Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 421 Hurrying and Raiding

Chapter 421 Hurrying and Raiding

"Dad, don't go~"

At the entrance of the villa's porch, a little girl in a floral dress hugged Long Yi's thigh and said coquettishly.

This daughter is Long Yi's biological daughter, the six-year-old Miyazaki Mano, whose nickname is Crystal.

Behind Shino, there was Misa, who was holding Keigo Miyazaki, leaning on the gate, coaxing her youngest son Jin.

Among Long Yi's sons and daughters, his daughter Shino inherited his black hair and black eyes, while his son Keigo has Misa's wine red hair and eyes.

Seeing this, Long Yi quickly knelt down and picked up his daughter, comforting him: "Crystal is good, Dad will only be away for two days and will be back soon, can I bring you toys when I come back?"

"Then it's settled, I want the Girl's Day doll in Doll Town! I want the triple-tiered one!" Crystal said immediately, although her big eyes were still stained with tears, but there was a bright smile on her face. Reluctant to look like.

Only now did Long Yi realize that he had been tricked by his daughter.

Doll Town is a well-known small town in the Chengdu area. It can be called the best place for making dolls in the world. Naturally, the supply of Girl's Day dolls produced there is in short supply, which is a real luxury.

Among them, the triple-level ones are the most expensive among the expensive ones. Basically, they are limited editions every year.

Of course, this may be an unbearable heavy burden for ordinary people, but for Long Yi, it is just a matter of taking a detour.

Although he was deceived by his daughter, Long Yi didn't blame him, he was so pampered that he scratched Mano's nose, and agreed with a smile.

"Then I'm leaving, call me if you need anything." After coaxing his daughter, Long said to Meisha.

"Be careful on the road." Mesa instructed.

"Jin, you don't need to be mischievous, you know?"

"Understood, Dad." The four-year-old Jinnai said in a childlike voice, her small wine-red eyes were full of eagerness to try.


After saying goodbye to his family, Long Yi drove to the airport and boarded his own private jet.

Yes, the current Dragon has his own luxury private jet early in the morning. Not only can he take it at any time, but he can also enjoy various services inside like a mobile villa, and the speed is faster than ordinary airships. many.

This is the joy and convenience that money brings.

He could have flown directly to Baiyin Town under Baiyin Mountain, but because he was going to buy a doll for Shino, he could only land in another city, then drive to Doll Town, and then drive to Baiyin Mountain.

Fortunately, Doll Town is not far from Baiyin Town. After buying a gift for his daughter Mano, Long Yi got into the limousine driven by the bodyguard.

The car is temporarily rented, and Long Yi's property is not so powerful that he has luxury cars and mansions all over the world, but the bodyguards are with him, and they belong to the elite of the Pale Society Anbu.

There are a total of four bodyguards, three men and one woman, each of whom has a set of community elves with a set of racial limit value, and through Aoki Masakazu's relationship, he has learned a combination secret skill in the alliance police. Elemental level enemies to contend with.

Although this kind of combat power is still very weak for Long Yi, but what kind of status requires what kind of life, Long Yi always has some subordinates by his side, it is impossible to personally take care of any troubles.

He dirty his hands in vain.

"My son, who are the people who went to mourn Master Sheng this time?"

Inside the luxury car, holding a glass of wine, Long Yi asked with a sip.

The female bodyguard and part-time life secretary Ayako Yagyu has short hair and a black suit. She looks very heroic.

She didn't look at the report in her hand, and opened her mouth to reply: "Master Liaosheng can be said to be the most senior master in the world, so his passing away caused a sensation all over the world."

"Almost everyone who is related or has enough weight has gone to mourn, including heavenly kings, congressmen, high-ranking officials, famous stars, master trainers, warriors, onmyojis, etc. from all over the alliance."

"Even including the leader of the Rockets, Miyamoto Itagi, the master of the earth."

When saying this name, even a well-trained Yazi couldn't help but change his tone slightly.

