Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 239 VS Huge Stinger Jellyfish!

Chapter 239 VS Huge Stinger Jellyfish!
A few days later, the fleet stopped off the coast of an island.

In the command room, Long Yi saw clearly the environment of the fleet through the display screens.

The island is an uninhabited island with a small area and a roughly circular shape. The outermost part is a circle of sandy beaches, and the inner part is grassland, bustling with coconut trees and shrubs.

There are almost no mammals on this island, only some birds inhabit.

It can be seen that the seabed around the island is very shallow, and the rocks and gravel on the seabed can be clearly seen through the transparent seawater, but there are no coral reefs.

"The jellyfish swarm led by the huge stinging jellyfish inhabits here?" Long Yi was a little surprised.

He remembered that agate jellyfish lived in coral reefs. Although most of the sting jellyfish lived alone, some would stay to protect young agate jellyfish.

And here, there is no coral reef for the agate jellyfish to survive.

"No, they don't live here." Captain Motoda Taishi said.

After the huge stinging jellyfish led the jellyfish group to flood Yumachi City, they returned to the coral reef where they originally lived.

But a few days later, the alliance navy that arrived immediately launched an encirclement and suppression operation against this group of rioting elves.Although in the end, due to miscalculation of the combat power of the giant stinger jellyfish, the group of jellyfish also abandoned their original homeland and fled to the deep sea under the leadership of the giant stinger jellyfish.

A few months later, under the leadership of Kona, the King of Ice, the navy fought the stinger jellyfish for the second time, but the combat environment at that time was deep sea, and the jellyfish swarm had a unique geographical advantage.

Although Kona's personal strength is very strong, the huge stinging jellyfish that suffered a small loss quickly changed its fighting style. Instead of fighting head-on with Kona's elves, it attacked the fleet ships from underwater, causing huge damage .

As a last resort, the fleet could only retreat under the protection of Kona, and the second siege ended without a problem.

This time, it is the third time.

"No one knows the current habitat of the jellyfish group, but I know that the giant stinging jellyfish has been following us for the past few days, but it has not launched an attack." Motoda Taishi said.

The first two battles against the jellyfish swarm were from other detachments under the jurisdiction of the Third Navy, one with a small wound and one with a half-mutilated one. After absorbing the experience of the two colleagues, Motoda Taishi changed his mind.

"The jellyfish swarm has too much of an advantage in fighting in the deep sea, so I specially chose this place as the place to fight!"


Motoda Taishi pressed a button, a hole was opened on the deck of the mothership, two iron plates were retracted, and a 'fish tank' filled with water rose from below.

In the fish tank, there is an agate jellyfish.

Yuan Tian Dazhi explained: "This agate jellyfish is the child of that giant sting jellyfish! As long as it is in my hands, the giant sting jellyfish will definitely follow. When the time comes, I will ask Ma Zhishi and Long Yi is you."

Long nodded.

Ma Zhishiman drank the wine indifferently: "Yuantian, you are still so timid."

Yuantian Dazhi just smiled at Ma Zhishi's ridicule and didn't care.

When the three of them were communicating, a huge splash suddenly exploded on the surface of the sea, and a huge stinging jellyfish tens of meters high emerged from the deep sea, heading towards the fleet step by step.

Behind the giant stinger jellyfish, the sea surface suddenly became dark, and pairs of bright red eyes lit up in the shadows below the water surface, thousands of agate jellyfish followed by the giant stinger jellyfish, and hundreds of stingers jellyfish.

This is a huge jellyfish swarm!
"It's show time!" Ma Zhishi drank the whiskey in his glass, turned and walked outside.

Long Yi followed behind him, half a step behind.

Except for the two of them, all the navies were mobilized under the orders of their respective captains. The eight planes on the deck of the mothership took off immediately, and the six frigates split into two sides.

When they came to the deck, the wind was howling, and the air was filled with a lot of rain, which hurt people's faces.

Long Yi squinted his eyes, and finally saw the elf with his naked eyes.

It's like a monster, so tyrannical that it broke into reality from the movie world. You can't imagine the fear of facing such a monster approaching on the deck, even if you have already prepared yourself for it, you can see it in real life. At that moment, I still couldn't help breathing, and my heart went into cardiac arrest.

Ma Zhishi slapped Long Yi on the shoulder.

"Follow me," he yelled.

Long Yi took a deep breath, held Mo Yan tightly, and followed.

Although his personal strength is comparable to that of Ma Zhishi, in front of such a big scene, there is still a huge difference between him who has just left school and the air force major who has experienced war and returned from the death line.

This is the gap of personal will!
Ma Zhishi led Long Yi to the front section of the second deck, staring at the giant beast.

A giant stinging jellyfish, thousands of agate jellyfish, and hundreds of ordinary stinging jellyfish showed their heads on the sea surface.

"Giant stinging jellyfish, stop moving immediately!" Motoda Taishi's voice came from the horn, and at the same time, a strong electric current suddenly appeared in the fish tank that trapped the agate jellyfish, causing the agate jellyfish to scream again and again.


The giant stinging jellyfish raised a large splash of water and stopped, as did the group of jellyfish.

"Giant stinging jellyfish, if you want to save your child, then come to a one-on-one battle with my designated trainer!"

