chapter 58

Dongxing County is changing every day, from a barren land to a large base.Then the river was rapidly widened on this basis, and then built with stones and bricks.

The city wall began to be built gradually, and surrounded by the city wall was a city that could accommodate 2 people.Obviously, the number of civilians gathered here is far less than 2, and there is still a lot of vacancy in the city.

Many sweet water wells have been drilled in the living area, and the people's domestic water is no longer a problem.Public toilets and public bathhouses have also been built one after another. After work, men and women go to take a bath at night, and they are all in good health.

The medical hall was built immediately, and a medical craftsman had already settled in. This medical craftsman also brought five apprentices.Snake bites, wounds, a little headache and fever, diarrhea and diarrhea can be treated to some extent.

The county government office has also been built, which is the top priority. After completion, Shi Hui brought Shangguan Wan'er to settle in.At the same time, the magistrate and captain of Dongxing County were appointed.At the same time, 500 field soldiers were recruited, and 200 armed hunters were under his command.

Sometimes, when resources reach a certain level, apart from gold, Shi Hui no longer pays much attention to the amount of the other four resources.All the freeing civilians can bring him a lot of resources. Unless he recruits a team of tens of thousands of people in one go, he doesn't need to worry about insufficient resources at all.

Over time, he also understood that this is not the empire system, but the explosive soldier system.It can not only explode troops, but also explode population, and even explode talents.And these are the main components of fighting for world hegemony!
Dongxing County gradually formed a scale, and Shi Hui knew that the Yue people on the mountain could not sit still.Especially at the moment that there are more than 3000 soldiers stationed in the city. If they really go up the mountain, the Yueren village, which has already lost [-] clan soldiers, has no advantage at all.Even if Shi Hui may not have this idea, they will feel insecure.

During this period of time, more and more people came down to work, and the more contact they had, the less vigilant they became.For them, the Han people are not so fierce, the key is that there are many novel things here.They even knew better that a city protected by city walls was much better than the wooden fences in their village.

Not to mention those wild beasts, even if Yue people from other villages come to attack, they can protect themselves and their clansmen most effectively.The key is that they are in contact with the army every day. After seeing the training of the soldiers, they found that the soldiers are no match for others. The key is that there are more than 3000 soldiers stationed in Dongxing now!
"The time is almost here!" Seeing that the walls of Dongxing City were about to be completed, Shangguan Wan'er reminded Shi Hui.

"I know, send someone to invite their patriarch immediately!" Shi Hui knew what she was going to say, nodded and replied.

Then he recruited a servant and ordered him to bring some gifts to the Yue people's village. He only said that he invited their patriarch down the mountain to have a chat and discuss the coexistence of the two sides.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow other people to sleep soundly?Near Dongxing County, there is even a Yueren village with a scale of [-] people on a mountain not far away. Obviously, there can only be one between the two!Shi Hui and the patriarch of the Yue people must solve this problem!
At the same time, in the Yue people's cottage, when their patriarch learned that the outer city wall of Dongxing County was about to be completed, he was obviously aware of this problem.However, what really caused him a headache was that as more and more tribesmen went down the mountain to work for the Han people and earned a lot of food, this method of getting food with only hard work was very popular.

It is very important to have a stable source of food, so you don't have to worry about being hungry or getting full.In a village with tens of thousands of people, the food problem can be said to be the biggest problem.The closer to the mountains, the richer the food, and the more wild beasts.Especially those beasts in groups, even rhinos living in groups, a charge is definitely a nightmare.

Many times, they have to eat a full meal.Every winter, there are old people and children who can't sleep.Their wooden house is of course not as comfortable as the stone house, but on the mountain, they can't build a stone village at all.

In the eyes of many Yue people, the city of the Han people is very jealous and envious, and at the same time they hope to live there.Even two days ago, the county magistrate of the Han people told them: "There are still thousands of unoccupied houses here. The scholars said that if you go down the mountain and become naturalized, you can be given priority to live in."

It has to be said that many young people have already begun to be tempted. Due to the patriarchal clan and clan rules, it depends on what the patriarch means.

At this moment, the patriarch, together with the elders and wizards in the clan, are discussing how to get along with these Han people.Whether to commit evil, or even seize the city, or simply move to live in the city.The wizard is the wise man in the group, and he is the representative of the relocation faction.The commander-in-chief of the clan soldiers, but hoped to occupy this city, because three thousand children died because of these Han people.

The patriarch kept silent from the beginning to the end, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Patriarch!" At this time, a member of the clan came to report, "Outside the village, a man brought a lot of things and said that Shi Xiaowei invited you to the government office to talk about the relationship between the two parties."

"I didn't expect the Han people to care about this issue too!" The patriarch slowly got up, "Since others have invited you, let's go and have a look!"

