Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 417 Nagasaki Duel Contest 5

Chapter 417 Nagasaki Duel Contest Five

Venue lottery: Rock Field!

Seeing the results of the lottery, Onijima Senhei breathed a sigh of relief.

His opponent Junko Asada is a trainer who is good at ice elves. The strongest elf is Ice Ghost Guard, and the only elf he can contend with is the flame chicken.

There is no distinction between ice and water. Although the flame chicken has the advantage in attributes, if it encounters a water field, the odds of winning are at least five points.

And everyone's strength is already clear at this moment. If Takagi Misa has not hidden her trump card, as long as she wins the opposite Junko Asada, Onijima Senhei is likely to be the champion of the competition in this world!

This means that he will get definite news about the Pillar of the Sky, which he has been pursuing for several years!
Compared to Onijima Chibei's relaxation, Asada Junko was much calmer.

Only a 1/4 chance to draw the water venue is the decisive advantage. The remaining three venues are almost the same, so the hope is not great, and the disappointment is naturally not great.

After the venue was drawn, it was first mover. Asada Junko was unlucky, and it was the first mover's turn.

She glanced at her opponent and released her trump card, Ice Ghost Guard.

Like Honda Keiaki, Asada Junko also has only one ace spirit, and that is Ice Demon Guard.

But the two are different. Honda Keiaki is overconfident in his own Lizard King's strength, and often likes to attack fiercely in battle, while Asada Junko is more cautious, and likes to use other spirits to weaken the opponent's strength first, and then use the ice ghost guard to give a fatal blow. hit.

In battle, Keiaki Honda doesn't care much about other elves, and only fights seriously when commanding the Lizard King.

Asada Junko is more cautious, even if it is the first attack, she will release the Ice Ghost Guard first, and then change the spirit according to the opponent to create better conditions for the Ice Ghost Guard.

At this moment, she still chooses this way.

Guidao Qianbingwei glanced at her: "Go, flame chicken!"

He released his strongest elf without hesitation!

Come up is ace against ace!
Asada Junko paused in the gesture of raising her hand, and then withdrew the ice ghost guard.

"Lotte Kappa."

This Lotte Kappa is an elf specially replaced by Asada Junko for the flame chicken of Onijima Senbei. Although the dual attributes of water and grass are not obvious for the flame chicken, it is also one of the few elves that can exert a strong fighting power on the shore. It can avoid the embarrassment of not being able to choose a water venue.

As soon as the battle started, Lotte Kappa resorted to praying for rain.

The light rain covered the competition field, but it also made the flame chicken quickly approach the Lotte Kappa.

Ascension Fist!
The flame chicken is not only good at flames, so in rainy days, he chose a more flexible close combat trick.

However, Lotte Kappa suddenly folded his hands under the command of Asada Junko, and slapped the attacking flame chicken to the ground.

High Five Raid!

This unexpectedly quick move interrupted the flame chicken's attack, and then Lotte Kappa gathered water cannons to try to attack the flame chicken.

But it is a pity that although the Lotte Kappa reacted quickly, its strength was a little bit weak. The flame chicken was stunned for too short a time, and a short body escaped the water cannon attack, and continued to use the Shengtian Kappa to send the Lotte Kappa into the sky.

Then the flame chicken squatted slightly, exerted force on its feet, and appeared above the back of the Lotte Kappa in an instant, and hit the back of the Lotte Kappa hard with an elbow.

Flying unique skill - Yan back!
The effect is outstanding!

This move hurt too much. After falling to the ground, Lotte Kappa struggled for a while, but he still couldn't get up and lost his fighting ability.

Seeing this, Junko Asada sent out a second elf to attack, which was Miss Lips.

Sister Milip is her main echelon elf, not a substitute player like Lotte Kappa, so although her strength is not as good as Bingguihu, she should not be underestimated.

In the drizzle, sister Michun came up and gave the flame chicken a devil's kiss. Although it missed, it instantly aroused the flame chicken's anger.

Without waiting for Onijima Senbei's order, the flame chicken spontaneously used jet flames to attack.

The flames were raging, and the scorching high temperature made the rain clouds above the head much thinner. However, Miss Milip was not afraid of this, and under the order of Asada Junko, she used the trick of the light wall.

A golden square completely wrapped Miss Milip, greatly reducing the damage of the flame attack.

Asada Junko smiled, and ordered: "Use the reflective shield!"

The reflective shield is a trick similar to the light wall. It can create a silver square box that will only appear when receiving physical attacks, halving the opponent's physical attacks.

"Come back, Miss Lips!"

After the double shield, Asada Junko took back Miss Lips and put on the Ice Ghost Guard.

However, the light wall and reflective shield will not disappear due to the replacement of elves. Under special training, these two tricks will continue to protect all elves on one's side until the duration disappears.

"Frozen Light!"

The ice-blue flashing freezing light struck, this power was not comparable to the previous two elves' tricks, the flame chicken quickly dodged, using its own speed advantage to quickly approach the ice ghost guard.

"Use Fire Kick!"

Wat scare!

The flame-burning long legs hit the ice ghost's guard, but a golden protective cover appeared in time, greatly reducing the damage of the flame kick.

Light Wall!

Normally, the flame chicken's kick would cause huge damage, leaving Bing Guihu with no time to fight back.However, due to the existence of the light wall, the impact received by the Ice Ghost Guard was not large enough to withstand the impact and forcibly launch a counterattack.

"Use Iron Head Technique!" Asada Junko said.

