call red alert

Chapter 564

Chapter 564
There has always been debate in the academic circles about the existence of prehistoric civilizations on the earth. Although there are some broken remains and myths and legends that have been passed down for a long time, they are not direct evidence after all, and it is difficult to be convincing.

Ordinary people generally don't care about this issue, but when the facts appear in front of them, take this extremely majestic temple as an example, even if the earth's technology has been developed for hundreds of years, it is impossible to build such a whole body without a trace. The gap seems to be born like this, like a perfect living body, the building is like a living life, how can the earth's current technology be able to do it.

Xu Tian was shocked. At first, he thought a lot. He thought he had crossed over, but when he heard Hong Huang, he thought he had passed through. Hundreds of billions of years ago, he did not expect to be on the earth, but in a hidden place on the earth. In the space-time channel.

There are a total of information about four prehistoric civilization eras recorded in the Wahuang Temple.

It is impossible for anyone to think that the earth has had 4 super bright pasts far surpassing modern civilization before this.

In fact, it's not surprising if you think about it carefully.

It is estimated that the earth has existed for more than 45 billion years, while human beings appeared only a few million years ago. The real development period of modern human beings is only a few thousand years. There is not even a fraction of the earth's growth period. It is normal to be born in an era of civilization. Just because there is no way to go back to the past to provide sufficient evidence, those scholars began to argue endlessly, which is meaningless at all.

It seems that there is another saying that there are only intelligent creatures like humans in the entire universe. What kind of aliens and other intelligent life do not exist at all. Even if 99% of the people in the world believe that there are aliens, there are still 1 A small group of people will jump out and say who has seen aliens.

The vast starry sky, the endless galaxy, so what if there are other beings? Those so-called scholars really hate it. They don’t want to study anything else, even if they study something more nonsense like philosophy.

Compared with philosophy, Xu Tian is more willing to believe in theology. Your philosophy has only a little history. Compared with theology that has existed for thousands of years, it is obviously insufficient. Moreover, gods really existed in prehistoric civilizations. This is why Xu Tian complains about theology. Also illusory philosophy.

And in order to whitewash their own philosophy, they began to pull Zhuang Ding, such as Laozi, Confucius, Mozi, and those famous Western thinkers that few people on earth know are summarized as philosophers. Do these people know what philosophy is?Well, so the ancient theories such as metaphysics, yin and yang, and five elements are said to be the predecessors of philosophy. As long as you think about it, it is philosophy, and then it becomes famous, and you start to criticize this and that. How many people out of one billion can use philosophy is no matter how good it sounds or how advanced it is.

Philosophy is nothing more than a collection of elusive and incomprehensible stuff. Learning and knowledge, in the final analysis, is a thing for fooling people. If you can fool people into believing them, you will be successful.

What is philosophy and what is philosophy.

Philosophy, one of social ideologies, is the doctrine of worldview.

Whether or not the worldview of Konima exists has nothing to do with you, would it not exist without a philosophical worldview?Is there a need for a so-called theoretical flaunt?I really think that your thoughts can change the world, not even people, let alone change the universe.

According to the definition of philosophy, good guy, the prehistoric universe since ancient times can be summarized into philosophy. It has to be said that this science can do things that are more shameless than sticks, and nothing can do without philosophy.

Why we talk about philosophy is because these four civilizations were destroyed by a group of philosophers who can be classified as suspected philosophers by philosophy. The ideas of the first generation of crazy giants are enough to destroy the world, just like philosophy. The tricks are average, and they want all civilizations to follow their ideas.

But the question is what cultural and social system does the first generation of giant civilizations in prehistoric times have? They all act on instinct. They drink water when they are thirsty, eat when they are hungry, and rest when they are tired. The way of heaven itself is like this. Everything is natural and harmonious. You can say that they are alive. Is there no connotation and no thought?Sometimes being alive is the greatest connotation.

So many people have lived their whole lives in vain after being summed up by philosophy, but even the illiterate peasant uncle still lives well all his life.

Thinking of this, Xu Tian couldn't help thinking of the sad reminder that he hated Ma Zhe during his college career. Nine and a half out of ten students hated it, and the remaining half were for flattering the teacher so they could get a scholarship. What is useful in learning, there is connotation in learning.My sister, if you go out and say that you are a philosopher, people will definitely ask you what philosophy is, and after a flickering explanation, they will come to the conclusion that philosophers are crazy and neurotic, and then get out of the way.

As a result, except for this group of lunatics, the other giants did not urinate on them. The consequence of forced change is war. After fighting, the consumption is too large. The giant eats so much, and fights all day long, so it is either exhausted or starved to death. Crazy man with idea burst in idea.

Then, these giants are not only lunatics but also strange, among them is a fool named Pangu, who evolved the world with himself and died, and then Nuwa created man, repaired the sky, died, and created the second generation of prehistoric civilization. Myths and legends have been handed down. According to the records of the Wahuang Temple, this is the prehistoric era. Strictly speaking, the 5000-year existence history of China is an extension of an alternative form of existence in the prehistoric era, because there are some inheritances from the prehistoric era on the land of China. That's why it is the only nation on earth that has not been separated from generation to generation.

