Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 209 One ebbs and the other ebbs and flows, Vampire Labyrinth!

Chapter 209 One ebbs and the other ebbs and flows, Vampire Labyrinth!

"You guys, very good, our Shansi family will remember this hatred."

In the conference room, Yamadera Shoudao stood up with an ugly face, took a deep look at Noriko Ando and turned to leave.

Originally, he came here with the aim of making a big splash, but he didn't expect to be eliminated in the qualifiers, and Lucario, the most important elf of the family's son Shansi Yalang, died because of this.

The Yamadera family suffered a heavy loss this time.

"Professor Ando, ​​your school really hides its secrets, I admire it." Namikawa Yoshi said, and Akasaka Chiyo from Sinnoh next to him didn't look very good.

Originally Takahashi Heiichi's Miaowahua performance was amazing enough, but I didn't expect this player from the Trainer Academy to be even more surprising.

There are 3 kinds of secret skills!And each one is very powerful!

Only two monks, one big and one small, from Jingtu Temple could keep the whole conference room calm. Jingchuan Tiangong rubbed his chin in thought, and focused his eyes on Ayumi Inoue on the screen.

Not long after, Ayumi Inoue came back, and Yalang Yamadera was not by her side. I don't know if she was picked up by the head of Yamadera.

Jingchuan Tiangong greatly praised him, and Ayumi Inoue thanked him politely.

Because of the existence of Namikawa Yoshi and others, Ryuichi did not have an in-depth conversation with Inoue Ayumi, and soon everyone's eyes returned to Igarashi Kurosawa and Kitano Jasmine in the Vampire Labyrinth.

The scenes around the two of them were the same, from a long time ago there had been dark caves and countless supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats.

With Tanabata Blue Bird's singing skills and night vision glasses, Igarashi Kurosawa's progress was very smooth, and only a few battles occurred.

And as the current student council president of the Trainer Academy, he relies on the entire trainer academy database and materials specific to the student union. Although there is no map directly pointing to the treasure, there are maps covering most of the Vampire Labyrinth. .

As for the specific location of this mysterious treasure, the student union also has a few rough guesses about the location, and they just need to explore one by one.

Overall, the progress of Igarashi Kurosawa is very gratifying.

In comparison, Bei Nai Jasmine is Chi Guo Guo's violent breakthrough.

Different from Tian Jing's appearance, her fighting style is quite rough and direct, completely relying on the powerful thunder and lightning attack of her electric shock monster to sweep away any obstacles along the way.

Because of that mysterious special ability, Bei Nai Jasmine pointed directly to her destination every time she crossed the road, and never reached a dead end or turned back.

But also because of the need to fight and restore the strength of the electric monster, Kitano Jasmine's progress stopped and stopped. It is really hard to say who has the advantage between the two sides.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon came the evening.

Monk Kukai and Master Wuhui from Jingtu Temple went to dinner and didn't come back again, while the others dealt with it hastily.

Although the situation of Igarashi Kurosawa and Kitano Jasmine in the projection is exactly the same, none of the remaining people want to miss possible changes.

Soon, things changed.

Bei Nai Jasmine, who had just cleaned up a small cave, habitually stood at the fork in the road to pray, and the jewel on her forehead lit up as usual, but this time she did not move on.

"Shock the beast, use the Lightning Palm!"

Lightning Palm is a unique move similar to Lightning Fist.

In the picture, Bei Nai Jasmine suddenly ordered her electric shock monster to use the thunder light palm on a crack in the wall. Under the dazzling electric light, the wall collapsed for a while, revealing a small depression behind it.

Kitano Jasmine bent down and got in, then retracted the electric shock beast, and released another Ditto, which stuck to the wall and turned into a rock.

From the outside, there is no flaw at all in this section of the wall. If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one would think that there is actually a person hiding behind it.

After doing all this, Kitano Jasmine's picture was silent.

On the other side, Igarashi Kurosawa is still advancing according to the map.

"What is she going to do?"

The others in the conference room were confused, Long Yi thought for a while, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he suddenly turned his head to look out the window.

At this time, the sun has completely set, and the last ray of sunset glow in the sky is about to dissipate.

"I see, it's a supersonic bat!" Long Yi blurted out.

Noriko Ando frowned, and hurriedly asked, "Miyazaki-san, what did you think of?"

Others also turned their heads to look.

Long Yi took a deep breath, and expressed his own judgment: "Although I don't know what special ability Bei Nai Jasmine has, it is clear that her prayer-like movements can tell the correctness of the fork in the road. But there is no dead end to be seen."

People in this elven world may have all kinds of strange abilities, and it is not uncommon to have abilities like prayer and prophecy, not to mention the Mijina Temple where prophets have existed since ancient times.

"Just now after Kitano Jasmine suddenly stopped moving forward after praying, but instead hid herself, it is obviously very strange. She may have a premonition, and then I guess based on the current time, it is very likely that she foresaw the hunting time of the supersonic bat group!"

"You mean..." Noriko Ando turned pale.

Long nodded: "That's right, the supersonic bats in the cave are coming out to look for food!"

There are tens of thousands of supersonic bats, big-mouthed bats and forked bats living in the vampire cave, and every night, these tens of thousands of elves will swarm out of the various caves on the island to suck food. The blood of animals and elves living on the island.

This is the necessary foraging time for the supersonic bat group every day!
Sometimes you can even see countless bat sprites soaring into the sky from the heights of the teaching building, the number is enough to cover the moonlight in the sky!
"Hei Ze is in danger." Long Yi worriedly looked at the No. 4 screen.

In the picture, Igarashi Kurosawa and Tanabata Blue Bird are walking in a long passage. He has not encountered a new cave for 10 minutes, and Kurosawa's expression looks a little irritable.

