Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 448 Fighting Gulardo!

Chapter 448 Fighting Gulardo!

On the wilderness ten kilometers away from Greystone Town, a few flying elves stagnated in the air, looking at the primitive Gulardo that was approaching at every step.

The main force of the crossing is the fast dragon, so the ride is a fire-breathing dragon.

Dawu’s mount is Armor Bird, Mickley’s is Pokkiss, Ikegami Mitsuko’s is Tyrannosaurus, Shimada Taka’s is Bi Diao, and Miyamoto’s is Desert Dragonfly.

The Fengyuan military naturally provided air vehicles, but in the battle with elves like the original Gulardo, the helicopters were not fast enough, the air battleships were too heavy, and the space for fighter jets was too small, so it is better to take their own flying elves .

It was still early in the morning, and the sky and the earth were surrounded by darkness. However, the hot lava behind the original Gulardo made the sky red. There was more than one forest on the way because of it.

"The characteristic of the original Gulardo is the land of the end. According to Chairman Ikegami's description, the effect should be similar to the research field of the Miyamoto family. Within the scope of the land of the end, other elemental spirits can only use their own power to carry out attack, but cannot borrow the energy between heaven and earth." Du said wearing a communicator.

This is an absolute dimensionality reduction blow for any element-level elf, whether it is a king or a champion, whether it is a secret skill or a nirvana, although skills can amplify power, the base is undoubtedly the key factor.

If the base number is 1, even if the ultimate skill magnifies it ten times, the power will only become 10, which is far from being as terrifying as ten times 30 becoming 300.

Even if all the trainers present are champion-level trainers, one of the most powerful people in the world, they still find it difficult to deal with Fengyuan's top beast disaster.

"The field is not unsolvable."

"After all, what Gulardo is good at is Fengyuan's natural power, not the self-created world like Sinnoh's three dragons. Its land of the end is formed naturally because of the huge natural energy, which does not mean that Gulardo Very proficient at it.”

Naturally, the Miyamoto family has the most say in the field. For the sake of his own life, Miyamoto Takao introduced this without reservation.

"If we want to fight the original Gulardo, we can use moves from outside the land of the end and strike from a super long distance."

"The element spirits in the land of the end cannot use the energy of the heavens and the earth, but the unique energy from the outside has been used by secret skills and nirvana. With Gulardo's mastery of the domain, it must be impossible to decompose it." Miyamoto Ryutake said.

This method is useless for the three gods of Sinnoh, because they have already formed their own world, and currently there are almost no secret skills and nirvana that can penetrate a world to attack, even if it is a small world.

However, the ability of the original Gulardo in this area is far inferior to that of the Sinnoh three dragons, so it is a good means.

"In addition, if you have a special trick, you can also try to cut off the connection between Gulardo and Hoenen's natural force, so that the land of the end will be self-defeating, and even the original Gulardo should degenerate into a normal form .” Takashi Miyamoto proposed a second solution.

The exclusive secret skill Demon Blood Seal obtained by Interpol Bloodtear's tyrannosaurus after enlightening the elements has a similar effect, but for the original Gulardo's body size of more than [-] meters, the power of the Demon Blood Seal is somewhat lacking.

"The other domains are not effective against mental attacks." Miyamoto Takao said again.

No matter which one of the three methods works, it can effectively snipe the original Gulardo, not to mention defeating it, it is not difficult to lure it away from the direction.

This is also the advantage of prescribing the right medicine. If there is no Takashi Miyamoto, other people will have to try everything in the face of the unfamiliar ending place, which will easily cause casualties.

"My fast dragon focuses on melee combat, so I'm afraid it won't be very effective." Du said.

Daigo and Miyamoto Takashi said the same, after all, there are very few battles that require the use of ultra-long-range tricks for strikes.

And the range of the land of the end is too huge, and the attack distance of ordinary secret skills and nirvana is not enough.

"Let me try." Shimada Taka said.

As a military, his elves have mastered such skills.

He threw a green elf ball specially used by the military, and an orange elf floated in the air.

The elf has an orange spherical body, surrounded by eight yellow stone thorns of different lengths spreading from the side, a pair of large black eyelids on the front body, and a small indifferent red pupil in the center.

The legendary spirit that fell from the universe, Meteorite Pokémon Sun Rock!
This is a very rare elf. The wild ones only have a chance to appear nearby after the meteorite falls. Most trainers have never even heard of it, let alone seen it.

It is similar to Moonstone. These two kinds of elves are genderless elves. They were considered as infertile elves for hundreds of years after they were discovered. The number is so rare that the price is several times that of quasi-god elves!
This situation continued until the appearance of Dittomon, an artificial elf with some fantasy genes, so it is also the only Pokémon that can use transformation.

