Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 232 Huiyuan's Great Adventure

Chapter 232 Huiyuan's Great Adventure

The figure of Bibi Bird is hidden in the night sky, but although its eyesight is good, it will inevitably be affected in the dark environment, so it dare not fly too high, for fear of losing the Blue Emperor.

The blue emperor below ran fast on all fours. It felt bitter and couldn't tell. Originally, it was a good earth emperor. Who knows what kind of misfortune it was when a group of unreasonably strong elves came to the door and suffered a fat meal. Not to mention beatings, he still has to be treated as a younger brother.

Fortunately, his life was saved.

Thinking of the fate of the previous wandering elf overlords, Blue Emperor inexplicably felt comforted.

Blue Huang himself didn't know the location of the snack bar, so it was a Delubi who actually led the way, followed by Blue Huang, and Bibi was flying in the sky.

Not long after, the snack bar arrived.

It was a snack bar on an old street, a remodeled small box car, two simple stoves, and various seasonings and ingredients.

The small shop mainly sells croquettes, which should be beef patties, and the aroma of fried beef patties can be smelled from a distance.

There is also a barbecue grill on the stove. The ingredients include squid, sausage, vegetable skewers, lamb skewers, etc., and the quantity is not many.

There were three or four tables around the car, and some people who slept late were still eating, drinking and chatting at the tables, but there were not many people anymore.

[Is that the one? 】Bibi asked.

Bruce nodded.

[Got it, you go back first. 】

The abandoned warehouse is very conspicuous, and Bibi Bird is not afraid of not being able to find the way back.

After sending away Bruhuang and Dai Rubi, Bibi Bird flapped its wings, landed on the small box car, and threw the small leather bag containing the money in front of the boss.

The boss looked at the eyelid bag, then at Bibi Niao, and counted the money skillfully.

Apparently this is not the first time he met an elf to buy it on his behalf. After counting the money, he rummaged through the purse but found no note. He couldn't help but look at Bibi Niao: "What do you want to buy?"

How did Bibi Bird know what the friends wanted to eat, so he swung his wings and swiped all the things on the car.


The boss shook his head, took a bunch of each item and made it up first, and then asked if he needed more of each item, Bibi Bird nodded if he liked it, and shook his head if it didn't, and quickly spent all the money.

The food came out of the pot one after another. The owner of the snack bar took a few takeaway boxes and bumped them into two large plastic bags, and handed them to Bibi Bird.

"Guest, your takeaway is ready."

Bibi Bird flew up and grabbed it with its claws, and the boss handed over the dirty leather bag again, but Bibi Bird didn't even look at it, and flew directly towards the south of the city.

"Alas! wallet!"

The boss yelled twice in vain, and seeing that Bibi Bird hadn't come back, he casually put the wallet aside.

Although it was dirty, there was no guarantee that someone would come to pick it up later. He planned to keep it until the early morning after get off work, and no one really wanted to throw it away.

A young man wearing brown short-sleeves and carrying a moon elf next to him saw this scene and asked, "Boss, where is that area?"

He was referring to the direction Bibi Bird left.

The boss glanced at it and said, "Oh, it's an old town. There are some old people and migrant workers living there. There seem to be a few abandoned warehouses."

"I heard that there are a lot of wandering elves there, some of them are very fierce and will attack people, so generally those with a decent family background will not live there."

"A wandering elf?"

[If it is a family with poor conditions, is it possible to breed such an excellent Bibi bird? 】

The young man stood up thoughtfully, "Thank you boss, your food is delicious."

"Come out, wind speed dog!"

The boy turned over and rode on the released Wind Speed ​​Dog, and then hugged the Moon Elf in his arms: "Feng Speed ​​Dog, follow that Bibi bird in the sky and see where it is going."


The wind speed dog nodded, quickly got into the alley and disappeared, leaving the stupid snack shop owner stunned.


Bibi Bird didn't know that he was being followed.

Because it was carrying food, it couldn't fly too high and fast, so it took more time than before to return to the abandoned warehouse.


