Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 275 Dragon 1 VS Feng Yutan 1

Chapter 275 Long Yi VS Feng Yutan 1
"I'm sorry, Miyazaki-kun."

Ms. Joy bowed apologetically: "We have tried various methods, but your tyrannosaurus injury is too weird, none of the existing medicines or even healing techniques can heal this kind of wound, and some even aggravate the injury. "

"I'm really sorry!" Joey blamed himself very much.

For a doctor, being unable to treat a patient's condition, or even giving an effective treatment plan, is the greatest torment and pain.

"I see, please don't take it to heart, I know you have tried your best." Long Yiyi took back the elf ball belonging to the Gyarados.

This move temporarily named by Long Yi as annihilating dead light is even more terrifying than he imagined, regardless of the destructive power, this stubborn injury alone compares to all ordinary attacking moves.

Maybe... If you want to cure this special secret technique, you can only use the healing secret technique that restrains you.

Long Yi thought.

Healing secret skills belong to the ability of the top medical team. Although the alliance conference is the biggest annual competition in each region, it is not equipped with this level of medical staff.

Under normal circumstances, no one would use secret skills in competitions, and ordinary first-class teams were enough to use them.


"I will definitely win! Definitely!"

Xiaozhi stepped onto the stage with a determined face. As a rookie trainer who debuted for two years, it is an amazing result to reach the top 4 in the league competition for the second time.

It is precisely because of his legendary experience that Xiaozhi has many fans, and the number of viewers cheering for him is obviously much more than that of his opponent Sasaki Kojiro.

However 10 minutes later...

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode!"

The crimson flame hit Pikachu's body, causing its fragile body to fly high, and its back was scorched black, and it flew directly out of the field.

"Pikachu lost the ability to fight!"


Regardless of the competition, Xiaozhi ran over and picked up Pikachu, and looked at Kojiro on the opposite high platform with a blank face.

In 10 minutes, he lost 10 elves in just 4 minutes, and Kojiro's first wind speed dog on the opposite side was only moderately injured and still had enough fighting power.

"Heracross, Little Saw Alligator, Owl, Pikachu." Long Yi read out the elves that Xiaozhi defeated one by one, and frowned, "What is he doing, he chose this lineup for the semi-finals. "

No Snorkellings!No giant claw crabs!No charizards!
Even Kentello, Smelly Mud, Squirtle, etc. are better than Little Saw Alligator and Owl!
Kojiro's Wind Speed ​​Dog has already shined in previous games. Facing this kind of opponent, Xiao Zhi's lineup selection made Long shake his head.

"Have you made an old mistake again..."

Although the last Kirbymon and Charizard fought desperately, they only defeated Kojiro's Wind Speed ​​Dog and Double Bullet Gas.As Kirby, who was hit by the strong whipping of the third big food flower, fell on his back, Xiaozhi's journey to the Chengdu League Baiyin Mountain Conference also came to an end.

"The winner has been decided! Congratulations to Kojiro for becoming the champion of Group A and advancing to the final!"

Xiaozhi looked at Kojiro, who was facing the opposite cloud and lightly bowed to thank the audience, and silently turned back the inverted peaked cap, lowered his head, and used the shadow of the hat to cover his face.

"With the birth of the champion of Group A, the two players of Group B who have undergone many tests have also ushered in the crucial semi-finals. Let us welcome Miyazaki Ryuichi from Guchen Town and Feng Yu from Feiyu Town Shout out to players!"

Compared with the situation in Group A, the strength of the trainers in Group B is obviously higher.Not to mention the Musashi and Xiaomao that Long Yi defeated, even the player that Feng Yutan defeated in the second round is also a very powerful trainer, fully qualified to compete for the championship in other competitions.

Long Yi even suspected that that person might be the champion of this year's Silver Mountain Conference in his memory!

The contestants from both sides appeared on the stage, Long Yi and Feng Yutan looked at each other, and they showed a smile that others didn't understand.

Venue Draw - Ice Field!
First strike draw——Feng Yutan first strike!

"I thought I would have to wait a long time, but I didn't expect it to arrive so soon. I'm so lucky."

"Since the last farewell, my elf has been waiting for this moment, let's continue the last battle."

