Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 296 Arriving at the Aoki House

Chapter 296 Arriving at the Aoki House

Elements can be divided into three types, and there are naturally various ways to enter elements.

The ones with the highest success rate belong to the elves who walk the samurai and onmyoji style, or practice the corresponding secret skills of the elements.

As long as this breakthrough method progresses step by step, and reaches a certain stage, it can naturally enter the element level, and the success rate can be said to be [-]%.

But the disadvantage is that it takes a long time, and those who use special elements will lose the characteristic of elements forever; those who use elemental secret techniques, most of these secret techniques will cause permanent changes, which is not good for future development.

"For the real strong in this world, the element level can be said to be just the threshold to step into the strong, a suitable and powerful element to lay the foundation, a perfect set of secret skills to arm the elves, and a powerful must-have after fusion. Killing skills, this is the basis for the survival of an element-level elf!"

"Let's not talk about special elements such as the warrior style. Elemental secret skills will most likely affect the cultivation of combination secret skills in the later stage. It can be said that all the potential of this elemental elf is blocked, and it can only become the weakest elemental elf."

Of course, Long Yi would not choose this kind of method of exhausting the pond to fish for fish. Only when there is no other way, he would let his elves go on such a path.

In addition to the secret skills of the elements, the elves can also break through the elements through the battle of life and death, as well as the flashes of inspiration in ordinary life, fighting, and playing.

This kind of probability is much smaller, and there are too many uncertain factors, it is a big luck, and those 'wild' element-level trainers are the products of this kind of luck.

The last one is the most orthodox breakthrough method.

That is - control!
What is the nature of the elements?
It's talent!
And how can it be regarded as breaking through the elements?
Of course it is to control this part of talent!

Those disciples taught by master trainers, alliance kings, and ancient families will start preparations for this aspect from the very beginning of elf selection, select talented elves, cultivate and strengthen this talent from an early age, use it frequently, ponder it, and wait until The elves are well aware of this special talent of their own, and once they are at their fingertips, breaking through to the essentials is only a piece of paper away.

This is the most orthodox way to break through the element level!
A list unfolded in Long Yi, with all his elves and corresponding talents written on it.

1. Huiyuan, talents: Tarsus White Fire, Desperate Black Ice

2. Jormungandr, Talent: Gatekeeper, Incarnation of Terror

3. Gala Gala, talent: none

4. Geng Gui, Talent: None

5. Ao Guang, Talent: Power of Purgatory
6. Iron claw lobster, talent: none

7. Jinpeng, talent: none

8. Lux, talent: pure soul

9. Cocoa Dora, talent: none

10. Flying Mantis, Talent: Heart of Justice
11. Pippi, talent: cosmic power, goblin power

12. Ao Yu, talent: the power of anger

13.3. [-]D dragon, talent: virtual reality conversion

14. Abbey Lang, talent: none
15. Lizard King, Talent: Son of Nature

The talent here does not refer to the special talent displayed on the system, but the talent that can break through the elements. More importantly, it also determines the future direction of each elf.

Of course, if Long Yi doesn't like it, it's not impossible to insist on improving in other areas, but that's equivalent to rebuilding on the existing basis, and it's more difficult than letting an elf without talent break through the element level, which belongs to Putting the cart before the horse.

"I didn't expect that I have quite a lot of elf talent. It's a surprise." Long Yi sat on the first-class seat of the high-speed train, looking out of the window without focus.

He was on his way to Aoki's house.

Long Yi had called him since he received the letter from Masakazu Aoki yesterday, but unfortunately no one answered, and he couldn't get in touch with other members of the Aoki family, so he had to go alone according to his memory from last time.

Holding the silver-gray Cocoa Dora on his knees, it is heavy and cold, but of course this weight is nothing to the increasingly powerful Long Yi.

Holding a blue-black high-purity iron ore in his left hand, Long Yi smiled while watching Coco Dora gnawing heartlessly.

After binding the secondary plane of the steel system to the Flying Mantis, the guilty Long Yi released Cocodora from the poke ball and carried it with him. High-quality mineral water with a variety of minerals, the treatment can be said to be a level higher than before.

