call red alert

Chapter 581 Small things with big effects are weird

Chapter 581 Small things with big effects are weird

"Go, little dragonfly."

Xu Tian cautiously released 5 Rising Sun Empire self-explosive little dragonflies to investigate. This is one of the gadgets he summoned these days. It is not very powerful and works well on certain occasions.

Name: Little Dragonfly of the Rising Sun Empire, Armor: Mimic Light Alloy (extremely poor defense).

Vision: shared vision, flight speed: medium.

Active Attack Ability: None.

special function:

1. Pathfinding, scouting the enemy.

2. It can be reduced by 50% or enlarged by 100% on the basis of the main body.

3. Being attached to a metal object can reduce its movement speed.

4. You can choose to explode yourself, the power is equal to the amount of energy you carry.

About Red Alert [-] Xu Tian hasn't played much since he woke up. After summoning, he found that the third-generation product is more detailed than the second-generation product, but the increase effect does not seem to be as great as the second-generation. The more advanced the technology, the less room for improvement.

Naturally, Xu Tian would not have imagined that this inconspicuous gadget would come in handy in the future. It would be so simple for the red police unit blessed with the right hand's technological creativity.

Five little dragonflies buzzed and flapped their wings and flew towards the city.

Xu Tian had seen dragonflies in the wasteland before, even the earth was copied, and a mere creature could not be copied, so he was not afraid of being discovered.

The shrunken little dragonfly was only a few hairs thick, and after mimicking it, it hid in five relatively prosperous places in the city, and sent back every move of the investigation.

Throw out a spherical supporting delivery device, the red dot on the sphere lights up, and a semi-circular holographic three-dimensional picture is displayed in front of Xu Tian.

The semi-circular holographic screen is divided into 5 areas, corresponding to 5 places. Xu Tian clicks on one of them to switch in. In an instant, the whole person feels as if he is in the middle of a busy city, and he can clearly see the surrounding areas in the city. In various situations, watching people rubbing shoulders pass through their bodies,

"It's so amazing, so advanced." Xu Tian sighed. It is worthy of the three generations of technology. It is estimated that it will be possible to invent the earth in a few decades. Of course, this kind of technology is something that the Empire of the Rising Sun cannot do in the three generations of Red Police. , the key is the blessing transformation of the right hand.

"Why are they all human beings? What about those legendary demons and ghosts?"

After watching for a while, Xu Tian was astonished. It is not surprising that there are human beings. After all, there are billions of human beings on the earth, but as a place where ghosts and ghosts are concentrated, there are no monsters.

Xu Tian clearly remembered that he had a pair of horns growing on his head when he was facing the commander of the demon world who was bombarded by his giant cannon. Although he was humanoid, there were tiny scales on his face. The half-orcs and orcs in different time and space in the previous life are somewhat similar, but they are more powerful in the dark star, and the shocking murderous intent is still awe-inspiring.

After observing for a while, Xu Tian discovered the difference in this city.

It is not so much a city as it is a market, but it is surrounded by walls built with earth. Most of these humans are dressed in animal skins, with their breasts exposed. Children and women cover their bodies with leaves and bark, and only touch the vital parts. With some shells and animal skins, people mostly exchange them by barter.

"Primitive people? Is this a primitive society?" Xu Tian was a little puzzled, "It shouldn't be, the earth has produced modern society for thousands of years, so there is no reason for the dark star to be behind the earth, right?"

Xu Tian was puzzled, "Did I come to the wrong place?"

"No, it must be the dark star. The launch of the spy satellite has attracted the attention of Heavenly Dao. If it is not the dark star, it is somewhere else."

Soon, Xu Tian discovered the difference again, "The language is very profound, and these people are very intelligent, not like a primitive society."

There are no gestures or yelling, and the people in the city explain in a complex language, which is not the Chinese language that is common in the ancient world and the earth.

"Collect language information data, compile statistics, and send it to me when it's done."

Sending new instructions to the 5 self-explosive little dragonflies, Xu Tian was a little thankful that he didn't enter rashly, otherwise, because of the language barrier and different clothes, he would know that they were not locals.

All the red police units summoned by Xu Tian have certain intelligent optical brain processors. Collecting language data and simulating deduction is only one of the most basic capabilities of optical brains.

In less than 10 minutes, the organized language foundation was transmitted to Xu Tian's consciousness, absorbed by spiritual power, and he quickly mastered the language of Dark Star.

"Well, the grammar is profound, but the conversation is not complicated. Dark Star has developed an alternative civilization."

If the group of hard-working friends on the earth knew that there was still a need to learn English from childhood, Xu Tian had no idea that he had missed a huge business opportunity to promote this language crash technology. There is no pear for passing the college entrance examination.At this time Xu Tian finally understood why he was able to enter the Dark Star through the Gate of Reincarnation, and the ancient world could naturally send people in, but the ancient world had not collected any effective information about the dark star in these years.

If powerful gods and gods enter the dark star, they will be repelled and obliterated by the Dao of Heaven. Even if they can escape, they will be hunted down non-stop. Weak ones who don’t understand the language and dress differently will be discovered soon. This is completely a must for guarding against spies. good occasion.

After listening to the conversations of the people in the city for a while, Xu Tian found that what they communicated was all about family stories, what was found there, what was here, but what they ordered and what they needed.

This made Xu Tian confused again, "Barter, is this completely the style of primitive society?"

After a while, Xu Tiancai wanted to understand, "That's right, the Dark Star's environment is dangerous and supplies are scarce, so it's normal to develop such a level of civilization, but where did those demons and goblins go?"

Switching back and forth between five scenes, except for some strange flowers and plants and strange creatures, no traces of ghosts and ghosts were found.

"Is this still the dark star? Is it still the headquarters of demons and goblins?"

Some couldn't get an idea, whether to pretend to enter the city to inquire about the situation, Xu Tian had a headache.

"Master, I found a group of biological signals approaching you rapidly, please avoid them."

No. [-] spy satellite scanned anomalies and sent a warning.

"Did I get discovered? Shouldn't I? I didn't show any flaws."

Regarding the weird world of Dark Star, Xu Tian Lingjue told him that there is a great danger here.

Fortunately, there is still some power left to fight the Holy Spirit. The wind element accelerates, the dark element is invisible, and the benefits of the wind and dark element fighting spirit are revealed. After leaving the wasteland and approaching the city, there are more trees and flowers. Xu Tian sticks to it On the tree, there was a dark light shining, and the whole person merged into the tree, and there was no trace of breath.

Dark fighting qi is a compulsory subject for thieves and assassins in different time and space. Without dark fighting qi, it is embarrassing to become an assassin and a thief. Moreover, dark fighting qi coincides with the dark star heaven, and the power of fighting saints will not be rejected by heaven.

It's just that one day can only attract the power of a fighting saint into the body, and the timeliness is limited, which makes people feel helpless.

The earth shook, the rattling sound became louder and louder, and a large group of strange beasts rushed towards the city.

"What's the situation? Monsters attacking the city?"

 Spread so much first, go out if you have something to do, come back and try to spread another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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