In the past few years, many things have happened, such as Long Yi's marriage, Shinji's circle bear who successfully broke through the elemental level, and Miyamoto Sakagi, who faked his death, came back again and publicly admitted his identity as the leader of the Rockets.

But even so, Gin Miyamoto, who is the son of Sakagi, still takes good care of the owner of his Viki Pan Gym, and the Silver Company is also in full swing.

Even though the league knows that Silver is the biggest source of finance for the Rockets, it does not dare to directly take action against the first-class companies in Kanto.

Except for the exposure of Sakagi's identity, everything else remained unchanged. The friction between the league and the Rockets continued.

"Sakagi once received the help of Master Sheng, his appearance is not surprising." Long Yi said.

Since he reached the peak of the second stage of Dao of Momentum Returning, he has become much less afraid of the championship level, especially after his initial attempts have been fruitful.

Maybe his destructive power is still a little bit farther than the championship-level nirvana, but if he wants to protect himself, he should be safe.

Of course, you have to fight to know the specifics. After all, the elements of enlightenment are different, the secret skills and nirvana learned are different, and the focus of the elves is naturally different.

It cannot be generalized.

Long Yi remotely handles the affairs of the Pale Society. In fact, as a hands-off shopkeeper, it is more like a behind-the-scenes shareholder. There are not many things that really require Long Yi to make decisions.

After most of the incidents, the minister below has enough power to deal with various matters, and only the information that is particularly important or that needs to be informed to him will be brought to Yazi.

The luxury car was driving smoothly on the road. Suddenly, at a certain time, a black shadow jumped out of the bushes beside it, and came to the car in the blink of an eye.

The driver's eyes remained the same, he didn't brake in a hurry to avoid the direction, but stepped on the brakes, trying to reduce the speed of the car as much as possible while ensuring the safety of Long Yi in the back seat.

For these four bodyguards, Long Yi's safety is above all else, even if he really killed someone, he should pay compensation and deal with it, but he will definitely not mess himself up.

With a loud noise, the car undoubtedly collided with the black shadow. The hard front of the car was twisted and deformed under the high-speed impact. What is it.

There was an eerie cry, followed by a thud, and the slight dent in the roof of the car, signaling that the creature had jumped onto the roof.

Long Yiyi was so bold that he opened the car door and jumped out. At the same time, the secretary Yazi reacted equally quickly and got out of the car flexibly from the other side. Only the burly black-faced man sitting opposite Long Yi was a little slower. shoot.

A fluffy hand with sharp claws tore through the steel plate of the car roof and poked in. It scratched the right button of the black-faced bodyguard, leaving three bloody scratches.

chi chi~
At this time, the two bodyguards sitting in the driver's cab and the co-pilot quickly took out the dagger and cut the airbag and got out of the car. Together with the black-faced bodyguard who got out of the car after being injured, they surrounded the murderous elf.

A fiery monkey!

But unlike ordinary fiery monkeys, this fiery monkey's fist is more like a wolf's claw, with three sharp claws poking out, shining coldly.

"Fire-breathing camel!"

"Fork bat!"

"Emperor Ya sea lion!"

"Big wolf dog!"

Each of the four releases an elf to surround the fiery monkey in the middle, while Long Yi stands beside Yazi, looking around.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a little joke with you."

There was a blustery voice, and then a short-bodied man walked out from behind the big tree by the roadside, and whistled at the fiery monkey on the roof of the car.

"Come back, Sun... what's going on, Sun? Oh! Sun Wukong."

The fiery monkey jumped out of the car with a blank expression, leaped out of the encirclement, and stood beside the man.

During the process, the four members of the Pale Society with rich combat experience remained motionless as if the pause button had been pressed, and no one directed the elves to attack.

Long Yi looked up and down the visitor.

Wu is short in stature, wearing a camouflage uniform, with a big face, bald head, and a hideous scar on his face.

Very distinctive appearance.

"I don't wonder now that you'd be hard-pressed in the Army."

"Ares." Long Yi said.

The six top cadres of the Rockets.

God of War - Ares!

 Show your face and make a familiar face.

(End of this chapter)

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