chapter 9

"Thanks to the attention of all the village leaders, but the one in front of you is my general!" Shi Hui pointed to Yang Xiong, "He sneaked out of the camp before the holiday, and I was about to take him back. He might as well be executed as a deserter.

In other words, whether he can survive today is up for debate. I'm afraid that if he doesn't have this blessing, he will be married to everyone's cottage.Besides, you probably don't want a man who doesn't follow the rules to marry into your village, right? "

"What? So he is such a person! Let's go, such a person can't let him marry into the village!" Apparently, these Yue people are not used to it, and the guys who don't follow the rules immediately look at Yang Xiong. A little more disdainful, turned and left.

"Brother Hui, my reputation will be ruined by you..." Yang Xiong watched them walk away, and he couldn't help complaining.

"Are you too embarrassed to say this? Tell me, what is the real reason for refusing to marry?" Shi Hui asked with his waist in his arms. In his memory, Yang Xiong was indeed not very smart, but at least he would not let himself suffer.

As the saying goes, "If you are cheap, you don't make a lot of money", it is impossible to refuse something that is really beneficial to him.

"I really can't hide it from Brother Hui..." Yang Xiong scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard the words, "Actually, today, I happened to meet these Yue people who came to sell mountain goods. The daughter of the village owner was there at the time. I'm around. I'm about 20 years old, I look like a wild boar, fat and ugly, how far do you think I have to torture myself before I agree to marry?"

"You, you..." Shi Hui was speechless for a moment, this muscular man really wouldn't take any losses.

"By the way! Brother Hui, you just said that I am your general, is that true?" Yang Xiong took the opportunity to climb up.

"Why, the good life of the young shopkeeper is not enough, and you plan to go with me to the army to suffer?" Shi Hui joked, if Yang Xiong can join his command, then at least there is a powerful thug, but still need to be sure his thoughts.

"Don't talk about what you have!" Yang Xiong set up his badge and rushed towards the barracks, "Brother Hui will help me get my military registration confirmed today! My little brother has wanted to join the army for a long time, so it's not my father. Is mother stopping you?!"

"Hey, hey, today is my holiday..." Shi Hui really wanted to resist, but this guy's strength is really not strong enough, he has tried to struggle, but he couldn't free Yang Xiong's arm.

"You boy, no wonder it's named 'Xiong'. It's as strong as a bear!" Shi Hui finally gave up resistance. There was no way, the barracks had already arrived.

"I'm not only strong, but I'm absolutely unambiguous in battle! It's just that I don't have a horse that I can ride... The general is actually pretty good, and no one is my opponent in foot combat!" Yang Xiong said, patted his chest.

Of course Shi Hui knew that this guy was two meters tall and muscular, and the weapons he used weighed a hundred catties.There are no horses in this world that can bear his weight.Unless it is a two-driver carriage, maybe there is still a way to pull him.

"Stop!" Shi Hui finally shouted, making Yang Xiong quiet down, "What are you thinking?!"

"Jiaozhou is not fun!" Yang Xiong was silent for a while, and finally put his arms around his chest, "No one is my opponent in fighting, and practicing martial arts by myself is boring. The key point is that when I just wanted to practice martial arts, my parents came up to persuade me to study hard and inherit the family business .I am not born to study, wine making is okay, let me manage it, and it is estimated that the family property will be wiped out in less than three months."

Then he looked at Shi Hui, and continued: "In the army, at least you can practice martial arts in an upright manner. The purpose of martial arts training is to become stronger, and there will be opponents in the army. If you encounter a situation in battle, you can also make gestures with your opponents Gestures. It’s just that I volunteered to join the army, and my family will definitely refuse, but if Brother Hui recruits me, then the family will have nothing to say.”

"Use me as a shield, I'm not that stupid!" Shi Hui reminded directly, it is conceivable that if he is really recruited, he will be afraid of his parents and will talk to him every day.You know, Yang Xiong is the only child in their family.

"Brother Hui, we are all brothers, so I won't cheat you!" Yang Xiong patted his chest, "As long as you don't stop me from practicing martial arts and let me go to the battlefield, I, Yang, will give you my life! How is it, is this deal a good deal?"

In other words, Shi Hui helped settle his parents, and as a price, Yang Xiong will sacrifice his loyalty.Shi Hui reacted immediately, weighed it, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed to Yang Xiong's request.

Finally, I found Shiwu and said a few words.Shi Wu also likes Yang Xiong very much, he looks fierce at first glance, so he naturally welcomes such a young man.It's just that there is no establishment in the army now, just let him wait a few days in the army, and there will be one at that time.Moreover, Yang Xiong must be appointed as the general!

Yang Xiong was naturally very happy, but Shi Hui was puzzled, what did Shi Wu mean by these words.After all, when he said these words, his eyes turned to him several times.

Soon his attention was not on it. Shi Wu said that he would help solve Yang Xiong's problem, but what Shi Hui really cared about was the problem of system resources.After most of the day, the resources have increased significantly. Leaving aside other things, what is really worthy of attention is that the food resources have reached 827 units.

The system level is low, and I complained about the taxi badge for several days, so I chose to upgrade the system immediately.Upgrade conditions: Population 100 (achieved); food 800 units (achieved); establishment of barracks (achieved); gold 10 units (achieved)!The system upgrade begins... The upgrade is complete, and the current system version is version 2.0 (Bronze Age)!
As soon as the interface is changed, there is no change in general, except that in the buildings, there are two more buildings, 'Blacksmith' and 'Luban Yuan', for ordinary buildings; two buildings for military buildings, 'horse circle' and 'shooting range'.

What made him depressed was that the system was upgraded, but the arms did not change at all, it was still the three LV1 arms.There is no research option like in the Age of Empires, and then upgrades to complete the upgrade of arms.

"Could it be can't do research directly in the barracks, but in..." Shi Hui looked at the Luban Academy, and he was sure that scientific research might really be done in this building.

Luban Academy: Building requires 200 units of wood; 100 units of stone and 50 units of gold.

The specific function is unknown, but that night, Shi Hui still summoned Li Wa'er and gave him some food to satisfy his hunger. After eating, the latter introduced to him: "Luban Academy is to study various technologies. place; the iron forging technology that the Lord needs should only appear in system version 3.0 (Iron Age)!"

"Could it be that swordsmen and pikemen have to wait until the third level to be recruited?" Shi Hui was suddenly depressed.

"That's not the case!" Li Wa'er shook her head, "After the blacksmith shop is built, the research technology of 'bronze weapons' will naturally appear. As long as the master researches it, then the blacksmith shop can start making bronze weapons. Naturally there will be bronze sword and shield soldiers, bronze spearmen and other arms!"

"Ironware can only be studied at the third level, right?" Shi Hui immediately thought of this possibility.

"The Lord is wise! The Luban Academy under version 3.0 (Iron Age) will have the prefix technology 'Metal Research'. After the research, the 'Iron Weapon' technology will appear in the blacksmith shop. After the research is completed, the blacksmith shop can start making iron. Quality weapons." Li Wa'er replied, but he was a little upset when he got the real answer.

He couldn't help looking at the upgrade bar to check the upgrade conditions for the next level. The results displayed by the system were: population 1000; building blacksmith shop, restaurant and Luban courtyard; food 1000 units; gold 500 units.

"There is a long way to go!" Shi Hui sighed, but his eyes were still on the restaurant, which he was very curious about.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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