"Patriarch, beware of deceit! The Han people are not trustworthy, if it is planned..." The commander of the clan soldiers, who is actually the patriarch's younger brother, couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Peng Yong, there's no need to be so nervous!" The patriarch smiled. "With the strength of the Han people, if they want to attack by force, they don't need to invite me over. Besides, with you here, even if something happens to me, you can take the lead!"

"Brother..." Peng Yong became a little anxious when he heard the words.

The patriarch shook his head, motioned him not to say much, then went to meet the messenger, and followed him down the mountain.About 10 minutes or so, I came to the government office. At this time, Shi Hui had already prepared drinks.

"The place is remote, there are no good things, some wine, meat and fruit wine, please don't dislike it!" Shi Hui pointed to the seat on the left of his lower seat, and signaled to the patriarch.

"Hahaha, such a rich meal, Peng can only eat it once on a festive day." The patriarch Peng Yuan laughed when he heard this, then sat down, and ate directly without being polite.

Shi Hui was also not polite, the so-called conversation, of course, is talking while eating after drinking and eating, which is very impolite.

Peng Yuan has to admit that the Han people just know how to enjoy, the utensils are very exquisite, and it is rare that the food and wine are very good.This meal was very satisfying, so that he also had the strength to fight.If the situation is not right, at least you can kill a few people to make up for it!
"Some sages of our Han people said, 'How can you allow other people to sleep soundly on the side of the couch'. You and I are neighbors, but we are not good neighbors. If you think about it, the patriarch should be very clear that there can only be one side between you and me! Obviously, We can't go, so now we have only three choices, either you kill us and occupy this place! Or we kill you and slaughter your villages to prevent future troubles! The third is that you move away, as long as you leave this area Of course, we don't need to have any fights!" Seeing the time for negotiation, Shi Hui gave his terms.

"There are no cowards in Yue people!" The patriarch frowned when he heard this, and replied firmly.

This meant that he would not choose the third option.In fact, he knows better, even if he relocates, where can he relocate?Not only do you need to find a suitable place to build a village, but you also need to be careful of being attacked and merged by other villages along the way.

After all, a war with the Han people is probably inevitable.

"Actually, there is another choice, isn't there?" Shi Hui smiled, "You disband the village, disband all the clan soldiers, and then join us. There are still a lot of vacant houses in this city, which is completely enough for you to move here. ! Or are you or your subordinates reluctant to part with the existing power?"

Before the patriarch could say anything, he continued: "As far as I know, there is a village ten miles behind you, which is a deadly enemy with you, and often fights with each other. You said that if I promise them, I will divide you up together. Village, will they send troops to help me?"

"The Yue people will not help the Han people to deal with the Yue people!" Peng Yuan shook his head, apparently not believing it.

"The problem is, I have already contacted their patriarch. After promising that the population and all supplies of your village belong to them, they agreed to send troops to help. Don't think of people so noble. There is no betrayal, but the bargaining chip for betrayal is still there. Not enough!" Shi Hui said slowly, shaking his fingers.

"You!" Peng Yuan was furious. This news was terrible for their village!

"A county needs a lot of officials. You have no education. You can't be an official, but as a county official, as long as you are familiar with your duties, it is not a problem. I promise that all of your high-level officials will become county officials in Dongxing County, and even your clan soldiers. , can also serve in our army. Think about it! We have a more comfortable and safe life here, and your people don’t have to suffer because of the cold winter and the lack of food! Don’t try to hide anything, we , from your tribe, I know a lot of things." Shi Hui said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, Gao Ming, all of this was calculated from the beginning, right?" The patriarch was finally defeated, the conditions given by Shi Hui, and the current situation of both sides left him with no other choice but to compromise.

"Whatever you think!" Shi Hui smiled faintly. Of course, all of this was planned in advance. He also had to admire Shangguan Wan'er, who hadn't forgotten the issue of "neighborhood" in the process of planning the city.

What's more, they only acted at this time to further confirm where their bottom line is.As a result, their patriarch compromised. The key point is that they must not compromise. This is a standard conspiracy.

The patriarch went back that day, and three days later, Shi Hui was even ready to fight, and Yang Xiong and Mu Huali were ready to fight.It's just that they didn't wait for the order to attack in the end. As the gate of the village opened slowly, a team carrying burdens walked towards Dongxing County.

"Peng's tribe, come and join us!" Peng Yuan, his younger brother Peng Yong, and the remaining [-] tribe soldiers surrendered first.He voluntarily gave up his weapons and entered the city under the supervision of the soldiers.

"In the future, you won't regret your choice today!" Shi Hui personally met them and solemnly promised them.

It took more than half a month to complete the naturalization of these Yue people. However, according to the Han law, it must be three generations before they can be regarded as real Han people. Now they can be regarded as obtaining a 'temporary residence permit' or 'residence permit' at most.

For Shi Hui, the biggest gain of this operation is the thing behind the tribe, a small gold mine!The point is that after exploration, it was found that the gold mine is very shallow and easy to mine!
 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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