The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 82 On Martial Arts Zheng Xuan Comments

Chapter 82 On Martial Arts Zheng Xuan Comments

After entering Zheng Xuan's command, the surrounding guests who came to watch the ceremony came to congratulate him one after another.The key point is that Zheng Xuan's disciples have all become Shi Hui's fellow disciples at this moment. Many of them have not yet become official, such as Sun Qian, Guoyuan, and Wang Xiu have already become official, so they just sent congratulatory gifts.

Shi Hui didn't know Guoyuan very well. After all, there were many talents in the Three Kingdoms, but there were only a few famous ones in "Romance".At the next level, it is rare to be able to know such people as Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, Dong Yun, Zhong Yao, Liang Xi, Cheng Pu, and Dong Xi.

However, after in-depth contact, it was discovered that both Sun Qian and Guoyuan had extraordinary talents.They not only have research on Confucian classics, but also have high attainments in politics and vertical and horizontal aspects.Guoyuan is good at governing politics; while Sun Gan focuses on vertical and horizontal, and also has research on political methods; relatively speaking, Cheng Bing is closer to a pure literati, or engaged in education.

The other disciples are more or less talented in one aspect, it can be seen that Cheng Bing's teaching may also come from Zheng Xuan's teaching.

In the end, it is the same line, Shi Hui should vote under Zheng Xuan's family, but he got used to it very quickly.The difference is that Zheng Xuan knows how to bring out the talents of his disciples. According to him: "You have outstanding talent in martial arts, you should focus on martial arts, and don't waste it because of your studies! Naturally, civil servants are in charge of governance, you just need to do it Just understand, there is no need to do it yourself.”

However, in terms of calculation, Zheng Xuan also suggested that Shi Hui do more research and treat it as a hobby.

As for the Confucian classics, it is not forced, as long as you know some key knowledge points, you can basically deal with many negotiation situations.Etiquette can't be wasted, the key to distinguish a reckless man from a nobleman is etiquette!

To put it bluntly, it is quality. In public places, a person who throws rubbish into the trash can or a person who litters everywhere, who will give people more favorability is self-evident.A person with a pleasant face can give others a good impression at the first contact; a person who is careless, or even angrily, makes people avoid it.

If one understands etiquette, then even a commoner can be a nobleman without seals; if one does not understand etiquette, even a member of the royal family is no more than a commoner.

But according to Zheng Xuan's meaning: If you want to learn rituals, you must also accumulate the corresponding knowledge.Vulgarity and barbarism are only the last resort of a man to protect himself. If you don't have the knowledge and means to protect yourself, maybe being a man is more useful.It's just relative, your communication range will be compressed to the maximum.

Zheng Xuan's education, rather than teaching knowledge, might as well teach people how to 'be a human being'.Sometimes Shi Hui even felt that it would be a waste for Zheng Xuan not to study human nature, and then to write a book called "Cai Gen Tan".It's a pity that he only knows the name and general content of this book, otherwise it would be good to just take it out and pretend.

Seeing that it was the end of the year, according to Shi Xie's intention, it would not be too late to go back after the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao).After all, the construction of Dongxing County has stabilized now, Yang Xiong and Mu Huali are watching over there, let him study hard at home.

Shi Hui's daily arrangement is almost like practicing martial arts in the morning, studying literature in the afternoon, and after an hour of self-study in the evening, he returns to the bedroom to accompany his wife and concubine.After all, it is Yan Er who is newlywed, and Shi Xie also hopes to have a grandson in his arms as soon as possible.

On the fifth day of apprenticeship with Zheng Xuan, the other guests had already returned one after another, and some chose to stay and serve as officials.Naturally, Shi Xie would not miss these talents. Sun Qian and Guoyuan were the best literary talents, so they were naturally fooled by Shi Xie to stay.

It's a pity that Cai Yong came here, but he just met his daughter well, confirmed her happiness, and left satisfied.According to him, he had taken in a disciple in Gu's family in Wujun, and it was not good for him to leave for a long time.Shi Hui thought about it, that disciple should be Gu Yong, right?

