call red alert

Chapter 113: Earth Island Raiders

Chapter 113: Earth Island Raiders

[Brothers who have a monthly pass, wait for two days!Just two days, vote for me now!Then it will be doubled!I can’t wait to give it to me. The specific notification website also has instructions. I will rest until after November. From today on, I will code and code all night every day. I won’t sleep. Pass some, so that everyone can enjoy watching, but my slogan is to seek stability. From the beginning of uploading this book, it seems to be updated every day, and there is no interruption. I hope everyone supports it! 】

The order was conveyed layer by layer, and soon, four American soldiers went up to each grizzly tank. The first elite intelligence-level grizzly tank that Xu Tian summoned at the beginning was an evolved one, which could carry 6 people. Level Grizzly tanks can only take 4 people.

The operation method of the multi-functional infantry vehicle is very different from that of the original Red Alert. There are two modes to choose from: one is to keep the weapon system of the multi-functional infantry vehicle itself, and the other is to change the characteristics of the soldiers in the fusion ride. However, as a result of this change, the multi-functional infantry vehicle lost its anti-air capability. Besides, Xu Tian currently does not have many powerful arms, so he can only let American soldiers control and retain the anti-air capability. The role of the multi-functional infantry vehicle It is used to deal with the flame demon bee.

I have to say that the mysterious parallel space similar to the earth has a really high level of technology. The troops built from the base can master all kinds of weapon knowledge without any training. It can be mastered quickly, and these soldiers can quickly master the things they have seen once, and the degree of evolution has deepened, but there is still a long way to go to produce high intelligence.

As for the summoned soldiers, Xu Tian also tried to use spirit sharing to transmit some knowledge to see if they could open up their intelligence, but unfortunately failed, maybe only soldiers who have advanced to the elite level can have self-awareness.

The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing and changing rapidly. At this stage, it can only be commanded by radio.It's still a little inconvenient. A leader with self-awareness is necessary to maximize the combat effectiveness of the troops. It is simply not enough to rely on the few existing people.

It was only at this time that Xu Tian realized the benefits of spy satellites. They could understand the dynamics of the battlefield more conveniently and quickly, make more reasonable arrangements, and reduce losses. It would be fine to summon a few Soviet reconnaissance planes!
At present, we can only use the small radar on the Kirov airship to monitor. Fortunately, this time we are fighting positional warfare, and there is no need to collect more information, just go straight to their lair.

12 amphibious transport boats galloped away in the wind and waves. The Kirov airship floated on the sea road between the two islands of Tian and Di. The places designed by 100 were switched to defensive mode to prevent possible accidents. After arriving at the base, 9528 dug 9528 gun holes to strengthen the Kirov airship's melee attack power.

Bond and Lao Mo came back this time and brought Xu Tian another half-good and half-bad news. Cole didn't know where tens of thousands of civilians moved from there, which incidentally increased the popularity of Kaspersky City and returned the lord In the name of the government, a three-year tax exemption was announced, and a large number of preferential measures attracted the aborigines of the Mississippi Province to return to Kaspersky City, and the population increased sharply to 10,000+. For the reward order, countless large and small mercenary teams and bounty hunters came to Kaspersky City to try their luck, but the existence of the ninth-level magician made them only cautious and did not dare to make any outrageous actions, for fear of causing trouble. The anger of the ninth-level powerhouse, even if he didn't leave, has further promoted the economic development of Kaspersky City, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

The good atmosphere and suitable business environment have brought countless businessmen and chambers of commerce to come to develop, and Cole timely auctioned the ownership of land and houses, as well as the right to advertise and naming rights in conspicuous places in Kaspersky City. After collecting 20 gold coins, Cole gave all of them to Bond, and asked Bond to tell Xu Tian that he had time to come to Kaspersky City.

After Bond and Lao Mo contacted Lei Wei in Kaspersky City, they learned that Cole hadn't changed anything. They were a little worried and observed in the city for another day. They didn't find anything wrong, and it took some time before they rushed back. The twenty four-level and five-level magic cores of various departments sold about 22 gold coins.

After listening to the report of the two, Xu Tian was very depressed. It seems that Cole seems to have traveled here. This business mind is placed on the earth, tsk tsk, but Cole does not seem to be such a business minded person!Aren't magicians always focused on their cultivation and have no other intentions, how could they be so proficient in business, there must be something tricky in it!Maybe someone is giving him advice behind his back!
Xu Tian really can't decide whether to reuse Cole or not. After all, Cole is close to the strength of a level 9 magician, and he is very proficient in magic circles. It is still very helpful to improve the mobility of armor and tank troops, but Still to be investigated, he is not at ease with Cole.

Although there are 42 more gold coins, it is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for the development and construction of the base. You must know that the population of the Atlantis Empire is tens of billions, and with the characteristics of nomads, it is impossible to make all the people soldiers , there is no problem with hundreds of thousands of soldiers. With the current strength of the base, it can only develop slowly. Even if Xu Tian sends all the troops of the Atlantis Empire, it will be slaughtered for several months. , if you really rush forward and use the crowd tactics regardless of casualties, you will be unable to deal with it at all, and the holy rank powerhouse will also be hated.

