call red alert

Chapter 610

Chapter 610

Xuanming, one of the four elephant beasts, also known as Xuanwu, suppresses the luck of the earth, and will not come out of the world unless there is a catastrophe. Unexpectedly, he hides in the world of the sea, guarding the first floor of the prehistoric world in the center of the earth.

Seeing the appearance of Beiming Kunpeng before, Xu Tian was still a little confused. Although Beiming is strong, he mainly focuses on speed and aggression, and his physical defense ability is average. It is not slack to guard a big world. When the defense of the three realms is the first Xuanwu was born, and he knew that no matter how many alien races came, they might not be able to break through Xuanwu's protection.

A phantom larger than the entire land area of ​​the earth emerged from the sea, and Xu Tian, ​​who was in mid-air, was completely unable to get a glimpse of the whole picture. He was extremely shocked, and records are records, which can never be compared with what he saw with his own eyes.

Xu Tian knows that a natural divine beast like Xuanwu has a peak quasi-sage cultivation base from birth, and can be called an invincible existence under a saint. He does not need to practice hard to be born with a natal supernatural power that ranks high among the three thousand avenues. The sky blocks out the sun, and the small energy mustard, but Xuanwu's body is already very large, and reducing the size consumes a lot of mana, so Xuanwu, who is naturally lazy, usually appears in the body, so there are countless legends about Xuanwu.

In the ancient prehistoric times, even if the sages were higher than Xuanwu, they could not kill them. They could only suppress them, but they dared not offend Xuanwu easily. Once offended, a lucky beast like Xuanwu would be plagued by bad luck. .

"Little guy, don't be nervous. I just felt a familiar breath and woke up from a deep sleep. It just so happens that the innate spiritual root in my body has just matured. It shows that I am destined to be with you. Please come down and talk about it."

A voice sounded in Xu Tian's mind.

"Innate spiritual root?" Xu Tian was startled, but quickly realized that Xuanwu was not hostile, so he generously landed on a piece of Xuanwu's tortoise shell pattern.

The illusory island slowly condenses into shape, and the pine tree appears in front of you.

"Shenzhen Pine, one of the top ten innate spiritual roots." Xu Tian said with some uncertainty.

Xuanwu Yuanling appeared in front of Xu Tian in the form of an old man with a tortoise shell on his back and a cane, and said with a smile: "Little friend, it's so insightful, the innate spiritual root in my body has not been formed since the prehistoric era was broken for more than a hundred thousand years. Fruit, after the prehistoric birth, blossomed and beared fruit in just a hundred years, but it never matured, and it matured as soon as my little friend came, which is a testament to God's will, you are destined for it."

Xu Tian was amazed at the innate spiritual roots that emanated unparalleled sharpness like pine needles. The ten innate spiritual roots have different functions. The Heavenly Dao Conceives the Dao, which incarnates as a magic weapon and has all kinds of supernatural powers. The most mysterious spiritual root among the ten innate spiritual roots of Shenzhen Pine has never appeared in the world since ancient times. The world thinks it is a rumor, and many people do not know that it grows by itself. In Xuanwu's body, without Xuanwu's permission, no one can know its existence.

The record about the God Needle Pine in the Secret Records of the Emperor Wa is that in the ancient times, when the God Nuwa obtained a red gourd from one of the other ten innate spiritual roots, he learned of the existence of another spiritual root, except the God Needle Pine. , the other eight kinds of innate spiritual roots Nuwa have tasted or played with, but they have never seen the god needle pine, which was specially recorded in the Wahuang Secret Record as a pity. Xu Tian did not expect that he would have such a chance.

"Little friend, sit down." Xuanwu waved his sleeves, and a set of stone chairs and benches appeared in front of him.

"Creation of the Void?" Although Xu Tian's strength has not recovered, his knowledge of past and present lives is extremely rich. He clearly realized that the stone chair and bench were not brought out of the world in Xuanwu's body, but fabricated out of thin air. If it exists, it exists. It doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, the whole space is ethereal and illusory, it doesn't exist in time and space, and it can be invincible with the power of nothingness alone, it's no wonder that saints dare not offend easily.

"Hehe, good eyesight, I made my little friend laugh." Xuanwu smiled slightly, and picked nine pine cones from the pine needles of the innate spiritual root, and said: "This thing is useless to me, but it is very useful to my little friend. Great help, my little friend seems to have a huge power sealed in his body. These nine sword pills can be taken orally to form a sword embryo, which can help you break through the seal, and can also be refined into a magic weapon. Now, the power of sacrificial sacrifice alone is also higher than ordinary innate magic weapons, but compared with the soul devourer of the gods in your body, the gap is still quite large."