"Men..." Shi Hui practiced martial arts in the martial arts training ground as usual.Out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw Zheng Xuan walking slowly, so he couldn't help but stop practicing martial arts, and went forward to salute and say hello.

"Continue, just take a look as a teacher!" Zheng Xuan smiled and motioned Shi Hui to continue.Shi Hui nodded and continued to practice.Troubled times are coming, and martial arts is the foundation of one's life, and Shi Hui dare not neglect for a moment.

"What Deshu said is true, Uncle Shou's martial arts talent is indeed very good." After Shi Hui finished a day of practice, Zheng Xuan nodded and walked forward slowly.At this moment, there is already a low table and a futon beside him, obviously prepared by the servants.

After five days of contact with Zheng Xuan, Shi Hui found that Zheng Xuan did not discriminate against warriors, which was completely different from the so-called 'great Confucians' in his impression.

At this time Zheng Xuan slowly got up, but he came to the martial arts training ground, picked up a bow, bent the bow and set an arrow, aimed slightly and shot towards the target.To Shi Hui's surprise, the arrow actually hit the red star, which shows that Zheng Xuan's bow skills are also good.

"It's strange?" Zheng Xuan looked at the badge, and then drew out three more arrows. This time, he didn't aim at the target. When he bent the bow and set the arrow, he fired all three arrows, and they all hit the target one after another.

At this time, he put down his bow and said slowly: "A country that favors martial arts can only prosper and prosper. If one day the big man neglects martial arts, it will not be far from falling apart."

"If you want to talk about martial arts, the pre-Qin soldiers can be said to be strong and strong. But after the great Han respected Confucianism, it seems that the blood has dissipated." Shi Hui asked tentatively.

"The pre-Qin favored martial arts because of the special "Qin Law"." Zheng Xuan seemed to have seen through the purpose of the badge, "The selection of materials in the pre-Qin was not based on filial piety. There are three conditions: 1. The poor will not take it; 2. Can write, understand "Qin Law"; 3. The age is above the "mature age" (17 years old). It also advocates the title of military exploits, so that the people in Guanzhong are martial arts.

On the one hand, it is poverty. The land in Guanzhong has always been barren, and Qin people can only join the army if they want to live a good life;And since he is going on an expedition, he will naturally fight the enemy bravely and gain military exploits.

However, the pre-Qin unified the six countries, and fought south and north, how many people in Qin were left?In the end, there are more Qin people in Jiaozhou, but there are not many orthodox Qin people in Guanzhong.

Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty was from Chu, and the people of Chu were notoriously lazy and lazy. In fact, if you really want to count it, in fact, human nature is inherently lazy and lazy.If it's not that you can't live, or want to live a good life, who can lie down and want to get up and work?

Although Gao Zu formulated the "Han Law" based on the "Qin Law" and improved it according to the situation in the Central Plains and Chu, otherwise, the world that has just stabilized will inevitably be full of gunpowder again.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to agree, if you want to get something, you will inevitably have to sacrifice something.The so-called politics, in fact, is nothing more than a process of mutual testing and mutual compromise.The Overlord can't get the world because of this, he is not good at compromise with others.

Confucianism never prohibits the use of martial arts, nor does it prohibit the common people from practicing martial arts. The six arts of a gentleman include horse riding and archery.We all know that violence cannot solve problems, but neither can a country without violence! "

When Shi Hui heard this, he immediately realized that what he had been exposed to before was indeed fake Confucianism.Look at this thing, what did it become in the Ming and Qing Dynasties? !

At the same time, I also admire Zheng Xuan for not blindly praising Confucianism and rejecting other schools of thought as heresies.Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he can become a real master.

 Human nature is lazy, why should we work when we can sit and wait for income?However, there will be no money in the sky, so let's move bricks obediently...

  Ask for collection, please recommend!No recommendation this week, please comfort...


(End of this chapter)

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