call red alert

Chapter 568

Chapter 568
The three huge ancient seal characters of "Doushi Palace" are extremely dazzling. If Xu Tian is awake, he may think of something, but from bombing and killing opponents to canonization to stealing food and drink, he has been in a daze all the time. There is no linking everything together, and the trajectory of fate seems to have arranged everything.

Relying on his alcoholic nature, he ran around at will, but saw that the hall was empty, and there were no fairy boys, fairy generals, fairy officials, and fairy officials. The master was not there, Xu Tian became more and more wanton in his actions, and the freshness of going to a new place will be overwhelming. Suppressed by sleepiness, he wandered around.

Until a quiet room, a strange stove attracted the attention.

"Huh, what a big furnace? Could this be the legendary alchemy furnace?"

But beside the alchemy stove, there is a fire in the stove. There are nine exquisite gourds placed in the front, back, left, and right sides of the stove, in the direction of the Nine Palaces, shining brightly and shining golden.

"Could it be an elixir?"

Xu Tian suddenly became excited. The ancient alchemist's theory of alchemy was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. All the people in my dynasty knew it, but there were very few people who had really seen the real elixir.

Unable to stop the interest, I picked up one of the gourds and shook it gently, and there was a slight sound.

"In stock?" Xu Tian's eyes lit up, the legendary elixir was on his lips, and that one didn't want to eat it.

After observing around for a while, he found that the gourd had no mouth at all, so he didn't know how to do it.

Under the influence of alcohol, all kinds of negative emotions of people were magnified countlessly, and Xu Tian's temper became irritable. He picked up the gourd and knocked it heavily on the ground, making the sound of gold and stone. It looked like it was made of wood, but it was so magical, it must be a magic weapon of the fairy family .

But Xu Tian cares so much, he will not fall asleep, he will step on his feet, and the soles of his feet will hurt.

In a fit of rage, the newly realized space power secret skill formed a tiny space turbulence in his right palm, which just happened to include the gourd.

"Space strangling, break it for me."

The collapsed space and the gourd were annihilated at the same time, revealing a golden pill the size of a longan. The pill had seven orifices, and it had the potential to become a human being. The turbulent wind generated by the spatial ability could not move it, leaving a trace.

"Good baby."

Xu Tian was so happy that he swallowed it in one gulp without even having time to chew.

Xu Tian was naturally unwilling to taste the taste, so he continued to smash the remaining eight gourds and swallowed the eight golden pills inside.

With the rise of eating, there are many alchemy pots on the alchemy cabinet, which can be opened at will, regardless of whether there are some or not, regardless of finished products or semi-finished products, they are all eaten at once.

If the elixir was poisonous, how many Xu Tians would have been poisoned to death, but this is not the kind of poisonous thing that is refined by nine-rate warlocks in the world who use cinnabar (mercury) to fool the elixir.

Sweet, sour, and a little salty.

After eating countless golden elixirs, Xu Tian finally tasted something.

Not to mention, the gods of the fairy family are the gods of the fairy family. After eating so much, there is no side effect at all, and there is no feeling of fullness.

When Danman sobered up, he actually had a rescue effect.

But Xu Tian, ​​who was awake, looked at the mess and suddenly came back to his senses.

"No, no, this calamity is probably bigger than the sky. If the god emperor is disturbed, all the gods in the sky will not be able to spare me. Life is difficult. 36 tricks are the best plan. Why don't you go back to the lower realm and find a way to return to the world, anyway The prehistoric ancient world has no way to enter the earth, and with the current power, it is easy to rule the roost for one life, not to mention the lands and borders, so why bother to suffer in the Heavenly Palace."

He ran out of the palace directly, intending to go out of the heavenly palace by himself.

But Xu Tian didn't know where he was when he was rushing all the way before. Fortunately, he was guided by Tianhe, so he didn't have to worry about getting lost along the landmarks.

After walking not far, I saw Li Zicheng stepping on the auspicious clouds and shouting from a long distance: "You boy, let me search for a long time, how did you find Tushita Palace?"

"Tusita Palace?"

Xu Tian was taken aback for a moment, and a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind. He was about to think about it, but was interrupted by Li Zicheng, "Emperor Wa took a lot of shame this time to ask for these additional rewards for you. Don't forget Kowtow to thank the lady."

"Thank you, thank you, I have to run for my life quickly."

But still curious about those rewards.

"A Mansion of Equaling Heaven, located in the sub-golden area of ​​the heavenly realm, protected by the magic of the Tianhe River, it is difficult for the devil to break into it, and the Tianma Prison and Pantao Garden are also under your control. In a few days, the God Emperor will thank you for your gratitude."

