I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 72 Layout of Snow Country, Surprised or not?

Chapter 72 Layout of Snow Country, Surprised or not?

After killing the three enemies on Iceland, everyone understood the true identity of Yukie.

Under Mr. Asama's explanation, he also knew his idea of ​​helping Xue'e regain power.

"Naruto-kun, I know it's my fault to hide something from Konoha in this mission,"

In the remote cabin, Santai Asama knelt down in front of Naruto and begged:
"But I really can't help it. If I had told the truth from the beginning, Konoha Village would not have participated in this kind of thing."

Naruto knew what San Taifu meant.

As the military force of the Fire Nation, Muye Village will definitely arouse dissatisfaction from other countries if it blatantly participates in the positive changes of a certain country.

There may even be a war.

Especially for the now weak Muye Village, it is even more impossible to accept this kind of task.

However, Naruto did not immediately refuse at this time.

He pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind. After sensing that there was no one around, he asked, "Helping you, what can I get?"

"Ah? This..." The third wife didn't know how to answer for a while.

He is just a minister, how could he immediately make up for Xue'e.

However, considering Naruto's strength just now, San Taifu gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want?"

"Heh, do you think that if Snow Country wants to stop being seized by other people, do you need to build a Snow Ninja Village?"

Naruto continued straightforwardly: "I want to control Xueren Village and the development and production of Chakra armor."

"You, if you do this, aren't you afraid of being discovered by Muye Village?" Santa Fu asked suspiciously.

"I'll let one of my companions come over, she doesn't belong to any ninja village yet." Naruto said, staring at Santafu with piercing eyes.

After hesitating for a while, the third wife finally nodded and agreed.

In fact, this is a win-win situation, because what Naruto said is right, if the Snow Country wants to no longer be seized and invaded, it must build its own Snow Ninja Village.

Please rest assured that other people control Xueren Village?It's better to invite this knowledgeable and powerful Naruto.

At least Naruto has a clear identity as a ninja of Konoha Village.

Besides, regardless of the gains and losses of the above benefits for the time being, if the third husband does not agree now, they will have no hope of regaining the real power of the Snow Country.

He would even be killed by the wind and flowers and raging waves immediately!
The arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent!
"But, can you make a decision for Yukie?" Naruto asked playfully.

"The current Princess Xuehui has not had the confidence and intention to regain her rightful power, so I'm afraid she won't pay attention to your request."

The third wife gritted her teeth and continued: "After we succeed, I will persuade her slowly, after all, she is just a girl!"

"Oh?" Naruto looked at Santafu with playful eyes, chuckled, and didn't speak any more.

If Xuehui and San Taifu repent in the future, he has plenty of ways to get them to agree.

After all, power is truth!

Next, after the sea boat continued to sail for an hour, the film crew officially landed on the land of Snow Country, and the crew began to hurry up and start filming again.

Naruto looked at the train tunnel not far away, and frowned.

Sure enough, within 2 minutes, the roar of a train came from the tunnel, and a train track suddenly appeared on the ground.

"This is a train track that will only appear after entering Chakra. It is specially developed to adapt to the frozen environment of the Snow Country."

San Taifu explained to Naruto and the others.

It can only be said that the Snow Country has a lot of black technology, but the biggest black technology is still at the end.

The roaring train is naturally not a friend, but a special train for the turmoil.

Seeing this, the third husband immediately ran to the nearby mountains, where he had ambushed his men, waiting for the arrival of the wind, flowers and raging waves.

However, what he didn't know was that this was a killing machine at all, and immediately, countless crossbow bolts would shoot out from both ends of the train.

"Ignorance! Stupidity!"

Naruto shook his head and sighed, if San Taifu hadn't become his partner, he wouldn't care about his life or death.

Even if he saw him being shot into a hedgehog by countless crossbow arrows in the murder train like in the original book, he wouldn't care.

But in the future, he still needs the cooperation and cooperation of the third husband.


The carriage walls on both sides of the train suddenly lowered, revealing a large number of crossbow launchers.

At this time, San Taifu had already put on his armor, and led a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, rushed down from the mountain with swords and sticks, and was about to be shot to death.

"Earth Escape · Earthquake Core!"

"Tu Dun · Tulong Spear!"

Naruto and the shadow clone let out a low cry, and slapped their palms on the ground, the surrounding earth shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred, and everyone ran away in a hurry.

There were also a large number of soil guns emerging from the underground of the train, and the entire murderous train was immediately overturned to the ground, and the crossbow launchers were also destroyed.

This is the Earth Dunjutsu that Naruto just learned from Orochimaru's [Scroll of Eunjutsu].

But then, an airship suddenly appeared.

A rope catcher was shot from the airship, grabbing Princess Yukie who was running away in a panic, and pulling her back to the airship.

Hinata and Neji, who guarded Princess Yukie, wanted to use Kunai to cut the rope, but they couldn't do it at all. Obviously, this rope was specially made.

The two of them watched Xue'e being robbed, and then suddenly turned around and nodded to Naruto.

The corners of Naruto's mouth turned up, revealing a malicious smile.


on the airship.

Fenghua furiously looked at his niece proudly, and said hypocritically:
"Xiaoxue, I haven't seen you for so many years. You have grown up so much, but you are still as beautiful and cute as when you were a child."

Xue Hui turned her head and pouted, ignoring him.

Seeing this, Fenghua Nutao spread his hands and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, have you brought the hexagonal crystal?"

Hearing this, Xue Hui took out the hexagonal crystal from her chest, and handed it to Feng Hua Nu Tao with a disgusted expression on her face.

The wind, flowers and raging waves are like treasures, holding the hexagonal crystal with both hands, laughing excitedly, and impatiently ordering:

"Come on, let's go directly to the treasure place!"

Feng Hua Fu Tao has found the place where the treasure is hidden over the years, and also knows that the hexagonal crystal is the key to open the [treasure house].

But at this time, what he didn't notice was that the corners of Xue'e's mouth were slightly raised, and the eyes were full of sarcasm and banter.

Soon, the airship arrived at the place where the treasure was hidden. Feng Hua Nu Tao pulled Xue Hui together and inserted the hexagonal crystal into the [treasure house] hole.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The gate of the imaginary treasure house did not open, but several tall stone walls erected around it gradually lit up.

The surrounding snow began to melt and spread to the entire Snow Country.

The river is gurgling and flowing, green grass and flowers are beginning to cover the entire snow country, and it looks like a spring, where there is still white snow.

From then on, the Snow Country can be renamed [Spring Country].

"Here, could it be that the so-called treasures are these geothermal generators?" Fenghua furiously looked at the changes around him in disbelief.

He killed his elder brother, seized power, and searched hard for Xue'e for so many years, in order to obtain the treasure left by his elder brother, and then grow the Snow Country.

Didn't think, really didn't think...

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Xue Hui next to her looked at the distraught wind, flowers and raging waves, and suddenly burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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