While thinking about it, Ryan and Mike came to report that the army had been assembled and were waiting for the next instruction. As soon as they entered the state of war, everyone immediately became serious, and if there was a slight mistake, it would be a situation of irreparable doom.

"Laura, Spice Girl, you stay here to command, just implement the established tactics, Bond, Lao Mo, let's go down." Xu Tian asked the base to stay on the airship for safety reasons.
Two-thirds of the island is covered by forests, and the terrain is relatively flat. There are only a few mountains and hills. The conditions are better than Tiandao. It is very suitable for the development and construction of the base, because the three camps are on opposite sides. There will be no accidents in the future. Xu Tian intends to use this place as the base of the Soviet Union in the future. The two islands, the sky and the earth, can take care of each other. With the Soviet Union's usual human sea tactics, the earth island is also very suitable for the Soviet army. Ping, how many people and horses can be stationed, in his heart, there is no need to care about environmental protection in this world!
The Kirov airship flew slowly over the forest, dropped three airship bombs evenly, and cleared a relatively flat road with a length of 6 meters, a width of more than 700 meters, and a depth of four or five meters. obstacles to progress.

Tanks and armored vehicles were on guard in front, followed by more than 2000 soldiers. Xu Tian put on the "Steel One", summoned the "Kesai", and shouted: "9528, come here, come here."

9528 heard the words and ran over without a trace of image, "You old man, now you are a baby, for your safety, you use this multi-purpose infantry vehicle first, pay attention to safety!" 9528 hehe With a smile, he opened the car door and got in. In an instant, the weapon system of the "Kesai" changed from the original 4 tubes of small missile guns to a huge mechanical arm about three or four meters high. It seems that this mechanical arm is used to maintain and repair tanks and armored car.

The "Kesai" quickly penetrated into the armored vehicle phalanx, and Xu Tian was relieved. With the "Kesai" at a speed of up to 120 kilometers per hour, it should be no problem to protect the safety of 9528.

The rest of Xu Tian's confidantes are guarded by a large army, and no monster can break through the distance of 5 to 600 meters.

The violent explosion and the rolling earth waves alarmed the flame bees on the tree, and the all-round passages of the dark termites in the underground of the forest were also destroyed by the strong power of the airship bomb, eliminating the dark termites from the ground. possibility of attack.

Although it is still one kilometer away from the flame demon bee hive and the dark black and white ant nest, it still attracts many demon bees and termites to check it out.

Without Xu Tian's command, the tank corps quickly entered the optimal range, and 50 shells accurately hit the ant colony that came to inquire. The Flaming Demon Bees were blowing everywhere. As the lowest level of dark black and white ants, they only had the strength of a level 4 monster. They were torn apart by the huge power of the shells, and the black and green body fluids splashed everywhere. The power of all the shells superimposed Nearly a hundred termites nearby were shredded, and after the gunpowder smoke filled the air, only one giant-jawed ant head remained intact on the ground.

"Haha!" Xu Tian stood in the infantry team and laughed happily, "The magic stick really didn't lie to me, the head of the dark black and white ant is the hardest object in the world, and the power of the grizzly tank really can't destroy it. Get rich, a fourth-level magic core, or a dark system, is worth three to five thousand gold coins, hundreds of thousands are just like this, it really makes sense to get rich by war."

The few remaining dark termites quickly escaped from the burial ground that devoured countless of their kind, so they should die and report back.

Hundreds of Flaming Demon Bees flying all over the sky and flustered by the air currents were enraged, and the spikes on their tails emitted a terrifying red color and hurriedly flew towards them.

Mike sneered, and shouted: "A group of idiots, prepare to shoot!" Soon the swarm of bees flew into the effective range of the heavy soldiers and anti-aircraft infantry, and rockets and micro-cannonballs roared out. The target was very clear. Refers to the wings of this group of magic bees.

The Flaming Demon Bees looked curiously at the fist-sized object that was approaching rapidly, and were about to do various evasive actions in the air, but all of them failed without exception. arrive.

You must know that although the initial acceleration of the bullet is only 100 meters per second, it can reach a speed of 0.05 meters per second after 500 seconds. Wings, falling from a height of tens of meters.

The monster's body is indeed strong, and it is not a problem to fall from such a high altitude, but waiting for them is even more tragic. Ryan calmly gave the order, "First echelon defensive form, shoot."

Da da da, the heavy machines of the soldiers shot out raging flames,
Bees on the ground are not as good as chickens. The fat and soft fiery red abdomen of the flame demon bee is like a blooming red flower. There are big holes popping up one after another, and there are traces of fiery red transparent liquid flowing out all over the ground. It makes a strange cry and struggles slowly dying.

"Hmph! Call for the same kind. The more you come, the better. I'm worried about running out of money! The engineer squad, clean up the battlefield, and the rest should pay attention to guard and cover for the troops." Xu Tian ordered.

20 multi-purpose infantry vehicles hung huge trailers, controlled the manipulator to put all the broken heads and bodies into it, and the battlefield gradually returned to calm.

It didn't take long before the buzzing sound came from the sky, and the rustling sound of crawling came from the forest. Xu Tian and the others were in awe, waiting eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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