Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 224 Secret Technique - Dead or Alive!

Chapter 224 Secret Technique - Dead or Alive!
"Even if it's a secret technique, it's the lowest level of the secret technique. With such a big restriction, it has no practical value at all." Master Wuhui said with a dark face.

What he said was the truth. The biggest weakness of Death or Life is its practicality. An impractical label is enough to wipe out most of its advantages, making Death or Life a special secret technique that can only be used on certain special occasions.

Master Wugui felt angry, but Kukai on the field was anxious.

Like Takahashi Heiichi's fire-breathing dragon, the Thorn Dragon King is the most important elf in Kukai and the absolute main force he cultivated, not to mention that he has crossed that gap and become a powerful and precious element-level elf.

If anything happens to the Thorn Dragon King, even if he gives Kukai ten trophies from the No. [-] Academy in the World, he will be at a loss!
Blood loss!
Although the monks in the elf world also eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha's name, they are very different from the monks in Long Yi's impression.

The people here, the reason for becoming a monk is to practice, whether it is fasting or reciting the Buddha's name, it is a way of practice, so they also have monks who eat meat and drink alcohol, and it doesn't even matter if they marry a wife and have children.

Young monks are called practicing monks; those who have cultivated their skills are called masters.

As for going further, it is basically the abbot.

Kukai was originally a practicing monk, but after the Assassin Dragon King became an element-level elf, he was on the same level as Master Wugui in terms of status.

But in case something happens to the Assassin Dragon King, Kukai will once again fall to the stage of practicing monks, and he needs to perform discipleship rituals on him.

Therefore, the Thorn Dragon King not only affects Kukai's combat effectiveness, but also his status in life!
Seeing that the Thorn Dragon King was about to be suffocated to death in front of his eyes, Kukai could no longer hold back his calm expression, and his handsome little white face was flushed with anger and anxiety.

But he was not willing to admit defeat like this. He lost the game on purpose before, but now the goal has been achieved, and he won the championship trophy. If he can keep the championship, it will be another great achievement after returning to Jingtu Temple!
"What should I do? There must be another way! Do you really want me to admit defeat?"

"That's right!" A ray of inspiration flashed through his mind, and Kukai shouted hastily: "The Thorn Dragon King, use Snore!"

Thorn Dragon King...

Dragon King...


Use Snore! ...

Use Snore! ...

Snoring! ...

snore! ...


In a daze, the Assassin Dragon King seemed to hear the voice of his master Kukai again in a trance, and he subconsciously obeyed Kukai's order, and the memory of the trick of snoring emerged in his mind.


The Thorn Dragon King who was about to suffocate on the field suddenly let out a loud snoring sound, which slightly disturbed the singing of the Tanabata Blue Bird for a moment. At this moment, the pain in the body was fed back to the brain to produce a strong reaction, which made the Thorn Dragon King instantly change from "daytime Waking up from a dream.


The intense pain of suffocation made the Thorn Dragon King's eyes go black, and he spit out a ball of water so violently that his body almost rolled into it, and then took a long breath, finally getting rid of the crisis of suffocation.

"Huh..." Kukai breathed a sigh of relief, and put down the Poké Ball in his right hand.

Fortunately, the Thorn Dragon King finally escaped the crisis.

The water polo was re-suspended, and although the singing of the Qixi blue bird penetrated into the ears of the Thorn Dragon King again after the snoring ended, it was very difficult to pull it into the illusion again after it was ready.

But to do it again, not to mention the question of whether it can be successful, just a one-stroke contract made Kurosawa completely defeated.

"It actually broke free." Kurosawa was also surprised, he thought he was going to win.

"The Thorn Dragon King, use the vortex on yourself!" Kukai was still worried, and asked the Thorn Dragon King to create a huge vortex, and he hid himself in the center of the vortex.

After the civilized element, the Thorn Dragon King can mobilize the free energy in the air to increase his own attributes, but the tricks like snoring are not included, so the snoring power just now is ordinary, but the vortex at this time is ten meters in diameter, rushing water The sound is deafening and simply breathtaking.

The sound of the huge water flow covered the singing of the Tanabata bluebirds. Although they were still going on, everyone could tell that Kurosawa was in danger.

Kukai breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and said, "What, do you want to continue?"

