Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 298 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 2

Chapter 298 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 2
The fire-breathing dragon and the helicopter landed in front of the Green Field Elf Center one after another. The huge movement immediately alarmed everyone in the house, and they all came out to check.

There are not many people who are still in the green field, a Miss Joy who is in charge of medical assistance, a Miss Junsha who is in charge of maintaining order, Dr. Oki, the authoritative figure in Dr. Elf, a hostess, a photographer and others just now. A bulldozer driver who narrowly escaped death.

In addition, there is a brown-skinned young man with squinting eyes, a long-haired girl with a long-tailed strange hand hanging from her shoulder, a tall and slender athletic girl with a figure-eight hairstyle, and a girl wearing Black-rimmed glasses, green short-sleeved black shorts, and a nerdy little boy.

They are all acquaintances.

Holding the demon sword Mo Yan at his waist in one hand, Long Yi jumped off the stalled helicopter, and Aoki Mirai also jumped off from the other side.

"I am Mirai Aoki, and I will take over the changes in the green field from now on." Mirai Aoki took out a certificate and showed it to Junsha, who received a salute from the latter.

Then he walked up to Dr. Oki with a smile on his face, stretched out his hands and shook hands with Dr. Oki, and became warm and polite.

"Dr. Oki, I have admired your name for a long time..."


The green-clothed boy suddenly yelled, pointed at Long Yi with an exaggerated movement and exclaimed, "I know you, you were a contestant in the final four of the Silver Mountain Conference last year, your name is..."

Having said that, the young man crouched halfway down in deep thought, beating his head with both hands.

"If you make a mistake, I will sue Mr. Qianli, Xiao Sheng." Long Yi interrupted before the boy could speak with a smile.

This nerd-like boy is the supporting actor in the Super Era, Xiaosheng, the son of Mr. Qianli, the owner of Chenghua Gymnasium!

The girl next to him is his sister, Xiaoyao, the heroine of the super era, and the other is the passerby trainer who appeared in the movie version.

"You know me?" Xiaosheng looked surprised, and subconsciously glanced at his sister next to him. Xiaoyao shook his head, expressing that he didn't know him either.

"Of course, my hometown, Guchen Town, is next to Chenghua City. I grew up listening to Mr. Qianli's name. How could I not know his son and daughter?"

"Besides, I'm also the one who challenged the Chenghua gymnasium and got the badge of the gymnasium." Long Yi took out a storage box from his pocket, opened it and stored the scale badge of the Chenghua gymnasium alone.

Long Yi has only challenged two gyms in total, Chenghua Gym and Zijin Gym, among them, the gym badge of Zijin Gym was thrown away by him, so only this scale badge is kept as a souvenir.

"It's really a scale badge!" Xiao Sheng exclaimed.

Xiaoyao, who just turned 16 this year, is more mature than Xiaosheng, and took the initiative to say hello: "I was really rude just now, I am Xiaoshan Weiyao from Chenghua City, this is my brother Xiaoshan Shengyi, please give me your advice when we meet for the first time .”

Long Yi said seriously: "My name is Miyazaki Ryuichi, please give me your advice."

After finishing speaking, Long Yi looked at Xiao Gang who was treating the wound of the fire-breathing dragon with Joey, and asked, "Xiao Gang, I remember that you are inseparable from Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia. Could it be that they are here too?"

"Xiaoxia is not here. Although Xiaozhi is here, he was knocked down from the tower by Emperor Yan last night because he went to the crystal castle to save Aunt Huazi and broke his bone." Just say it first.

"Xiaozhi was injured?" Long Yi frowned, the plot was completely deviated from what he knew.

Xiaogang and Joey continued to treat the fire-breathing dragon. After agreeing, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng took Longyi into the elf center and saw Xiaozhi lying on the hospital bed and Pikachu accompanying him.

At this time, Xiaozhi no longer had the usual vitality, his head was wrapped in a thick white bandage, his left hand was bent and hung, his right foot was in plaster, and he closed his eyes and did not wake up.

The bruised Pikachu lay on the head of the bed, glanced at the people who came in, then lowered his head, gently licked Xiaozhi's cheek, and let out a low cry of 'Pika Pika'.

"Miss Joy said that Xiaozhi has multiple fractures and internal bleeding. Although his life is not in danger, he will be in bed for at least half a year." Xiaoyao said, her tone was a little sad. This was the first time she had traveled. Encountering such a big setback and blow also made her understand that the path of being a trainer is more dangerous than she imagined.

Long nodded: "Let's go out, let Xiaozhi have a good rest."

In my memory, there is also a scene of Xiaozhi falling from the tower in the theater version, but in the movie, the fire-breathing dragon just arrived to catch Xiaozhi, and then began to come back.

Obviously, the reality is not such a coincidence. Not only Xiaozhi himself was seriously injured when he fell, but even the fire-breathing dragon almost died at the hands of Emperor Yan.