"Seal? Heavenly Soldier Devouring Soul?" Xu Tian bowed to Xuanwu sincerely at this time, and said, "I hope Senior Xuanwu will teach me."

How high is Xu Tian's achievements in his previous life? Don't look at how he usually put on airs, but he is very energetic in his heart, and he will not easily bow to others. He knows that even if the real practice time is added in the past and present lives, even people like Xuanwu who have practiced for countless years There is not even a billionth of a natural beast, but he asked for advice sincerely.

Xuanwu, who has seen a lot for a long time, naturally doesn't care about these things, he just laughed and said: "You have the aura of my old friend Qinglong in your body, and I see that the power of Qinglong in the blood of the six dragons in the three realms has completely faded, even the old dragon of the dragon clan The bloodlines of Zulong and its nine sons, Qinglong, have also degenerated. Back then, I warned him not to disperse the bloodlines in his body, but he refused to listen. He created the Dragon Clan, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Suzaku, and split into the Phoenix Clan, which led to the number one in the wild. When the next catastrophe happened, they all forgot the mission of our four-element beasts. They only thought about multiplying offspring to fight for hegemony, but they both fell. Luckily, as long as there is a trace of the spirit of Suzaku, Suzaku can perform the supernatural power of rebirth from the ashes of fire. Resurrection, but it was also resurrected after sleeping for countless years. The new Suzaku is no longer the original Suzaku, but a little Suzaku. It's sad and deplorable to catch them and sacrifice them to make them into magic weapons."

"Ah?" Xu Tian thought that this is how the first dragon and phoenix catastrophe came about in Honghuang. I am afraid that such secrets are only circulated among the four elephants and beasts. Even saints such as Nuwa don't know these secrets. The saint hadn't been born yet, and he only had the cultivation base of a celestial immortal. At that time, the juveniles of the dragon and phoenix clan had the cultivation base of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, and when they matured, they had the cultivation base of the Da Luo Jinxian. The talent of the suppressed bloodline degenerates, and is gradually enslaved by the rising immortals, gods and monsters, and it is no longer the grandeur of ancient times.

"The battle of spirits is really terrifying. Qinglong and Suzaku are the most powerful of our four elephant beasts. They are mainly slaughtered, and they want to fight their strength to decline to breed offspring. As a result, the offspring are not up to date, and none of them reach their height. In the later period of the catastrophe, Qinglong Suzaku also moved the natal stars and seven constellations from the endless starry sky to suppress luck, but the way is irreversible. If the natal stars are still there, they will not fall. Alas, before they fall, let me take care of their offspring Even the bloodlines don’t count. I’ve done my best to keep the dragon and phoenix species from becoming extinct. On the contrary, my friend, you have a very strong azure dragon aura. Make a clone." Xuanwu said something that shocked Xu Tian.

Xu Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said: "Senior Xuanwu doesn't know something. I said that the refined dragon avatar was drawn by the Tianxin Water Palace to sacrifice to the ancient magic weapon. I rescued it and repaired the dragon body that was broken in two. Senior Xuanwu also knows that without spiritual consciousness is like a walking corpse, so I proudly refine it into a second clone and keep it by my side, and I rarely use it."

"Hehe, don't be nervous, little friend. I still want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have discovered such a pure Qinglong bloodline. The Qinglong has never been forgotten since it reappeared in this world. We, the Four Elephant Beasts, will finally meet again one day." Xuanwu said excitedly .

At this moment, Xu Tian was a little puzzled. How did he know that among the four elephant beasts, Qinglong and Xuanwu, who naturally like to sleep, are of the nature. Now, although Xuanwu is an earth beast, it is derived from a dragon and snake, and its ability to control water is not inferior to that of Qinglong. Forged an incomparably deep friendship among them, so he appeared.

"Qinglong is here, Senior Xuanwu, so you need my second clone. Anyway, it's useless for me to keep it. You can take it and give it to you." Xu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and said generously.

Xu Tian didn't take the Shenlong avatar that was obtained by accident, but got a gift from Xuanwu instead. The deal was worth it.

As everyone knows, Xu Tian picked sesame seeds but lost watermelon.

Xuanwu smiled and said: "Little friend, I misunderstood. In the future when Qinglong returns, you will be Qinglong, and Qinglong is you. How could you give you to me? When I reach my level, what else do I need? One day, I will be able to see you." It’s enough for an old friend to survive in this world in another form.”

