call red alert

Chapter 613 The Divine Beast Falls

Chapter 613 The Divine Beast Falls
The white hole governs life, and the black hole governs death, two completely different phenomena that exist uniquely in the universe. To put it bluntly, a wormhole is a passage between life and death, wandering between hope and destruction, and the two most powerful forces in Xu Tian need to After the baptism of the power of the white hole and the black hole, it can be unsealed.

Breaking the wormhole that briefly opens the link between the positive and negative space of time and space can get the corresponding power to lift the seal, and the black turtle armor, which can be called the strongest defense in the universe, is activated, allowing Xu Tian to rush into the army of hundreds of millions of aliens safely.

A big bang capable of tearing up time and space and shattering everything spread, with the wormhole as a singular point, comparable to the power of the big bang in the universe, instantly annihilated the alien army within a thousand miles, even the prehistoric mixed world of wind and fire. It was almost shattered, and with the blessing of a large amount of the original power of the primordial way of heaven, it was barely guaranteed that the Great Thousand World would not be destroyed. Only one or two tenths of the alien army left thousands of miles away lost their follow-up supplies and gradually fell into a disadvantage. It is only a matter of time before they are all wiped out. problem, the victory of the prehistoric world in the center of the earth is in sight.

In the void, a huge white tiger and a fiery red Suzaku communicated with each other with spiritual thoughts.

"Xuanwu old tortoise finally woke up after sleeping for tens of millions of years, and he was able to easily solve the difficult problems we all felt."

"Little Suzaku, you have missed your mark. Although you have accepted the memory of the previous Suzaku, you have not fully integrated it. This is the legacy of the old turtle's ninth life, and it is the only thing left by the previous life. It is not weaker than its main body in terms of defense, and it can also stimulate [-]% of the power of Xuanwu's heyday, not its main body."

"Hmph, once our wind and fire realms are finished, the earth and water realms it controls will also fall. If this doesn't happen, it's too pretentious."

"In terms of age, that old tortoise existed before the chaos. I don't even know how big it is. Its defense ability has surpassed the limit of the heavens a long time ago. I don't believe that the creation of the world has become a ruin, and it will gather countless elements. It didn't develop its attack ability during the catastrophe, and I'm afraid it has been hiding, I don't know what to hide, it seems that it won't make a move until the critical moment of life and death."

"Wait until I have cultivated the nine-turn red lotus tribulation flame karma to great success, and see how I roast him into a dried tortoise."

"It is estimated that even if you can promote the real fire of your life to be promoted by the fire god Yan, you can't help that old turtle. Now I just wonder what is the relationship between the human who rushed into the wormhole and Xuanwu. How can you give such a precious treasure to me? For him, it's a pity that the wormhole annihilates him and Yibao only by falling. It's a pity. Little Suzaku, we still need to monitor Zhou Tianwandao more now. A few thoughts not weaker than ours came just now. Maybe the other party is old and immortal. Be careful what new tricks they come up with."

"Tch, aren't they just a few old men who won't die? If someone comes out to fight in a fair and honest way, they will sneak up and carry out a sneak attack. It's not worth the death of the former Suzaku at their hands."

"Hey, you little Suzaku, I don't even know what to say about you, let's go."

The conversation between the two gods and the four elephants is over, leaving the wind and fire mixed world, and the battle is coming to an end. The Phoenix and White Tiger clans, blessed by Suzaku with infinite resurrection and rebirth power, have begun to clean up the battlefield. The disciples of Shennonggu led by Shen Linger quickly recovered the Phoenix The power of the white tiger enables the war to be resolved quickly.

With the tranquility of the battlefield, only the positive and negative cosmic particle storm surged in the place where Xu Tian disappeared, forming an absolute vacuum death field.

A trace of doubt flashed in Shen Ling'er's eyes. The person who rushed into the wormhole just now looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it. Thinking of saving countless lives over the years, he might have seen someone with similar appearance, so he didn't think about it. , there was a wry smile on the face of the beautiful loli, the group of extraterrestrial demons have been acting more and more frequently and strangely in recent years, the prehistoric peoples of all walks of life have shrunk to the core of the earth, and strictly guarded against it, but there is a saying that if you are a thief for a thousand days, you can guard against a thief for thousands of miles, Shennong Gu is the most skilled ancient force in the Three Realms, and she is tired of fighting fires everywhere.But the ancestor took the Shennong Ding and Nuwa God together to save the prehistoric, but disappeared after the crisis was resolved, and the Zhengu artifact disappeared, which aroused all parties in the three realms to move around. Showing up everywhere in the world to show his sanctity, Shennong Valley may have been divided up by all parties.

