Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 273 Dragon 1 VS Musashi 3

Chapter 273 Long Yi VS Musashi 3
"The tyrannical carp dragon loses its ability to fight!"

When Long Yi opened his eyes, what he saw was the body of Ao Yu who had already collapsed on the edge of the field and passed out.

"That Black Luga gives people a completely different feeling."

Long Yi looked at Hei Lujia.

He, Heiluga, and Musashi formed a straight line, as if an invisible flame connected Heiluga and Musashi, making Musashi taller and taller, as tall as a three-story building in a trance, with a powerful momentum Delong Yi was almost out of breath.

This feeling seems to be... fear!
"Arrogant boy, you will taste the horror." Musashi said coldly, it seemed that the appearance of Hei Lujia had restored her composure.

Cheats - hell oppression!
This is a unique skill of the Rockets, specially developed based on Heluga, which can connect the spirits of the trainer and the elves to create a powerful aura, which will put enormous pressure on the opposing elves and trainers.

"It's... interesting!"

"Interesting, interesting and interesting, there is still such a method, Musashi, you impress me."

Long Yi suddenly laughed out loud, and the demon knife Mo Yan on his waist shook violently, producing a buzzing vibration, as if he couldn't wait to get out of its sheath.

And behind him, a pitch-black space emerged, and there seemed to be a huge figure silently peeping in the boundless darkness.

Hell oppression - no effect!
"how is this possible!"

Not only Musashi on the court, but even Kojiro who was watching the match in the auditorium, thinking that Musashi had the chance to win, was startled.

This is completely a special situation beyond their cognition!
"Fear swordsmanship - poisonous snake kill!"

Long Yi suddenly drew his saber, stepped forward, and chopped vertically.

A pitch-black serpent rushes out of the black hole behind, and bites down on the illusory huge Musashi. Four sharp fangs penetrate Musashi phantom's neck, a large amount of 'venom' is injected, and the false Musashi changes at a speed visible to the naked eye. It gets purple, pitch black, and disappears with a bang.


Musashi groaned, feeling suffocated for a while, Hei Lujia on the field also shook his head irritably, his momentum plummeted.

"No, the oppression of hell has been broken!" Kojiro on the sidelines turned pale with shock.

This kind of subtle secret technique is like a superpower attack. Although it is strange and powerful, it is easy to hurt himself once forced. He knew that Musashi and Heluga must have been injured at this time, and their reaction power and concentration would decline.

Long Yi flicked his saber flower, put Mo Yan back into the sheath, and released his third elf without any hesitation.

"Fight, Ao Guang!"

Ao Guang, with a body length of more than eight meters, emerged from the water and announced his existence to the world with a shocking roar.

"There it is, the third elf of Long Yi is actually a Gyarados, and this one is also a flashing elf!"

There are almost more flash elves that appeared today than in the entire Silver Mountain Conference in the past. The audience's exclamations came one after another. The trainer of the Lightning Gyarados.

"Use the water cannon to attack!"

Ao Guang lowered his head, and the terrifying water cannon attacked Hei Lujia in the floating class. The latter was in the backlash of the oppression of hell being broken. As soon as he reacted, the water cannon had already come in front of it, and it was too late to dodge.

The water cannon hit the target, the floating board was torn apart, and the flashing Heluga, whose fire energy reached the racial limit, flew high into the sky.

The effect is outstanding!

"Hit, the damage will be great!"

Long Yi calmly said: "Even if your Helujia's attack is stronger, but if the elf type is placed there, the defense power is as good as the sky, and it can withstand several attacks from my Ao Guang."

Hei Lujia has always been an elf who is good at attacking but not good at defending, this time the water cannon almost killed half of it!
"Hei Lujia, use Purgatory!"

Heluga in mid-air adjusted his posture and spit out scarlet purgatory fire.

"Use the tail of water to defend!"

Ao Guang turned around, and his thick tail rolled up a large amount of lake water to meet the purgatory flames falling from the sky.

Water vapor filled the air, a large amount of pool water was evaporated, and the remaining purgatory broke through the blockade of Water's Tail and landed on Ao Guang's body, continuing to burn.

A powerful wind rose up centered on Ao Guang, and the rest of Purgatory was blown into the sky by the tornado, and Ao Guang had no scars on his body except some of his scales were burnt dry.

In terms of defense, the difference between the two elves is too great!
What's more, there are attribute restraints in it.

Musashi held back his headache and ordered: "Another purgatory attack!"


Scarlet flames lit up again in the mouth of the falling Hei Lujia. The competition just now and the previous battle had already evaporated two-thirds of the water in the pool. One or two more times, the water in this water field would be dry.