And when Dittomon's transformation skills have been developed to a certain extent, it can even produce offspring with genderless Pokémon such as Sun Rock and Moon Rock, which leads to the disappearance of similar elves from the endangered list.

Even so, in this day and age, Sun Rock is still an incomparably rare elf.

Shimada Taka's Sun Rock is naturally a champion-level Pokémon, and the only Pokémon in his hands that has mastered the ultimate move.

"Sun Rock, use the Yangyan light to kill the cannon!"

Following Shimada Taka's order, Sun Rock first used a secret technique similar to a sunny day, causing a fiery red sun to suddenly appear in the sky, and the surrounding area was instantly bright as day.

Immediately after a large amount of sunlight was absorbed by the Sun Rock, the rock thorns around its body lit up one by one, and the lighting of each rock thorn represented that it had stored a secret skill-level light-killing cannon energy.

A full eight luminous cannon-level energy is stored in Sun Rock's body, and it is fused and amplified through special auxiliary secret skills to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than three.

When the entire Sun Rock suddenly turned white, the ultra-long-range nirvana that had been prepared for a full minute and a half was finally fully charged.

"Yang Yanguang kills the cannon, launch!"

The white beam of energy, which was so white that people couldn't look directly at it, suddenly pierced through the space and struck straight at the original Gulardo.

The attack speed of light-type special moves has always been the fastest. This special move not only has a super long-distance strike range, terrifying lethality, but also has an unparalleled attack speed.

However, with such a big movement, Gulardo is not a fool, so he naturally discovered the humans here early on.

The terrifying energy fluctuation exuded an aura that made it dare not ignore it, so even though Yang Yanguang killed the cannon extremely fast, Gulardo still reacted.

Boom boom boom!
Sections of red-glowing rocks spread out in front of it like a lineup. Although the sharp stone attack amplified by the land of the end could not stop the Yang Yanguang killing cannon, it finally slowed down its speed.

Another completely different stone like red agate jumped out from the ground and just hit the front of Yang Yanguang Cannon. The terrifying energies contained in the two became entangled instantly, and then an extremely terrifying big explosion occurred.

The ultimate skill - the sword of the cliff!
The air wave swept away like an earthquake wave, and the earth was instantly torn apart. Whether it was hills or big trees blocking the front, they were all smashed into powder by the air wave, but the original Gulardo was unscathed.

Yang Yanguang kills the cannon, it is invalid!

Gulardo's roar blew away the smoke and dust, and a ball of hot white light flew into the sky, forming a hot ball of light comparable to a real sun.

The second stage of the land of the end - the form of the great sunshine!
This is a weather skill that is comparable to a nirvana. Compared with Sun Rock's Sunshine Secret Skill before, it is like playing a house.

The black thorns on both sides of the original Gulardo's body lighted up one by one. It was about to use the sun beam to fight back. A big hole suddenly exploded in the ground behind it, and a high-speed rotating brown tortoise shell flew out of it, stretching its body in midair. , turning into a super evolved super water arrow turtle.

That was Mitsuko Ikegami's champion Blastoise. As early as when Shimada Taka's Sun Rock attracted Gulardo's attention just now, he lurked behind Gulardo with the help of another element-level three-level gopher.

One big and two small, the strong fluctuations that had been brewing in the three gun barrels instantly merged, and under the full boost of the characteristic super launcher, the three water-system secret skill wave cannons hit the back carapace of the original Gulardo almost at the same time.

The water-type secret technique has three bursts, four times the damage, and the effect is outstanding!

"it is good!"

Everyone's faces were happy. Even the original Gulardo would never feel good if he was hit by the three-shot and four-fold restraint water secret skill without using the defensive trick.

And in order to ensure the power, Mitoko Ikegami did not use the more powerful nirvana, but chose the wave cannon that was fired after charging, which fully absorbed the energy of the water system between heaven and earth.

This time, even Gulardo has to get down on her knees!
However, in the large amount of water vapor, the black shadow belonging to Gulardo turned around blankly, without any injuries on his back, opened his mouth indifferently, and a beam of sunlight instantly hit the carapace of the Super Blastoise.

All water-type tricks within the area of ​​the Great Sunshine of the Land of the End—ineffective!
The sun beam pierced through the shell of the Super Blastoise. The latter's proud expression froze immediately, his pupils were maximized due to the severe pain, and his body returned to the appearance of an ordinary Blastoise under the white light, and he fell heavily to the ground.

A lot of blood gushed out from the wound, and the three gophers in the ground wanted to get back the body of the Blastoise, but Gulardo stomped his foot when it was sensed, and died in the ground in the earthquake.

In an instant, the champion-level water arrow turtle died, and the element-level three gophers died!

(End of this chapter)

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