this chapter)

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