Suddenly, he seemed to hear something and stopped abruptly.

"what sound?"

wow wow~
A strange sound came from the darkness at the end of the passage.

The night vision glasses turned the dark passage into green in the eyes of Igarashi Kurosawa, but the night vision glasses are not omnipotent. The sound was obviously getting closer.

Kurosawa's heart skipped a beat, a strong sense of uneasiness emerged for no reason, and the Tanabata blue bird beside him was also walking impatiently.

something happened!
Some very bad things, and listening to the voice is coming towards me quickly!

Before Kurosawa could analyze the situation, the shadow of the first supersonic bat appeared in his sight, and then the second one!The tenth! No.20 only!
It's feeding time for bat swarms!
A dense swarm of supersonic bats flew quickly close to the roof of the cave, among which were a large number of large-mouthed bats. Even after just two seconds, the shadow of the forked bat appeared in Kurosawa's eyes.

No, I can't run, I can't run!
Don't be kidding, the number of bat elves that have appeared in Kuisawa's eyes has already reached a thousand, and they will continue to appear in the future.

Thousands of elves, the Qixi blue bird can be exhausted just by attacking, how could they beat it!
In this short period of thinking, the supersonic bats in front had already flown over the heads of Kurosawa and Tanabata Blue Bird, and countless supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats swept past amidst the sound of flapping wings.

Countless ultrasonic waves vibrated back and forth in the passage, Tanabata blue bird felt a tearing headache, fell to the ground and couldn't help but let out a scream.

This is bad!
A big-mouthed bat jumped down from above with scarlet eyes, landed on the Qixi blue bird's neck and bit it down. Its hollow fangs released chemicals to prevent blood clotting while greedily sucking blood.

Where there is the first one, there will be the second one. Dozens of supersonic bats and a dozen big-mouthed bats broke away from the team and flew down at the same time, attacking Kurosawa and Qixi blue bird.

"Go away! Go away, everyone!"

Kurosawa waved his hands to drive away the super-sonic bats, but the size of the big-mouthed bats was no longer enough for Kurosawa to fly, and soon Kurosawa also began to be sucked blood, and the super-sonic bats and big-mouthed bats that landed on the Tanabata Blue Bird There are also more and more bats.

"Damn it, Tanabata blue bird, use scare!"

The Qixi blue bird tried to raise its neck, and temporarily scared away the besieging bats with a sharp cry, but one person and one pet were already covered with cuts and bruises.

Because of the chemical substances in the teeth of the supersonic bat and the big-mouthed bat, the wounds of the two could not scab and quickly became bloody.

"Use Dragon's Breath!"

The cyan dragon's breath illuminated the passage, and several of the supersonic bats that came back after being frightened were burned unconscious by the dragon's breath and fell to the ground. More supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats avoided the dragon's breath. Gotta stay in the air.

"Come out, strong chicken, Nianli clay puppet!"

Kurosawa released his strong chicken and Nianli puppets, and the three elves formed a triangle to surround Kurosawa himself, and at the same time, they continued to use long-range skills to attack the supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats that were trying to attack.

The physical strength of Tanabata Blue Bird, Lizhuang Chicken, and Nianli Clay Puppets is naturally not unlimited, but Kurosawa knows that he does not need to defeat all the bat elves, he just needs to hold his ground, and then wait for the bat swarm to pass by, and then kill the remaining ones who try to attack him. Those super-sonic bats and big-mouthed bats will be safe if they are defeated.

As time passed, Kurosawa could no longer tell how many elves flew over his head, and his three elves didn't know how many waves of attacks had been repelled, and they were already panting.

In fact, the time was not long, but there were too many attacking elves, and they came in waves one after another. They didn't even have time to catch their breath. They had to attack and attack differently, and now they had reached their limit.

"Hurry up, it will be safe when this wave passes."

Kurosawa muttered to himself, he had already seen the end of the swarm of bats flying out from the depths of the tunnel, and he only needed to hold on for a while, and they would be safe.

However, at this moment, the extremely exhausted Tanabata blue bird made a mistake, took a mouthful of dragon's breath, turned in the wrong direction, and bumped into a flying forked bat.

Long Xi hit the roof of the cave with the forked bat, and then the scorched black forked bat fell down, fell halfway, opened his eyes and flew up again.

"Oops!" Kurosawa's expression changed.

The forked bat let out an angry cry, suddenly accelerated to avoid the jet flames of the strong chicken, and directly hit the Qixi blue bird's face with a shadow ball.

At the same time, dozens of supersonic bats and more than a dozen big-mouthed bats broke away from the team under the command of this forked bat, and attacked together.

This forked bat is the leader of a small group!
The large army of bats finally passed by, but at this time, it was a huge team composed of 1 forked bat, more than 50 big-mouthed bats, and nearly [-] super-sonic bats besieging Heize and the three elves!

"It's a big battle! But after bullying us for so long, it's time to charge some interest." Kurosawa took off two poke balls again and threw them on the ground.

A Diya sea lion and a Roseredo appeared in front of him.

5vs250+ wild elves!In this narrow passage, even Kurosawa is not a small challenge.


As soon as Kurosawa pressed the glasses, a large stream of analysis data immediately appeared in his sight, and the dense data was quickly calculated in his mind.

The battle broke out immediately!

At the same time, in another passage, the Divers disguised as a rock returned to its original state, and the unharmed Kitano Jasmine walked out of it, and turned on the flashlight again.

"Come back, Ditto." Taking back the Ditto, Bei Naijasmine released the Electric Shock Beast, and then went deep again.

(End of this chapter)

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