The Iron Head Kung Fu is not a steel-type special move, but an ordinary-type head hammer. The Bing Guihu is not big in size, but he is not small in strength. He hit the flame chicken with all his strength and lost his center of gravity.

"Another Freezing Ray!"

The super-close freezing light hit the flame chicken, and the latter was quickly frozen. However, powerful flames burst out from the hands and feet of the flame chicken, and the ice could not last long.

But Junko Asada was already prepared, and decisively replaced the elf, and once again changed into Sister Mizui to fight: "Use mental shock!"

The spiritual impact of the superpower system caused huge damage to the flame chicken, and the effect was outstanding!

Even race extreme elves are divided into superior and inferior ones. Those trained by Long Yi are naturally powerful in all aspects, but ordinary race extreme elves only reach the limit in one or several aspects, and they are not exhaustive.

Onijima Senbei's flame chicken has strong strength, speed, and flame attack, but the spirit is obviously not at its limit, so the injury is not light.

The ice cube exploded with a bang, and the flame chicken finally got out of trouble. Sister Michun was close at hand, and she kicked it away with two flame kicks.

However, in the process, it was unavoidable to be hit by Sister Michun's Frozen Punch, which caused more injuries.

At this moment, Onijima Senbei's flame chicken was injured, but there were still two intact elves. Asada Junko's Mizumi sister and Lotte Kappa were defeated one after another, leaving only one ice ghost guard.

But Asada Junko had a smile on her face: "Without the flame chicken, what else do you have?"

The ice ghost guard appeared again, relying on the light wall and the reflective shield not disappearing, he directly used the most powerful freezing light on the flame chicken.

However, because of the mental shock and freezing punch just now, the flame chicken lost its flexibility and could not guarantee effective dodge.

Onijima Senhei gritted his teeth and ordered: "Use Flame Charge!"

This is a big trick among the fire-type tricks, and it is not comparable to the freezing light. Therefore, the flame chicken walked forward step by step against the freezing light, and finally collided with the ice ghost guard.

There was an explosion.

Even if the flame chicken is the instigator of such an explosion, it can't ignore it, and it flies out of the body scorched black. Naturally, the ice ghost guard is the same, but it has a light wall on its body to weaken the fire damage, and a reflection shield to weaken the explosion damage. The damage it receives is far worse than the flame chicken. Be small.

"Another Freezing Ray!"

Another blast of freezing light hit the flame chicken, and this powerful elf finally fell down.


At the cost of two elves, Asada Junko finally defeated the flame chicken who restrained her trump card. Although Onijima Senhei still had two elves left, it seemed that there was no chance of a flop in front of Bing Guihu, who still had enough strength. possible.

A lot of people are absolutely saying the battle is over.


Onijima Senbei released his second elf, Haoli!

Flying-type Toucans are indeed incapable of dealing with ice-type Ice Ghost Guards.

However, Haoli is not the opponent of Bingguihu. Although he managed to hit the hand knife twice, the damage is not very big under the weakening of the reflection shield.

"Please, little green." Onijima Senhei stared at the poke ball and released his third pokemon.

"Green caterpillar? You are also in a daze to cultivate this kind of elf. Although yours is a bit special, a green caterpillar is a green caterpillar. No matter how special it is, how strong can it be?"

Asada Junko is quite contemptuous of the green caterpillar.

"Much stronger than you imagined." Kidao Qianbingwei said seriously, "Although your Ice Ghost Guard is strong, it has a fatal weakness, that is...speed!"

The speed of Ice Ghost Guard is very difficult to increase, and often ten times the effort can not be exchanged for a single point of receipt, so Asada Junko gave up on its speed training from the beginning, and concentrated on training strength and energy intensity, so that it can be used in This age breeds it to the limit of its race.

It is precisely because of her lack of speed that her fighting style tends to be cautious, rather than bullying others with strength like Keimaki Honda.

As for the green caterpillar of Onijima Senbei, the strongest thing is speed!

From the very beginning, Onijima Senbei made a plan for Asada Junko's fighting style, using the flame chicken to destroy the other two elves of the opponent, creating conditions for the green caterpillar to defeat the ice ghost.

Now, the time is right.

"Use silk!"

The green caterpillar used its silk to jump back and forth between the rocks in the research and development site. Although the ice ghost's attack was powerful, it couldn't keep up with the speed of the green caterpillar, and soon a rough spider web was woven.

This makes the green caterpillar dodge more handy.

After the preparations were complete, the attack came. A power grid landed on the ice ghost's head. The golden wall of light did not appear this time, and the power grid hit it straight.

The attacks of Flame Chicken and Haoli had already caused a lot of damage to Ice Ghost Guard. Although the green caterpillar's attack power was not high, it was continuous, but Ice Ghost Guard had no power to fight back.

Asada Junko's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

However, the battle has progressed to this point, Onijima Senhei is no longer afraid of the opponent changing tactics, long-term training and fighting style cannot be changed in a short period of time, let alone physical factors.

Therefore, more than ten minutes later, the Ice Ghost Guard fell sadly, and Onijima Senbei relied on a green caterpillar to win an unexpected victory for ordinary people.

"Champion! Champion! Champion!"

The scene was quiet, and then there were shouts. Onijima Senhei bowed and thanked again and again, and then looked at the judges' seat.

Long nodded and smiled.

 The world is really unpredictable. My little friend was going to get married next month, but because of a small quarrel, the long-standing conflict broke out, and finally broke up...

(End of this chapter)

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