In the endless years, Xuanwu took everything away, and he just went with the flow of cultivation, but followed the way of heaven, and his cultivation base grew rapidly. Otherwise, he would really erase the meaning of Xu Tian's dragon avatar, sacrifice it by himself, and one person monopolizes the two The power of the four elephants and beasts can completely dominate the three realms and six realms, but in this way, it is tantamount to giving up one's own realm, and Xuanwu can't do this.

Xu Tian was really dumbfounded, and said in disbelief: "Qinglong, I am Qinglong, one of the four elephant beasts, isn't it, this is too, too what?"

"Hehe, that's why I said that this is your fate and good fortune, little friend. In the future, the four elephants will return to their positions and we will have the same status. You can stop calling me old and old. You can call me Old Turtle. Old Dragon and I were dead together back then." Without him protecting me, I would have been killed by the Three Thousand Demon Gods long ago." Xuanwu said kindly.

After a long time, Xu Tian digested the good thing about the pie falling from the sky, collected himself, and asked calmly, "Then I won't be polite, old turtle."

"Hey." Xuanwu replied excitedly after not being called that way for many years.

Xu Tian was a little embarrassed, and continued: "But this second avatar, I also obtained from my elder brother a secret method of the 'Nine Thunders Zhengfa Heart Sutra'. The second avatar disappeared, and now I don't know where it is, and I will trouble you to find it, Old Gui."

"What. Sloppy Taoist, that old bastard is your elder brother. That dead bull-nosed man hit me with lightning in the chaos. If he hadn't been unparalleled in the world and ran too fast, I would have suppressed him for thousands of years, old turtle." " Xuanwu said angrily after hearing this.

"Eh?" Xu Tian was quite speechless. He knew from the beginning that his elder brother's sloppy Taoists and enemies were all over the world, and even offended the four elephants.

Little did he know that this decision would annoy Xu Tian for a long time in the future.

"But he gave it to him, and I gave it to me. To be honest, that dead bull-nosed housekeeping skill still has its own uniqueness. In this way, I will be more sure that Qinglong will recover quickly." Xuanwu shook his head and said, "You Your Qinglong avatar is still on your body, but you haven’t noticed it. Your physical strength contains two boundless forces that do not belong to the prehistoric world. Only the law of heaven cannot tolerate it, so it is sealed, and even your own cultivation is also sealed. The Qinglong avatar is also sealed. Just one was sealed, didn't you notice that there was something strange when you encountered water?"

Xu Tian was stunned, remembering that when he returned to the earth and wandered in the sea, he was able to float naturally on the sea without being soaked in the sea at all. At that time, he was too weak and not enough, "I seem to have a natural affinity for water."

"Haha, that's right, the Azure Dragon is the supreme being of water, and it rules all waters in the world. Even if its strength is greatly reduced by incarnation, it can still rule the top three worlds, relying on the Heavenly One Divine Water Rectification, come to me Let me lift the seal for you, and you will understand." Xuanwu laughed loudly.

Seeing no movement by Xuanwu, Xu Tian only felt his left arm heat up, rolled up his titanium sleeve and saw a green dragon tattoo hovering on his left arm.

"It turns out that, as expected, it has always been on me. I really have a treasure mountain without knowing it. This goddamn way of heaven seals my power." Xu Tian thought angrily.

Xuanwu brandished his crutches to pull Qinglong out from Xu Tian's left arm, and Qinglong, who had been sleeping for a long time, instinctively uttered a dragon chant that resounded through the sky.

At the same time, the powerful quasi-sages of the three realms and six realms felt their hearts throbbing. They calculated for a long time, but they had no way of knowing the root cause.

The secret of heaven is covered by Xuanwu, and non-sages cannot check it.

With a thought, Xu Tian saw himself from another perspective, feeling very miraculous.

Unexpectedly, Xuanwu interrupted the connection between Xu Tian and the Qinglong avatar, saying: "Now is not the time for you to control the Qinglong avatar, I think this little Qinglong was born to the quasi-sage realm, and then his cultivation base was forcibly absorbed, but In this way, the foundation of the little green dragon is solidified. If I want to send it to the chaos now, it is necessary to recover quickly in this nascent unconscious state. The time is when you take charge of it."

"Oh." With such good luck, Xu Tian didn't care about waiting a little longer. Seeing that Xuanwu was about to leave, he hurriedly asked with a smile on his face: "Old Gui, why don't I have other seals on me? The strength of this deity is too weak, and after Qinglong returns to the throne, it will not look good, will it?"