It's a pity that Cocoa Dora's IQ is relatively low, although Long Yi can tell that it has become a lot happier, but there is no progress other than that, it feels like it is winking at the blind.

This is why he often ignored Cocoa Dora before.

"You have no talent, no strength and no wisdom. If I don't get the system, will I become like you?"

Long Yi tapped Ke Kedola's forehead lightly, but the mortal middle fingers made a sound like steel colliding under the tap, which showed that his body was getting stronger day by day under the nourishment of momentum.

Cocoa Dora raised her head, saw that it was Long Yi, and let out a somewhat inexplicable cry.

Seeing that Long Yi didn't speak, and didn't make any follow-up actions, Ke Kedora tilted her head and continued to gnaw on the iron ore with her head down, her eyes narrowed into two crescents.

Great time!
"Idiot." Long Yi shook his head and laughed.


"Ding dong~ Light Red City is here, please..."

The melodious female voice on the platform sounded, and Long Yi, who was dozing off, opened his eyes, held Cocoa Dora in one hand, picked up the suitcase in the other, got off from the exit, and once again set foot on the land of Light Red City.

One or two years later, Light Red City is still so lively, because the family of the police tycoon Aoki's family is here, so even if the official gymnasium Light Red Gym is built in the deep mountains and old forests, there is no need for this city with a strong tourist industry. what effect.

After taking a taxi, Long Yi reported the location of the Qingmu family manor.

It has been almost a year since graduating early, this year Long Yi has been immersed in advancing his own strength and various tasks, although he communicated with Aoki Masakazu and Igarashi Kurosawa from time to time, and they have not lost contact, but After all, there is no way to get together every now and then like before, and now I think about it, I really miss it.

"Zhenghe has also graduated. He obviously lives very comfortably without needing to work hard. He should be living like a playboy, but he doesn't know what happened and needs my help, and he still can't get in touch."

Long Yi really can't think of anything that he can do, but the huge Aoki family can't do it.

"In order to perfect the secret technique 'Death or Life', Kurosawa chose to travel to Sinnoh. The atmosphere there is more open, and it seems that the secret technique is not so conservative."

"Tatsu Sonogu opened his own gallery, Mihui Arisawa opened his own elf food shop, and An Xiku actually went back to his hometown and opened his own private gym. It seems that he still wants to continue on the road of being a trainer. go down."

"Mesha is also in her third year of junior high school. I heard that her katti dog has evolved into a wind speed dog, and her combat effectiveness is very good."

Thinking of the girl who often wears a ponytail, thinking of those wine red eyes, Long Yi unconsciously showed a gentle smile on his face.

The taxi stopped in front of a luxurious mansion, and a large garden surrounded by high walls contained an unimaginable luxury life for ordinary people.

"Guest, you are here." The middle-aged taxi driver unconsciously used honorifics.

"Okay, here's the car money."

Long Yi paid and got out of the car, looked at the iron gate like a work of art, at the neatly maintained manor behind the gate, at the pointed mansion with white outer wall in the center, and took a deep breath.

The Aoki House, here we come!

He was about to press the doorbell when the iron gate of the manor suddenly opened automatically. An old man in a tuxedo with his hair combed back and with one hand in front and the other behind came out from the guard room next to him. meet.

"Welcome, Mr. Miyazaki." The old man spoke clearly, with a serious expression.

Long Yi knew him, this is the old housekeeper of the Aoki family, Mr. Ueda.

Long nodded, and asked: "Mr. Ueda, it's a shame to visit. I received a letter from Zhenghe, but I can't get through to his phone number. Is he okay?"

"The young master is fine, but he was locked up by the master. That letter was also sent to you, Mr. Miyazaki, in the name of the master."

"Confinement?" Long Yi was stunned for a moment, this was much different from his original estimate.

"Master will explain the specifics to you, please follow me." Butler Ueda made a gesture of invitation, and a servant beside him was waiting there in a golf cart.

Long Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything from the face of a professional like Ueda Butler, so he nodded and got on the golf cart.

"I want to meet Zhenghe."

"Of course." Butler Ueda sat on the co-pilot, "If the master agrees."

The young manservant in his 20s skillfully started the car, and with the slight sound of the engine, he drove towards the main house of the villa with a white exterior wall.

(End of this chapter)

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