"Fly, Bi Diao!"

With Feng Yutan's call, his golden flashing bird broke out of the elf ball immediately, and made a loud howling sound as it soared upwards.

"Oh my god! Another flashing elf! This time it's a flashing competition! And judging from player Feng Yu's tone, he and player Long Yi seem to have known each other for a long time."

"As you wish, come out and meet old friends, Jin Peng!"

A circle bigger than the golden bird, the Jinpeng with soft and beautiful fur also fluttered its wings and reached the same height as it.

Bi Diao VS Bi Diao, this is an aerial battle!

As soon as the two elves met, they burst out with a strong fighting spirit. Obviously, the unfinished battle last time made both sides very unhappy.

Feng Yutan made the first attack: "Bi Diao, use Lightning Flash!"

Of course Long Yi would not be afraid of him: "Jin Peng, we also use Flash of Light!"

The two Bi Diao turned into two rays of light and hit each other in the air, Jin Peng's was white light, and Bi Diao's was golden light.

Since the start was a second late, it could be seen that Feng Yutan's Bi Diao speed was significantly faster, and the distance between the two sides obviously could not tolerate the two Bi Diao accelerating to the top speed.

Such a collision, Long Yi's Jin Peng suffered a lot!

The rays of light transformed by Jin Peng and Bi Diao quickly collided, but to everyone's surprise, the two sides were evenly matched in the first blow, and then the two elves collided quickly several times. In the rear collision, he was pushed back step by step, and even fell into a disadvantage!

"What a powerful force, this bird is really well bred." Feng Yu sighed in admiration, being able to be evaluated by members of the Feng Yu family, if Long Yi is willing to sell Jin Peng, its price will not be lower than some quasi-god elves.

After another impact, the light on the golden bird dissipated, and he flew upside down for more than ten meters in the air before spreading his wings to stabilize his body.

On the opposite side, the white light transformed by Jinpeng hit straight.

"Bi Diao, use the shadow clone technique!"

call out!
Jinpeng went straight through a phantom of a golden bidiao, turned around and dismissed the flash of lightning.Thanks to the sharp gaze from Bi Diao, it locked the position of the main body among the eight or nine golden Bi Diao clones in the air with just a cursory glance.

"This kind of little trick is useless, continue to use the flash of light." Long Yi said.

As the most outstanding contemporary member of the Niaoshi family, how could Feng Yutan not know Bi Diao's characteristics, and the shadow clone technique just now was just to avoid Jinpeng's attack.

"Extremely rapid descent!"

The 9 golden eagles dived towards the ground at the same time, Long Yi hesitated for a moment, he was too cautious not to let Jin Peng follow and attack, because it would be too easy to be targeted and killed, and the offense and defense would change positions.

"Slash with air."

"Get out of the way!"

call out!
Under Long Yi's unbelievable gaze, the golden Bi Diao didn't look back at all - it was in this state and couldn't turn around to look behind it.

However, in such an unfavorable situation, it is reasonable to say that it has no way to judge the position of Jin Peng's air slash, but Feng Yutan's golden Bi Diao moves continuously from side to side as if it has eyes on its back, and easily dodges Jin Peng's attack. Two air cuts.

"how is this possible!"

Amidst the exclamation, Feng Yutan's Bi Diao was already close to the ground, and was about to bump headfirst into it.

"Use flying sand feet!"


Turning sharply and gliding on the ground, the golden Bi Diao grabbed the ice surface with two claws in a row under the high-speed movement. The solid ice layer was as soft as tofu under its claws, and a large piece of ice shavings flew up, covering the sky above the field.

"Blow it away with strong wind." The ice sand can't cover Jin Peng's sight, but it can hinder Long Yi's judgment.

Jinpeng set off a hurricane, blowing away the ice sand easily, revealing the golden bidiao wrapped in white light in the sky above the field.

"This is..." Long Yi's pupils shrank.

Feng Yutan smiled, and ordered: "The divine bird attacks!"

The golden eagle fluttered its wings and flew high, and the wind from the wings cut the ice surface into holes, like the sharpest blade.

The strongest trick in the flying system - the divine bird!
(End of this chapter)

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