"Of course!" Kurosawa said without hesitation, "The fourth act, loud noise! ​​Tanabata blue bird, let them see our improved results!"

Qixi blue bird nodded, the phantom created by the four shadow clones disappeared at the same time, and the only body flew high into the air, took a deep breath, and spit out a syllable heavily.

A circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out from the Tanabata blue bird as the center, and the white transparent sound waves hit the maelstrom created by the Thorn Dragon King, arousing large swaths of water, as if it was a real physical attack.

Jingchuan Tiangong was surprised for a moment, recovered his senses and praised: "It's so powerful! It actually uses a loud sound to materialize the sound. This has definitely reached the level of a secret technique, and the biggest shortcoming of this secret technique has been made up for."

What are the downsides of dead or alive?
Not practical in battle!

However, now, Sonic itself has a strong attack power, which immediately makes up for the last shortcoming, instantly multiplying the value of death or life.

Circles of sound waves smashed the water waves and splashed in all directions. However, this maelstrom was after all the ultimate move of the element-level Thorn Dragon King, and it was impossible to break through it with only the power of death or life.

"Act [-], Fright!"

The Tanabata blue bird suddenly let out a shrill scream, and the sound waves that originally diffused in a circular shape contracted and converged into a crescent-shaped sound blade under the influence of the scream!

The color of this sound blade is pitch black, with traces of black mist wrapped around it, like a dream.

"go with!"

call out!
Under the control of the Tanabata blue bird, the pitch-black sound blade descended from the sky, splitting the turbulent water waves like a bamboo.

"Thorn Dragon King, use the aurora beam!"

A little light suddenly lit up in the vortex, and a rainbow version of the ray shot out from the mouthparts of the Thorn Dragon King, and instantly hit the oncoming pitch-black sound blade, freezing it and a large piece of surrounding water into ice.

The vortex completely collapsed due to the appearance of the aurora beam, and a large amount of water rushed down and seeped into the soil.

The remnants of the aurora beam flew into the sky rubbing the wings of the Tanabata blue bird.

Ka Ka Ka ~
Pieces of ice wrapped the wings of the Tanabata blue bird, and it folded its wings and barely landed beside Kurosawa.

"Thank you, Tanabata blue bird."

Kurosawa touched Tanabata Blue Bird's neck tenderly, then looked towards the VIP seats, and asked loudly: "Mr. Jingchuan, may I ask if my self-created trick is a secret technique?"

Jingchuan Tiangong stood up and replied without hesitation: "Of course!"

"Whether it is from the non-repeatability of the unique move or the power of the unique move demonstrated in actual combat, your 'death or life' is in line with the alliance's certification standards for secret skills!"

"Congratulations, Igarashi Kurosawa, you are able to create your own secret skills at a young age, your talent is amazing!"

Secret skills represent the ability to understand unique moves, one's own knowledge, unrestrained imagination and a certain amount of luck.

Even many master trainers may not be able to create a secret technique suitable for their own elves, let alone other trainers.

Igarashi Kurosawa was able to create his own secret technique at such a young age, this information is destined to make him famous all over the world, even more famous than Kukai!

After all, there is no way to civilize the elements. Just because a trainer can cultivate one element-level elf does not mean that he can cultivate a second one.

As for Igarashi Kurosawa, as his strength grows and his knowledge increases, he will inevitably create more secret skills in the future. Although the combat effectiveness of the two is out of proportion, their influence is completely opposite.

"However, your 'death or life' is the initial creation. Although you have developed two routes of mental attack and physical attack, the physical attack is not powerful enough and easy to break; the spiritual attack is more than weird, but it is very difficult to work, and you need to continue Improve." Jingchuan Tiangong then reminded.

Kurosawa nodded.

Any secret skill will only become stronger and stronger after repeated improvements, the rose flower secret skill is like this, and even the dragon king's power is like this.

If it weren't for the talented members of the Dragon Envoy family to improve and improve from generation to generation, the Dragon King's divine power would not have become as strong as it is now.

Kurosawa took the Tanabata blue bird back to the poke ball, took one last look at Kukai and his Thorn Dragon King, and then turned and stepped off the stage without hesitation.

"I lost."

Before stepping down, he said so.

(End of this chapter)

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