"Thank you big-headed ghost, once I thank you, I will thank you for my life."

Xu Tian curled his lips in disdain, he had a flash of inspiration, but he didn't catch it. He was in the middle of the game, and often he didn't think about it carefully, and he was eager to escape, so he didn't think about it carefully.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Tianmajian and Pantaoyuan to order a job first. These two places are considered fat jobs, and the annual salary is quite a lot. You must take care of it sooner or later, and you can't lose your empress's face."

Li Zicheng couldn't help saying that he was pulling Xu Tian while walking, chattering endlessly while walking, and didn't even have a chance to interject.

Fortunately, Pantao Garden is not far from Tushita Palace, and a large amount of immortal wood needed for alchemy is supplied by Pantao Garden, and the two places are very close to each other.

When the immortal soldiers on duty intercepted him, Li Zicheng took out a token to stimulate his aura, and the word "Qi Tian" appeared on Xu Tian's head.

"This is the marquis of the God of Heaven, and the emperor of the gods ordered to take charge of the Pantao Garden and call people to come and see you."

The fairy hurriedly saluted and called a group of weeding wrestlers, water wrestlers, peach repair wrestlers, and cleaning wrestlers to come and kowtow.

Xu Tian, ​​who was in a hurry to escape from the Heavenly Palace, enjoyed it a lot, and understood why the ancient emperors liked to see people bow down, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

Due to the rules and regulations of the sky, outsiders are not allowed to enter the Pantao Garden without authorization. This is exactly what Xu Tian wanted. He was eager for Li Zicheng to leave, so he hurriedly said: "Brother, the fairy banquet is rare, so hurry up and enjoy it. This is my territory. Turn around." I was also a little tired for most of the day and wanted to rest for a while, Tianma Prison is not in a hurry, you just come back and find me."

Li Zicheng is fond of wine, and had the opportunity to eat and drink in Wahuang Palace. Seeing Xu Tian's interest, Lao Huai comforted him, and his affection for Xu Tian increased a little, so he handed the magic card to Xu Tian and told him how to use it with blood. leave.

Xu Tian let out a long breath and planned to leave.

After thinking about it, how can I go back empty-handed after entering Baoshan? I didn’t leave a few elixir before, but I can still pick a few celestial peaches from the Pantao Garden and bring them back to the earth for my family to eat. No problem, it is also good to sell it for money.

So under the guidance of a group of immortal officials, they pretended to interrogate Pantaoyuan.

Looking around, there are no fewer than ten thousand fairy trees, and you can see that, the trees are full of flowers and flowers, and the fruits are pressing on the trees. The early ripening ones have blush and drunk faces;

It is obviously not of the ordinary kind, and the taste is much better than those peaches that I ate before, and my index finger twitched.

After walking for a while on a pavilion, Xu Tian excused himself to be tired and said he wanted to rest for a while, and dismissed all the immortal officials.

All the immortal officials were not worried about other things, stealing immortal peaches was a heinous crime, and they had to be beheaded on the immortal platform. Since ancient times, no one has violated this rule.In addition to Xu Tian's killing of the overlord of the demon world, the kung fu has been spread for a long time. The name of Qi Tian Shenhou is so powerful that the immortals are afraid, so naturally they will not stop it on trivial matters.

After all the immortals retreated, Xu Tian hurriedly tore off a big piece of the hem of his robe, picked out a package along the way and packed it, and ate it all the way, ruining half of the peach orchard. Down, sneak away.

Along the Tianhe River, sneaked out of the Nantian Gate all the way, and quietly returned to the ancient world, without anyone noticing.

Xu Tian had some ideas when he was learning about the history in the Wahuang Temple, and when he got to the Heavenly Court, his thoughts became more and more certain.

The Heavenly Palace is used to block the Dark Star Demon Realm, so the Great Desolate Ancient Realm is to guard the original earth.Just get through the ancient world.It may be possible to break through the shackles of the ancient world and return to the earth by going deep into the ground.

Once he goes back, who can do anything to him.

But Xu Tian is here to think about the method of drilling the ground.

One night passed, and all the immortals in the heaven woke up from the wine, but they fell into trouble.

Xianshan Supervisor, Dousita Palace, and Pantao Garden all came to report that all the flat peaches were stolen from Yuye Qiongjiu, Eight Treasures, Hundred Flavors, and Pantao.

The god emperor was furious. He didn't like Xu Tian's disrespect for the emperor's prestige. He gave some rewards out of face. He didn't want to repay the emperor's kindness. , With the potential to surpass the ancestors of the Eastern Emperor, the Heavenly Court is becoming more and more powerful, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors have to give some face. If they lose such a big face in front of the gods and gods in the sky, how will they convince the public in the future.Directly issued an arrest order from the Three Realms, countless heavenly soldiers and generals arrested Xu Tian everywhere.

