Chapter 402

The abbot Jueyuan, who was wearing a golden-red cassock, walked in the front, followed by several great monks wearing purple-red cassocks, and then Long Yi, who was flying in the air on a Jin Peng, surrounded by others wearing yellow-red cassocks The monks gathered here.

Not everyone can go to the back mountain of Jingtu Temple, so most of the monks stay to treat the wounded and repair the temple, and those who can follow are not simple people.

According to the alliance's information, there are so many masters in Jingtu Temple, and the highest status is naturally the current controller of the Four Great Sacred Beasts. Among the four, Gao Kong is the most senior, and the other three are of the same generation as the host Jueyuan.

Apart from these four people, the presiding officer Jueyuan has the highest status, and then the head one who is in charge of the training hall, the mighty hall, the dining hall, the precepts academy, the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and the Tallinn, that is, the great monks in purple cassocks. .

The eighteen arhats are eighteen arhats again, eighteen monks who can be called masters, all of them are fighters of the courage and momentum level or trainers of the element level, wearing yellow and red cassocks.

The Eighteen Arhats are all senior masters, and there are also some newcomers like Kukai back then, but I don't know the exact number, and there is no reputation spread outside.

Generally speaking, the entire Jingtu Temple is like a huge iceberg hidden under the sea. The part exposed to the water seen by outsiders is already shocking, but no one knows how terrifying the power hidden under the water will be.

The eighteen arhats were generally sent out to maintain the status of the Jingtu Temple in the city, and spread the prestige of the Jingtu Temple, the remaining few plus a few heads and abbots all gathered around Long Yi.

Long Yi took a glance, there were a total of thirteen great monks, or they were muscular and majestic, or they were accompanied by elves, but they kept quiet, they could be called dragons and tigers' lairs.

However, Long Yi, whose life was counting down, didn't care about being surrounded by people at all, because he knew that as long as he went to the Silver Mountain, the Jingtu Temple side would never make a move. They couldn't swallow the terrible consequences of more than 20 powerful combat forces fighting on the Silver Mountain.

The Jingtu Temple is very large, but Jueyuan deliberately quickened his pace, and the group arrived at the back mountain in a short time.

The back mountain is the Pagoda Forest, which is the place where the relics of the deceased eminent monks of the Jingtu Temple are enshrined. It can be said that its status is comparable to that of the Mahavira Hall.

In order to ease the relationship, Long Yi did not continue to ride on the Jinpeng, but took the initiative to get down to the ground and walk forward.

This move won a lot of goodwill from the monks of the Jingtu Temple, and the hostility was greatly reduced.

Not long after, a simple wooden house with shiny and greasy wooden floors appeared in sight, Jue Yuan went up to open the door, and quickly motioned for Long Yi to enter.

As soon as Long entered the room, the room was very dark, with a row of incense candles on each side of the shelf, the candles were waving, filled with a strong sandalwood fragrance.

Master Liaosheng, who is already a hundred years old, naturally does not live here alone. There are two young and clever junior monks who often take care of his daily life, and they are also responsible for changing incense and candles.

It is worth mentioning that one of the two is an acquaintance of Long Yi, the monk Kukai who was knocked down from the altar by Long Yi when he was at his most glorious, and lost his own supernatural powers and elven elemental characteristics.

"Host! All the first seats!"

The sudden visit of many high-level officials from Jingtu Temple made the two young monks very surprised, they hurriedly said hello, and they were even more curious about Long Yi who was surrounded in the middle.

I haven't seen him for several years, Long Yi's appearance and temperament are not what they used to be, coupled with the dim light in the room, Monk Kong Hai didn't even recognize Long Yi.

Master Liaosheng was sitting on the futon and dozing off. Host Jueyuan stepped forward and pushed him to wake him up, and then explained the purpose of his visit.

He didn't want to go into such details at first. After all, Liaosheng was too old to be stimulated. It was useless to explain this kind of thing to him clearly. He was afraid that he would become confused and refuse to treat him, and Jingtu Temple would suffer instead.

But although Liaosheng was in a high grade, he hadn't reached the point of senility. Although he spoke slowly, his thoughts were very normal, and he could tell at a glance that the relationship on the spot was abnormal.

As a last resort, Jueyuan had no choice but to tell the truth.

This anger angered the two young monks, and they were very angry with Long Yi, but because the people present were all elders, they dared not act presumptuously.Especially Kukai, when he learned that the person who came was Long Yi, his handsome face turned red with anger.

After listening, Liao Sheng nodded and looked at Long Yi.