At that time, the geographical advantage will no longer exist!
"Destruction of Death Light!"

The sky was full of fire and rain, and in the sea of ​​fire, Ao Guang with pitch-black scales stood proudly, shooting a powerful destructive death light from his terrifying giant kiss, which was more than twice as thick as Ao Yu's before!
The sea of ​​fire fell, burning violently on the water surface, and some of it fell on Ao Guang, causing continuous damage to it.

However, the power of destroying the dead light is not comparable to that of Mizuno, and the energy is more concentrated. It directly broke through the purgatory and attacked Heluga's body, and knocked it into the air again, and there were obvious burn marks on his stomach. .

"Good opportunity! Ao Guang, use the water cannon to get rid of it!"

Hei Lujia had nowhere to hide in the air. If this water cannon hits, he can definitely defeat this formidable enemy.

"Come back, Heluga!"

At the critical moment, Musashi decisively replaced the elves, making Ao Guang's water cannon miss.

"Cut, use the tornado to clean up the remaining purgatory."

"Damn it." The pain in the head continued, and Musashi, who was beating his temple, shook his head violently, and released the dream monster again.

"Use the shadow ball!"

"Break attack!"

Ao Guang rushed forward, and the dream monster's shadow ball exploded on its head, but the attack power of this dream monster was not enough to stop Ao Guang's attack, and Ao Guang, who was unscathed in the smoke screen, rushed in front of the dream monster, glowing Heiguang's giant kiss was bitten down.


Meng Yao's fragile defense and physical strength were completely unable to withstand such an attack, let alone Hui Yuan's flame whip trick before, and he was beaten to the point where he lost his fighting ability.

So far, Musashi has only half-disabled Heluga and the sixth elf that he has never seen.

"Abo Monster and Big Mouth Bat are elves that have appeared before. Hei Lujia can be regarded as the hidden trump card. Dream Demon and Guo Ranweng are specially adjusted for my Huiyuan, so the remaining one should be..." Long Yi recalled Musashi's previous battle.

"Crow head!"

A bloated crow-shaped elf who looked like he was wearing a hat flew into the sky.

This is also the main spirit that Musashi used in previous games.

"Sure enough, come back, Ao Guang, and take a rest for a while."

"Jin Peng, get ready to fight!"

The violent hurricane blew the water in the pool, Jinpeng soared straight up, and in a blink of an eye, he reached a height higher than the crow's head.

"That Bi Diao!"

In the auditorium, a handsome young man who had been silently watching the game suddenly stood up with piercing eyes.

"So this Bi Diao is your elf, it's interesting." Feng Yutan said to himself, and sat down again with a smile.

"Crow head, use the test knife!" Musashi ordered.

The right wing of the crow's head turned luminous purple, and it flew towards the golden roc in the sky.

"Bird Pokémon and Bird Pokémon are different! Jinpeng, pull up the height!"

With the updraft, Jinpeng rises rapidly, and the sun becomes its background in the sky. In a trance, Jinpeng seems to become a bird living in the sun.

Looking directly at the sun, the crow who used the test knife to attack was so uncomfortable that he covered his eyes with his wings, and the attack stopped.

Crow Toutou is an elf living in the forest like Bibi Bird, while Bi Diao is an elf soaring on high mountains. The flying heights of the two sides are completely incomparable!

"Let's decide the outcome with one blow, use the Brave Bird!" Long Yi, who knew the head of this crow, chose to make a quick decision.

"Get out of the way and use the wave of evil."

The Jinpeng that descended from the sky spread its wings, burning with raging blue flames like a golden crow.The crow below tried to dodge, but this kind of attack from the sky is easy to adjust the direction, and it is very difficult to dodge.

Crow Toutou couldn't accurately judge Jin Peng's exact position because of his sight, so he forced himself to dodge a certain distance, and then used the wave of evil.

The pitch-black evil energy formed an energy ball around the crow's mouth, and then spread out like water waves, wave after wave.

The advantage that fell from the sky allowed Jinpeng to avoid most of the evil fluctuations, and he went straight to the head of the crow in the center and bumped into it.

Musashi's head of the crow was pushed into the water by Jinpeng, until the last moment Jinpeng reversed and flew back to the sky, and the head of the crow fell into the water.

"Use Air Slash!"

Two air strikes submerged into the water, the first one missed because of the refraction of the water surface and Jinpeng's lack of experience, and the second one hit accurately.

After a while, the unconscious crow floated to the surface of the water.

"The head of the crow has lost the ability to fight!"

As the referee raised the red flag, the fifth elf pattern under Musashi's head also turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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