"Cut, that guy." Ma Zhishi stepped on the railing with one foot, took a poke ball from his vest, magnified it, and threw it out.

A Raichu fell to the deck below.

This move immediately made the huge stinging jellyfish pay attention.

"That's right, your opponent is me!"


The giant sting jellyfish said a few words to the group behind them, and the other sting jellyfish and agate jellyfish immediately retreated a distance.

"Come on Raichu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

A powerful orange electric current burst out from Raichu's body, and one hundred thousand volts successfully hit the giant stinging jellyfish.

"One hundred thousand volts of this color... race limit value!"

This is a Raichu that has at least reached the racial limit in terms of energy intensity of the electric system!

Ma Zhishi turned his head and showed his white teeth: "Of course."

No matter how huge the giant sting jellyfish is, it is still just a sting jellyfish. Raichu's [-] volts caused quite objective damage, and the effect is outstanding!
Five seconds later, Raichu stopped at [-] volts, and the moment the giant stinging jellyfish got rid of the pain, it locked its eyes on Raichu.

The [-] volts emitted by Raichu, the racial limit, is not even enough to show its fatigue!
The giant stinging jellyfish shows the two advantages of the giant elf, terrible physical strength, and strong defense!
"Difficult to deal with." Ma Zhishi's face was serious.

The giant stinging jellyfish soon showed its third talent - super attack power!

A terrifying water gun hit, as thick as a truck, Long Yi didn't even dare to think whether it was a water gun or a water cannon.

Raichu's feet are the Mothership, and it can't even hide!
"Raichu, use Thunder!"

Lei Lei!

Leiqiu's whole body was covered by lightning, and the powerful thunder went upstream, attacking the water gun against the huge stinging jellyfish. Finally, the thunder and lightning broke out, and the water column was scattered by the electric current.

This is just a random blow from the huge stinging jellyfish, but Raichu has already used all his strength, and the gap between the two sides can be imagined.

"Raichu, electromagnetic levitation, charge up!"

Electromagnetic levitation can change its own magnetic field to achieve a flight-like effect.

Ma Zhishi's Raichu is not only powerful in electric-type tricks, but also has a very fine control over its own energy, otherwise it would be impossible to learn electromagnetic levitation.

The giant stinging jellyfish raised one of its tentacles and yanked it down heavily.

"Get out of it!"

Raichu turned sideways with agility, and his tentacles hit the water surface, causing a large splash of water. Raichu was already close to the body of the giant stinging jellyfish, and landed on its slippery skin.

"Secret technique - Thunder Fist!" Ma Zhishi's voice was transmitted through the loudspeaker.

Lei Lei!

Raichu's cheeks flashed with lightning, and the fist of his right hand was covered with strong electricity, and he punched it down.

The lightning burst out, and Leiqiu retreated tens of meters immediately, avoiding several tentacles entangled in succession in time.

"Thunder Fist?" Long Yi was surprised, isn't this the secret technique used by Akasaka Sword's Night Demon?
"It's Thunder Fist." Ma Zhishi said, this is a secret skill he acquired with his military achievements.

Long Yi once wondered why the power of Night Demon Spirit's Thunder Fist was so weak, now he saw the true power of this secret technique.

An eruption allowed Raichu to escape the attack of a giant stinging jellyfish, but at the same time planted a hidden danger in the latter.

A fist mark, imprinted on the part of the huge stinging jellyfish that was hit by the thunderstorm, like a human hand, with seven fingers in one punch.

The secret skill Thunder Fist is the same layered secret skill as the rose flower secret skill, divided into nine layers!
Akasaka Sword's Dark Night Demon Spirit has not even mastered the first level, while Ma Zhishi's Leiqiu has already mastered the 7-fold Storm Thunder Fist!


Boom boom boom boom boom!
With seven consecutive roars, the thunderstorm fist mark left by the giant stinging jellyfish erupted with a terrifying and powerful current, which was seven times that of Raichu's full-strength thunder just now, and each finger represented a full-strength attack by Raichu .

In the face of such a powerful attack, even the giant stinging jellyfish let out a scream, and the small half of its body was shrouded in black smoke, and it slowly fell to the other side.



The stinger jellyfish and agate jellyfish, who were watching the battle from a distance, let out a loud cry when they saw the leader was injured, and no longer cared about the leader's order, they attacked the fleet in a black mass.

"I know that this group of ignorant wild elves won't keep their promises!" In the command room, Dashi Yuantian punched the table.

It would be best for Ma Zhishi to defeat the huge stinging jellyfish one-on-one, but now that the jellyfish swarms are attacking, he can only fight according to the method he had planned before.

I don't know how many casualties there will be.

Motoda Taishi calmed down and immediately gave the order for an all-out attack.

Eight fighter jets swooped down, machine guns fired from both sides, leaving a row of drainage columns on the water.

The main gun of the mothership adjusted its direction and let out a roar.

The powerful main cannon hit the giant stinging jellyfish that was falling, and the latter let out another scream.

Eight frigates and four underwater submarines fired at the huge jellyfish swarm.

"Long Yi, I will leave the defense to you." Ma Zhishi said.

Long nodded.

"Come out, Tyrannosaurus!"

The pitch-black Gyarados guarded in front of the mothership, and its roar was deafening.

(End of this chapter)

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