There is a saying that the universe is immortal, lunatics will never die, you will never understand the world of lunatics, and you will transform yourself into grotesque shapes for eternal life, so demons and ghosts are born. When they were in their prime, they were innumerable. Naturally, the strange descendants are not lunatics. The opponents of the descendants were severely suppressed and barely survived, but the territory in the prehistoric era was so large. In order to compete for the living space, the pillar of the world was knocked down, and the nine suns soared to the sky, burning the world.

In order to survive, lunatics are also weird. I don’t know how to research a unique god of heaven, which can magnify the world ten times or even a hundred times. But philosophers understand Mao’s science, and the result is naturally too much gravity and not enough traction. Okay, So the whole prehistoric world disintegrated and shattered.

One of the larger fragments became the Earth, other larger or smaller fragments became the sun, moon and stars, and a new galaxy was born.

Only the earth can accommodate the birth and survival of life, and strange flowers and lunatics have no time to pay attention to this place when they are seriously injured. Therefore, the third generation of new life apes appeared in the natural evolution, known as the planet of the apes in history.

During this time, the lunatics did another weird thing. They developed another function of the gods and gods, duplication, so for the sake of space and nature, they wanted to copy the earth. Good guy, the duplication was really successful, but the side effect turned out to be Become the shadow of the earth, this is the origin of the dark star.

It is so easy to use the gods of heaven, and the price is also very high. The lunatics are trapped in the dark star and cannot leave.

The cost of being copied is not only borne by the user, the released object also has a negative impact, and the negative emotions of the instincts of the species are amplified and stimulated. When the weirdos and lunatics find out that something is wrong, the orangutans are miraculously destroyed by themselves. massacre.

Later, dinosaurs and meteorites fell in the Ice Age, which led to the extinction of these dominant creatures, and the fourth generation of new humans appeared, but who made the newborn earth unstable? Today's global volcanic eruptions, tomorrow's floods, it is difficult to survive. , A short but brilliant Atlantean Empire civilization that developed into a deformity disappeared again.

In fact, there is a certain reason here that is led by lunatics. Without the amplification and replication effect of their heavenly artifact, how could the earth have continuous natural disasters?All civilizations will be destroyed.

Later, from apes to apes to humans, in this miraculous evolution process, the shadows of the surviving descendants of the lunatics were naturally indispensable, and the descendants of the strange ones were naturally not to be outdone. , So many years have passed, and after countless natural and man-made disasters, human beings have developed today.

In the final analysis, the earth is the family history of a dick's blood and tears.

This is a history that is so painful that Xu Tian's chrysanthemum is tight. Not only did it not solve Xu Tian's doubts, but it made him even more confused.
There is no way, a strange flower is a strange flower, and it is understandable for the descendants of the strange flower to come up with such a strange explanation. It is really blind to Mei Niang's mighty and gorgeous shape. Of course, Xu Tian's brain-dead understanding must be indispensable in this.

In fact, Xu Tian was thinking about it. To open the Wahuang Temple, you must have the Wahuang Divine Armor.

Xu Tian walked out of the hall full of doubts. It was originally a forbidden area, and outsiders could not enter. Fortunately, his memory was not bad. He was not a Lu Chi, and he walked back to the other courtyard along the way, but there were more questions in his heart, but there was no one to answer them. , made him suffocate, and his head ached from thinking about it, he was not familiar with the place and there was nowhere to go, so he was planning to rest.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth spun, as if there had been a major earthquake of dozens of magnitudes. When the whole world was about to be shattered, a bell that could suppress the eternity cleared the world and stopped the turmoil.

18 strange drum sounds made Xu Tian's blood boil.

"It's the sound of the drums, there's a fight."

Xu Tian was refreshed, and his mental force field expanded to follow the source of the sound.

When he came to a strange place of Tianhe Lake, Xu Tian was shocked again.

"Nimma, return to the Nantian Gate, is this the Heavenly Court?"

Looking at the palaces sitting in the void, the clouds are looming, making the whole palace full of immortality, but the words on the gate made Xu Tian complain, but since Pangu and Nuwa have existed, there is no Heavenly Court. strangeness.

"If it's really Heavenly Court, where are the [-] heavenly soldiers and generals?"

Xu Tian was thinking darkly, and saw countless soldiers and horses appearing in the clouds.

The slap in the face was really crackling, and a sense of depression suddenly suffocated in Xu Tian's heart.

"Hey, you brat, why did you come here? Immortals fight, and mortals suffer. You are a little guy who is not even on the list. Hurry up to reincarnate, brother Wuen."

Li Zicheng, who was in armor, led a patrol of guards and horses, and when he saw Xu Tian, ​​he came up to expel him.

"Uncle, uh. Uncle."

Seeing Li Zicheng's eyes that wanted to kill someone, Xu Tian quickly changed his words: "Brother, is this really Heaven? Who are you going to fight with?"

"Go back to your house and take it with you. Empress Wa will naturally summon you to explain something in a few days." Li Zicheng drove away angrily, and explained a little to Xu Tian.

"The Great Desolate Ancient Realm is guarded at the intersection of the two worlds. The demons and ghosts of the Dark Star are shaking the Ancient Realm, and they are about to break through an exit. We have to beat them back, otherwise there will be a catastrophe in the world, but they broke the Ancient Realm Why is the speed getting faster and faster, and it’s only been a while before they come out to move around again,”

When Xu Tian heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, and a strange thought came to him, and he was very excited.

"In my previous life, I used technological nuclear weapons to fight against magic civilization, but in this life, do I have to fight against mythical civilization?"

(End of this chapter)

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