Entering through the window with missing glass above, Bibi Bird began to land and put the food on the ground in front of Huiyuan.


The drowsy lobster soldier moved his nose, his eyes lit up instantly, jumped up with excitement, and ran over with his pliers to grab the top portion of takeaway.

It was just about to eat, when it suddenly thought of something, turned its head in a daze, and happened to see Huiyuan's dark eyes.

The lobster soldier quietly swallowed his saliva, swayed his six legs and came to the sofa, holding the takeaway box in his hands.

Only then did Huiyuan nodded, took the takeaway box, and opened the lid.

A strong smell of meat hits the face.

In the box, the golden-fried barbecue patties are arranged one by one, there are six pieces in total, and the top three pieces are also covered with a layer of rich and fragrant sauce, just the smell makes people appetite.

Huiyuan licked his mouth, stood up and took a bite. The outer skin was crispy, and the inner meat was silky and tender. It was delicious with the sauce.

Watching it eat the lobster soldier, he swallowed again, and turned around to see that the other four elves had already started eating, and they were in a hurry.

It snatched the last takeaway box at an unprecedented speed, opened it with anticipation and drooling, and there were bunches of roasted vegetables inside.

Lobster Minions: ? ? ?
[Where's my meat!Where is my meat!Where is my meat! ! ! 】

The owner of the snack bar was afraid of confusing the flavors, so he put all the roasted vegetables in the same takeaway box, which happened to be the one in the hands of the lobster soldier.

The lobster soldier was running around the takeaway box in a hurry.

Look at the others, Bibi Bird eats grilled squid skewers, Flying Mantis is a combination of croquettes and grilled sausages, Gala Gala eats kebabs slowly, Cocoa Dora... er, Cocoa Dora is finished .


The lobster soldier is very angry, it wants to grab other people's skewers to eat, but take a closer look...

Huiyuan is the boss, so he can't be messed with; Gala Gala can't beat him; Flying Mantis and Bibi Bird can fly, but once they fly into the sky, the lobster minion will be out of control. The only Cocodora who can be bullied...

People have finished eating, okay?
【You, don't you want to eat?delicious! 】

Cocoa Dora asked naively, looking at the takeaway box in the hand of the lobster soldier, swallowing her saliva.

【eat!why do not you eat! 】

The lobster soldier snorted angrily, grabbed a handful of roasted vegetables and stuffed them into his mouth, crying while chewing.

[What's wrong, isn't it delicious? 】Coco Dora came over,【My roast lamb is delicious. 】

Lobster Xiaobing finally couldn't help crying out loud.

Roasted vegetables are already so delicious, so how delicious should other grilled meat be?
Why didn't I eat it!
Why! ! !

The old warehouse door suddenly fell down with a loud bang, and a majestic wind speed dog rushed in through the smoke and dust, with a brown-haired boy hugging a moon elf sitting on his back.

"Ahem, hey, there are so many elves?" The boy was stunned.

In front of him is not only the well-developed Bibi bird, but also the precious flying praying mantis. The coat color of that galagala is also very soft, obviously it has been carefully raised.

There are three remaining elves, the red lobster and the silver one seem to be elves from the Hoenen region, and the last one...

The boy looked at Huiyuan on the sofa, frowned, took out a picture book machine from his pocket and opened it.

"No information! No information!" The illustration machine issued a monotonous mechanically synthesized voice.

"It turned out to be a brand new elf that I have never seen before!"

The boy's eyes lit up, he turned over and got off the wind speed dog, and shouted loudly: "Is anyone there? Is anyone there?"


No one responded, and several elves gathered around the sofa, Hui Yuan let out a threatening growl at the young man.

"No one?" The boy looked at Hui Yuan with brighter eyes, "In that case, let's fight, I will pay you!"





The eyes of the elves changed instantly.

Cocoa Dora stared blankly at the several companions who had fried hair, and then realized that she quickly let out what she thought was a fierce cry.

(End of this chapter)

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