Unexpectedly, Xuanwu shook his head, "The power contained in your left and right hands is too terrifying, the level is still higher than mine, parallel to the prehistoric way of heaven, I really don't know how such an existence appeared in your body, but you can find it Find Lao Bai, he is good at cracking seals."

"Old White? Who is it?" Xu Tian asked.

"Bai Hu, hey, you haven't returned to your position yet. Among the four elephants, the Qinglong is the most respected. The White Tiger is ranked second, I am third, and Suzaku is fourth. But in fact, our respective strengths are similar. Let's go on and on. Ten years can't be enough, you go back and see Lao Bai to ask him, Qinglong rescued Lao Bai several times during the chaotic years, he will probably help you, if that's the case, don't tell you more, restore Xiao Qinglong's strength as soon as possible, he When the catastrophe comes, I will be more confident." Xuanwu hurriedly sent Xiao Qinglong to the chaos, shaking his fingers lightly, tearing the void, pulling out a weapon and a cloth bag from Xu Tian's body, and handing them to Xu Tian , Said: "This is your thing, all good things, dragons can gather treasures, it is true, I have not collected a few treasures comparable to them in countless years, you should use them well."

Xu Tian took the Celestial Soldier Soul Eater and the imitation artifact Qiankun Bag with emotion on his face.

Xuanwu left as soon as he said it, so quickly that Xu Tian didn't even have time to ask some very important questions, watching it disappear into the void.

"Old Gui, don't go, you haven't told me how to get to the second world in the center of the earth, how to find Lao Bai, there are still many things I want to ask you." Xu Tian shouted to the sky, anxious.

There was no response for a long time, Xu Tian was very frustrated, secretly annoyed, how could he come across such a superb product.

"Oh, old man, I walked too slowly, and I could still hear your last few words. I would have been in the chaos long ago. This is the turtle shell left when it molted, and it is my mark. When I arrived The boundary of the world can sense the entrance of the next level, and your safety can be guaranteed in the Sifang Boundless Realm, and there are some records I left in it, you can see for yourself, this will really go."

"Don't, don't, stay here and chat a few more words." Xu Tian said anxiously, and didn't reply for a long time, knowing that Xuanwu really left this time.

"Hey, what about the tortoise shell it left me? It can't be a liar. It wants to cheat my Qinglong avatar away. It shouldn't be possible. The majestic four-element beast can crush me to death with one finger. There is no need to fight with me." I'm wasting my tongue."

While Xu Tian was thinking wildly, with a whoosh, an object fell from the air and hit his head heavily.

"Who, who the hell is so devoid of public morality that he hit someone?" Xu Tian angrily pointed at the sky and cursed, seeing the things floating in the sea, he immediately reacted.

"I'll go, you're a turtle that's still shedding its skin. Think of you as a snake. For such a big turtle, just give me a palm-sized shell. What can I record with such a small amount?" Standing on the sea and looking at the shell in his hand, Xu Tian Some can't laugh or cry.

He naturally didn't know that Xuanwu was originally born from the intersection of heaven, earth, dragon and snake, and it was normal for him to shed his skin.

In the midst of being extremely depressed, following Xu Tian's thoughts, the tortoise shell in his hand suddenly grew bigger, and a line of ancient seal characters that bore the brunt rushed out of the tortoise shell and floated in the air.

"Haha, the old dragon is frightened, old turtle, I'm just joking with you, if you don't take advantage of the green dragon to drive a few more times before returning to its place, you will have no chance in the future."

The handwriting slowly disappeared with the wind, and Xu Tian was a little dumbfounded when he saw it.

Another line of words floated out.

"Sifang Wuliangjie is the four realms of earth, water, fire, and wind. It is a barrier to guard the prehistoric world. Every four years, Sifang Wuliangjie takes turns to defend the first four floors. The land and water realms are currently managed by the old turtle. I captured a Kunpeng from the depths of chaos. The giant beast guards the water realm, this turtle shell is the token of the ground and water realms, if the next realm is the wind realm, it's okay, if it's the fire realm, you can ask for more blessings, hahahaha."

After Xu Tian's handwriting disappeared, no new words appeared.

"Wind Realm, Fire Realm, White Tiger, Suzaku, Sifang Boundless Realm, what kind of plane are you doing? Why is this completely different from the prehistoric world I knew before." A sense of powerlessness welled up in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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