The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 61 Night Fuqin and Songs

Chapter 61 Night Fuqin and Songs

Shangguan Wan'er gave her room to Cai Yan, who didn't refuse and just moved in.After washing up, he lay on the bed for less than a stick of incense, and his breathing became deep, obviously he was really tired.

Shi Hui couldn't say anything, but just had dinner with Shangguan Wan'er.The latter obviously had something on his mind during the dinner, and the whole person seemed to be out of spirits. After dinner, he left and went back to his room.She will move to the guest room from today, and there are many things to do.

With no one to accompany him, Shi Hui also felt bored. After practicing martial arts for an hour in the courtyard, the more he practiced, the more annoying he became.I also knew that I couldn't calm down, and practicing martial arts was just half the effort, so I stopped.

After returning to the room, after washing up, he sat in the study and read "Warring States Policy". The "Spring and Autumn Classics" can be considered to be put down. I used to read it to please Shi Xie, but later I realized that Shi Xie focused on this, in order to govern Jiaozhi with the law of the Spring and Autumn Period, and now that he is a young patriarch, he naturally reads whatever he likes. what.

"Modern people may not be able to understand the thoughts of the ancients. If there is no sentence reading, who can be the so-called 'official speech'? This stuff, you still have to read it slowly and figure it out word by word before you can gain something." After watching "Warring States Policy" for less than half an hour, Shi Hui gained a lot.

In Shi Hui's view, "Warring States Policy" is just a storybook, and many things deviate from reality, which is a bit cool.For example, the famous "Tang Ju robs the King of Qin" in "Wei Policy", it is written that Tang Ju held up his sword in the Qin court and threatened the King of Qin to win the government. This thing is impossible to happen.There is also this section of "Jing Ke stabs the King of Qin, and the King of Qin walks around the pillar", Shi Hui immediately understood that the original chicken-eating game of walking around the pillar actually existed in the Warring States Period, and provided tactical experience guidance for future generations of chicken-eating players.

"The ability of the ancients to YY is actually not bad, the poor King Qin became the target of YY directly!" Shi Hui closed the Warring States Policy and mourned for the poor Qin Shihuang for three seconds.

As for how this book made him feel, it was probably: it’s not bad, it can be used to relieve boredom!

"Damn the oil lamp, both the brightness and the stability are too low..." Shi Hui did eye exercises, only to think that the oil lamp is still so stupid, the key is to be able to afford it, it has to be a rich person .

It was late at night, so naturally I didn't have any interest in reading any more. I walked out of the study and was about to go back to my room.Unexpectedly, when passing by the hostess' room, she heard the sound of "ding ding dong dong" playing the piano from inside.

Shi Hui was surprised at first, when did Shangguan Wan'er know how to play the piano?Then he patted his head, secretly thinking that he was stupid in reading.Not to mention that there is no place to buy pianos in Jiaozhou, how can Wan'er play the piano without a piano?It is only said that the person living in this room is no longer Shangguan Wan'er, and as for the piano, she probably brought it here.

"I don't know if it's Jiao Weiqin..." Shi Hui poked his head curiously, and looked into the room.

Cai Yan didn't mean to hide it from anyone, just sat by the bed like this, playing the piano silently under the moonlight.Speaking of which, today is exactly the fifteenth day, and there is a full moon hanging in the sky.The bright moonlight shines in from the window, and the woman playing the piano is so dusty.It's a pity that the sound of the piano is full of the atmosphere of the world of mortals.

After all, he inherited the blood of the civil servant family, and the temperament was originally in the scope of learning.Shi Hui admits that he doesn't have this talent at all, and he can't learn it well at all, but at least he has learned how to appreciate music.For example, the sound of the piano is a bit depressing, obviously there is a stagnation in my heart that cannot be resolved; at the same time, there is a trace of longing, perhaps missing relatives far away.