"What's wrong with the donor?"

Facing the death of a skeleton, Long Yi showed no expression, and said: "I have come back with momentum, and now my consciousness is united, and it is about to turn back, time is running out."

The Pure Land Temple has two pillars, one is the method of god-making training, and the other is the way of martial arts. Although most of them follow the way of displaying spirit and spirit, naturally they will not be ignorant of the way of returning momentum.

That's why Long Yiyi said that he understood the problem after he was born.

"It's easy, but the Buddha said karma retribution, every drink and peck will have a definite number. The benefactor broke into the mountain gate of my Pure Land Temple today, and threatened me with the safety of seven thousand monks to treat you. I don't know how to repay it."

The few monks headed by Jue Yuan on the side were angry and anxious, they just wanted to send away Long Yi, the god of plague, but they didn't want to give birth to the uncle and wanted to be rewarded, they wanted to intervene but they didn't dare to be presumptuous, they were anxious inside.

Long Yi was also amused by Liao Sheng's serious attitude, and asked: "Then how do you think I should repay?"

Liaosheng nodded and said: "If the benefactor agrees, if the Jingtu Temple needs me to fight for it in the future, it will be fine if you can do it for me."

Now everyone feels that life is old and confused.

As one of the biggest forces in Chengdu, there are really only a handful of people in this world who dare to provoke the Jingtu Temple, and the one who really dares to do it is Long Yi, who is dying to take a chance, and he dare not be overly intimidating.

And if there are really big enemies coming, let alone the four holy beasts, just Jue Yuan presiding over the six chiefs and the eighteen arhats is enough to deal with them.

As long as you dare to pay the price, is there any opponent in this world that these people can't handle?
Yes, but unless the Alliance wants to destroy the Pure Land Temple, or a top beast like Feng Wang attacks the Pure Land Temple, it is possible to dispatch the Four Great Sacred Beasts.

Such a reward, such a promise, is better than nothing!

Long Yi also felt that Sheng was old and confused, the more he understood the Jingtu Temple, the more he could feel the horror of this colossal monster.

The reason why he can succeed this time is that the cost is not directly proportional to the loss, Jue Yuan and the others are unwilling to be troublesome, not because they are really afraid of Long Yi.

If Long Yi's request is too much, even if he has only eight plain elves, Jue Yuan will make up his mind to destroy him.

So Long Yi naturally had no objection to this, he laughed and said: "Okay, I promise you!"

Liao Sheng nodded solemnly: "Very good."

"Come with me."

Kukai and another monk raised their hands, and a group of people filed out. Kukai was ordered to bring the white elephant, one of the four holy beasts.

The four holy beasts of the Pure Land Temple are the green lion, the white elephant, the roc and the colorful deer.

Kukai quickly brought a strange elf.

It was an ivory pig with pure white fur and warm eyes, giving people a strange sense of sacredness and kindness.

All the great monks of Jingtu Temple have seen the four holy beasts in their own house, so they will not be surprised. Long Yi is also a trainer who has seen the world, so although it is the first time to see the white elephant, the expression is only He recovered after a slight change, and he was not too moved.

It's just a shiny and slightly mutated ivory pig, no matter how special it is, can it be more special than Yermungandr and Huiyuan?
Since the last time Kukai was treated, Bai Xiang hadn't seen Sheng Sheng for several years. Although Li Sheng's appearance was as haggard as a few years ago, Bai Xiang could feel that this old man who had been with him for decades The fire of my friend's life is about to be extinguished.

Immediately, the white elephant uttered a cry full of sadness, and even those who could not understand the language could feel the sadness in its voice.

"Chi'er, Chi'er." Liao Sheng wanted to stroke the white elephant as usual, and raised his hand, but found that he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

"Go, suppress his demons." Liao Sheng said.

The white elephant nodded, and let out another elephant call, the white light on its body became more dazzling, and an unreal slender white elephant appeared behind it.

On the phantom's back was a pair of Luanjia, sitting on it was a person with a blurry face, but the robe could be seen to be a monk's robe.

Elements - holy!
Healing Secret Technique - White Elephant Carrying Buddha!
Long Yi raised his hand and released all the element-level elves, then turned his head and said: "If I die, I will flatten this Silver Mountain and kill every bald head!"

The heart of defense is indispensable, at this moment, he naturally will not completely trust the monks of the Pure Land Temple.

The elves nodded.

At this time, the phantom of the white elephant had already rushed towards Long Yi, Long Yi took the initiative to let go of his mind and accepted it.

(End of this chapter)

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