Fortunately, after drinking for three times, the empress of the emperor and the two emperors of the north and the north would leave, otherwise the face would be even more fraught, and the more the god emperor wanted to be more angry, he even invited out the Qingtian Baojian to inspect Zhoutian with the method of penetrating the six realms. Unexpectedly, there was no trace of Xu Tian's aura or trace, and he couldn't help feeling jealous.

Suppressing the commander of the demon world with the strength of a god emperor, Mo Batian, is just a matter of turning his palms, but there are also strong people in the dark star who use their aura to frighten themselves. This kind of character is a luxury, and Xu Tian can kill it easily, I am afraid that they are geniuses secretly cultivated by the Wahuang Palace, and the background of Nuwa Empress is too deep.

The god emperor who has always wanted to unify Zhou Tian and all Taos has a different idea from the gods. He thinks more. Xu Tian is probably sent by the Wahuang Palace to test himself on purpose to express his dissatisfaction with the suppression of the Duowa Palace over the years.

"Why do I only get two pieces of Heavenly Artifact in Heavenly Court? Even if there is one more piece, it can still unify the heavens."

Contrary to the God Emperor's regret, Xu Tian went deep into the ground only to find out that the situation is very bad. For hundreds of years, the ancient world has been trying to open up the passage to the world, but just like Dark Star, he has been trying hard to fail.

The density and pressure of the subsurface of the Great Desolate Ancient Realm is far beyond imagination. Xu Tian's mental force field has been fully expanded, and it has been compressed to the extreme, covering the whole body, forming a transparent battle armor, and displacing the thick soil so that it will not be crushed into meat.

"Oops, why is this underground so deep? It doesn't make sense. The dark star can blast through the sky and kill the heavens casually. I just want to sneak into the next world and suffer so much."

Finally, I don't know how long I have persisted, there is no way to go to the sky, no way to go to the earth, when Xu Tian is about to lose his mental strength, the pressure on his body suddenly decreases, and a vast space in the center of the earth suddenly appears, and he finds a bright yellow light in the center of the earth. middle.

Xu Tian's spirit suddenly lifted.

"Could it be to block the boundary between the two worlds?"

A flicker appears next to the bright yellow mask.

After thinking about it carefully, he didn't enter in a hurry, and carefully radiated his mental power, only to find that this mask shielded everything, knowing that teleportation with supernatural powers was useless.

He reached up, intending to touch and analyze what it was made of.

Unexpectedly, the first contact in junior high school.The abnormality happened suddenly.

A strange force enveloped Xu Tian and sent him to the main hall of Tiangong.

It is said that no trace of Xu Tian was found for three days in a row. In the early court, the god emperor Longyan was furious, and had already demoted several important officials of the fairy world. All the gods were trembling with fear.

Xu Tian, ​​who was hated by them, appeared in the hall with a confused face.

Surprised gods, all of them used their housekeeping skills.For a while, countless miraculous skills, secret arts, Taoism, magic tricks and immortal tricks emerged one after another to attack Xu Tian, ​​and the more they killed, the faster they were killed.

The rewards of the Three Realms wanted orders are astonishingly rich. Under the trend of interest and hatred, even the god emperor did not expect that these gods and gods would be so terrifying when they exploded with all their strength. .

Unexpectedly, Xu Tian's body was full of glory, and countless attacks were all blocked by a bright yellow halo.

"Nine Heavens Breath Bag." The God Emperor's expression changed. This is the secret treasure of Emperor Wa's Palace, and Xu Tian's identity can be confirmed more and more.

At this time, there were countless streams of air in Xu Tian's body, and under the internal and external pressure, he almost exploded.

Under the wave after wave of blows from a group of immortal gods, the Nine Heavens' breath bag became thinner and thinner.

Under an ordinary water curse, the eggshell of the breathing sac shattered. At the same time, countless forces seemed to find a breakthrough, and the coefficient poured into Xu Tian's left hand, and a black vertical eye clearly emerged.

Xu Tian opened his eyes at the same time as he opened his vertical eyes, radiating divine light, and said softly, with no wind around his body automatically.

"Air explosion of air magic."

A circle of turbulent air mass halos bloomed.

It actually bounced back all the attacks of a group of immortals, knocked them into the air, and collapsed a corner of the Tiangong at the same time.

"Hmph, you actually want to make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, what does Wahuang Palace want to do?"

The god emperor thought quickly, and the Eastern Emperor Bell, which suppressed the luck of the gods, emerged from his chest and moved towards Xu Tianmao.

(End of this chapter)

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