Cai Yong fled to the south of the Yangtze River, leaving Cai Yan alone in Luoyang's old house, at least for more than a year, so it's not surprising that he would miss him.

The tune is very light, it seems that she has let go of it long ago, and she doesn't pursue it, but her admiration is highlighted, she is somewhat longing, but I don't know what she is longing for?
Shi Hui believes that Cai Yan said to Cai Yong through the moonlight: "My daughter is going to marry again, but her parents are not around."

Suddenly the sound of the piano stopped, Cai Yan suddenly turned around, and a line of clear tears jumped up and dripped on the ground.She turned her head to look at Shi Hui, she was wary and surprised at first, and then she was relieved when she saw it was him, but she was inevitably a little nervous.

"Miss your family?" Shi Hui stepped forward and sat beside her.

"Uncle Shou also knows the rhythm?" Cai Yan was taken aback when she heard this. She knew that Shi Hui's position was a school lieutenant, and she was practicing martial arts in the backyard before.

"My father is Shi Xie, and my brothers all follow the route of civil servants. My father also asked us to study the six arts of gentlemen, painting and rhythm. Naturally, we have also learned it. It's just that Hui really doesn't have the talent in this area..." Shi Hui Shrugged.

"Hey, Uncle Shou is also a wonderful person." Looking at Shi Hui's eccentric movements, Cai Yan couldn't help but smile, and the depression in his heart was somewhat relieved.If you want to say why you are depressed, it is mainly because of your hesitation about your future newlywed life.

After all, beside the man who is about to marry, there is actually a woman who is not inferior to her in learning, and the relationship between the two is obviously better than her.She has never had any contact with Shi Hui, and she is a little worried that Shi Hui will think of her as a widow after marriage.

Shi Hui smiled, but the atmosphere between the two gradually became awkward again.After all, there is too little contact and lack of topics.

"By the way, I just thought of a song, but I can't remember the tune. But the piece of music you just said is quite suitable. How about I sing it for you?" Shi Hui thought for a while and decided to find a topic .

"But Yuefu poems? There are one or two that fit the occasion!" When it comes to scriptures, Cai Yan thinks that he has read quite comprehensively.

"It's not so formal, it's more like a slang ditty, which doesn't make sense." Shi Hui replied embarrassingly. As far as the words and sentences, music theory and tone of this era are concerned, many songs of later generations are not applicable.

The key is that the lyrics are simple and rough, which inevitably gives people a vulgar feeling.Even the poems of the Song Dynasty are somewhat uncomfortable for people these days to listen to.

"Then let's sing it and listen to it?" Cai Yan smiled, and sat in front of Jiao Weiqin, recalled the tune just now, and started to play, but the depressed mood inside dissipated and became a little Come to life.

"When will the bright moon come... I hope people will last forever, and we will share the beauty of the moon..." Shi Hui was not polite, and sang "Shui Tiaogetou·When will the moon come", using Faye Wong's version.

In the first two sentences, Cai Yan changed from plain to a little surprised, and then he adjusted the tune to match Shi Hui's singing, until the singing voice and the tune perfectly matched, and the song was finished.

"I'm laughing!" Shi Hui said shyly.

"The artistic conception is beautiful, but it's just not on the stage..." Cai Yan smiled lightly. She liked the song very much, and the lyrics touched her heart, but it was not mainstream. The Hall of Elegance.

"Vulgarity is elegance. It's something for self-entertainment. Why be bound by rules." Shi Hui smiled back.

"It's Zhaoji who is too stubborn." Cai Yan was taken aback when he heard this, but then apologized on his own initiative.Indeed, there is no need to distinguish between elegant or vulgar at all, just entertain yourself and be happy.

"Can I transcribe this piece of music?" Cai Yan thought for a while and solemnly asked.

 Modern things may not be adapted to ancient times, so pop songs are not produced. Occasionally, there will be similar public copying behaviors, but they will not be mainstream, just as a kind of adjustment.Ask for collection, please recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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