Back outside, several people had already taken their seats in the hall of the Elf Center, and Mirai Aoki also learned a lot of information from Dr. Oki.

"Long Yi, you came just in time." He beckoned Long Yi to sit down, and then said excitedly, "According to the information left by Dr. Snowton, combined with John's remarks and the information obtained from the previous conversation, Dr. Oki thinks that this area is crystallized. , including the Emperor Yan, who only left crystal footprints, were all realized after the mysterious power of the unknown totem sensed Xiaomei's thoughts, so as long as you can sneak into the crystal castle, stun or subdue the group of unknown totems, all of this will happen. Returning to the original state, there is no need to fight the Crystal Yan Emperor head-on!"

This is the best result!
Long Yi completed the task and survived, the Aoki family can get huge benefits, and those who owed favors to Koichiro Kinoshita did their best, even though they didn't achieve their goals, they were considered repaying the favors.

"That's right..." Long Yi lowered his eyes slightly, took a peek at Dr. Damu, saw that he didn't intend to speak, sighed inwardly, and said, "In this case, I will sneak into the crystallization tower tonight and solve this matter." No more trouble."

Long Yi actually wanted to drag Dr. Oki into the water. Don't look at him as an old man, but Oki Xuecheng is not only the world's most famous elf doctor. One, the first love of the ghost girl Chrysanthemum!

The strength of this trainer is comparable to that of a dragon!

It's a pity that Dr. Oki, who is mature and mature, would participate in this kind of political capital, and his hope will naturally come to nothing.

Hearing Long Yi's words, Xiaoyao next to him opened his mouth to say something.But firstly, she and Long Yi have just met, so they are not very familiar with each other; secondly, Aoki Mirai is now the person in charge of the crystallization tower incident, and Long Yi is equivalent to a staff member sent by the alliance to solve this matter, and has an essential relationship with Xiaozhi. The difference is naturally hard to say.

Soon, night falls.

A group of people gathered at the gate of the Elf Center with different expressions.

"I'm leaving." Long Yi said.

Glancing to the side, the hostess with a good figure was facing the camera plausibly. The red light on the camera was flashing, obviously filming.


Long Yi pulled out the knife suddenly, a knife's air flew by, the camera was split in half, but the chubby photographer was not hurt.


The hostess screamed, and then became furious: "Why did you destroy my camera, lose money!"

"Stupid woman! Don't you understand yet? The reason why Xiaomei in the crystallization tower discovered Xiaozhi who sneaked in is because you photographed him and broadcast him live. The only way for her to know the outside world is the media. I didn't let It's fine for Junsha to arrest you, how dare you yell at me?"

Hearing this, Dr. Oki, Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng and Xiaogang all turned their heads and glared at the hostess.

Xiaozhi's injury was their greatest guilt!

"I... I didn't do it on purpose." The female supporter was frightened, and her voice softened.

Long Yi was not interested in being as knowledgeable as her, and after destroying the camera, he glanced at the crystallization tower in the dark night, summoned Jin Peng to straddle it, and flew into the air.

Crystallization cannot freeze water flow, so there are only two ways to get close to the crystallization tower, one is by water, but by the sky.

"Let's go, Jinpeng." Long Yiyi patted his body and walked away.

Xiaoyao asked strangely: "John and Mr. Butler said that the Unknown Totem is on the first floor, but why did Long Yi approach it from the air?"

Aoki Mirai's face changed, and he shouted: "Long Yi, the unknown totem is on the first floor!"

The voice came from afar, and Long Yi, who was sitting on the Golden Roc, showed a disdainful smile.

Yes, the Unknown Totem is on the first floor, but Emperor Yan is on the top of the tower!Mei is at the top of the tower!Hanako is at the top of the tower!
Long Yi is not sure how strong the protective cover of hundreds of unknown totems is. In the movie, under Xiaomei's will, Emperor Yan, who possesses infinite power, broke through that protective cover, and the ability to crystallize itself represents the element. the power of.

On the one hand, there are hundreds of unknown totems facing unknown dangers and defenses against unknowns, on the other hand, Emperor Yan, whose strength is roughly known, and two ordinary people, Long Yi of course chooses the latter.

As long as Xiaomei is knocked out, Long Yi doesn't even care about Yandi who has lost his infinite power.

He is not Xiaozhi!

And after losing the dominance of Xiaomei's consciousness, how much power the remaining unknown totem can exert is also a big question mark.

This is what Long Yi thinks is the best and safest solution!Instead of just relying on Dr. Oki's speculation about the unknown totem, he hastily confronted the mysterious legendary elves, and there was a risk of being flanked by Emperor Yan.

One must know that the crystallized Emperor Yan with the boost of the unknown totem and the cheering Xiaomei is likely to be stronger than the real Emperor Yan!
Because of it, you can't die, can't get tired, and have no upper limit of strength!

(End of this chapter)

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