Thinking of this, Shen Ling'er couldn't help gently stroking the magic soldier who had accompanied her for more than a hundred years, suddenly her mind moved, and she vaguely thought of something, but was interrupted.

"My lord, the descendants of the gods and beasts have been fully treated. This time we have made a big move, the valley is empty, and the western gods and the dark world are colluding with each other to perish. I hope that the saint will go back to the town as soon as possible, so as not to let them take advantage of it." Machine." A Shennong personally came to report suggestions.

Shen Ling'er nodded, suppressed that vague thought, and waited for the army to return.

Unexpectedly, the sky suddenly turned black, so dark that it shone brightly, and a boundless black shadow smashed down on the ground with the power to destroy everything.

Shen Ling'er was startled, and said crisply: "In formation, Shennong will guard the victory."

The three thousand disciples of Shennong Valley formed a large formation to contend against it with a mighty force.

Amidst the loud noise that resounded through the heavens, the three thousand disciples of Shennong Valley, all of whom were above the celestial beings, vomited blood in unison. With a smear of blood, tiny cracks appeared on the body of Shennong Chichi, a celestial soldier who claims that nothing is near and nothing can be destroyed.

But finally withstood this sudden blow, the Shennonggu lineage was fine, at least no one died, but the white tiger and Suzaku clan, descendants of the mythical beasts outside the formation, had no formation protection, and they were crushed into a fleshy paste and merged together. There is no way to resurrect.

Seeing the tragic situation around her, Shen Ling'er's expression darkened, the doctor's parents were heartbroken, and the tragic death of countless lives in front of her and the damage to the magic weapon made her a little unacceptable.

Suddenly she recognized the purpose of this black shadow, her small face was full of horror, she couldn't believe it: "How could it be possible, it's a chaotic beast, Beiming Kunpeng, the fallen beast, it's just like Lord Xuanming's front line! How could a top existence fall into a small battle."

After the corpse of the divine beast fell, the infinite power contained in the divine body lost its restraint and burst out to cause such a fierce blow.

A thunderous roar came from the void, "Old Ah San, you guys are so ruthless, you sent hundreds of millions of troops to die, confuse Suzaku and me, and let us go to other great worlds to investigate, but you took the opportunity to work together to kill Bei Ming Fellow Daoist, aren’t you afraid that Xuanming’s awakening will settle accounts with you sooner?”

"Haha, that old tortoise Xuan Ming hastily rushed into the chaos. It is precisely because he is not in charge that we will take Bei Ming's knife." A sinister and ethereal voice drifted in the void.

"Old Bai, this will fight to destroy the origin of the two worlds of wind and fire, and we must keep them." Suzaku turned into a raging flame and wrapped the entire world of wind and fire in it.

"Okay." The white tiger got angry, Beiming fell, the two realms of earth and water have no guarding power, and the fall of the two realms of wind and fire is also a matter of time. Rather than benefiting others, it is better to destroy them in their own hands.

The 18 clones of the white tiger evolve together, and the endless wind power hovers around the body, and the battle is imminent.

Suddenly, the space where the wormhole was annihilated fluctuated violently, and the energy gathered so intensely that the heaven and the earth looked sideways at it, which aroused the attention of all the quasi-sage alien supreme beings of the Three Realms and Six Paths.

A white palm came out through the void, and when Void grasped it, there was a crisp sound, as if something had been pinched and exploded.

Hearing the voice of the alien race, the supreme existence of the dark side let out a mournful cry, "Old Thirteen, what's wrong with you, don't, Lao Nine run away, we have been deceived, and we are willing to use Beiming as bait."

But it was too late, the space-time channel opened, and a slender figure stood out of nowhere, with an endless army behind him.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Shen Ling'er's mind, and she couldn't help trembling and blurted out: "Yes,, yes,,, is that the Equaling Heaven God back then?"

As soon as this statement came out, the Three Realms were shocked.

 [I have only been free for a few days and recently I was training and studying at the party school. I am really depressed and really busy and tired. I squeezed out some time to write so much first, and try to update it as much as possible. 】

(End of this chapter)

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