The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 436 Two Ambitious Princes

Chapter 436 The Ambitious Second Prince

"Foreign Minister Kan Ze, together with the Great Chu Mission, has met His Majesty the Emperor of the Parthian Empire!" Kan Ze came to the palace the next day to meet Vologassis V, but his attitude was not so submissive.

Today's Great Chu is so powerful that it is not afraid of a country like the Anxi Empire with constant external and internal troubles.The key is the matter of forming an alliance, which is the result of the Anxi Empire's active request, not Da Chu's desire to form an alliance, so naturally there is no need to be so polite.

"I didn't expect Da Chu to agree to the alliance request of my country. This emperor is very honored!" Vologassis V's attitude was naturally different from when he faced the envoys of the great Han.Dahan is just an immigrant country that has just stabilized, while Dachu is a young, aggressive and powerful empire, and there is almost no need to think about who to use what attitude.

This difference also makes Jiang Gan, who exists as a deputy prime minister, feel a little embarrassed.However, the current situation of the big man really cannot allow them to be so proud.

"Where, where... His Majesty the Emperor can show such great sincerity, and my emperor is also very satisfied. I hope that our two countries can use this alliance as an opportunity to build an unbreakable friendship!" Kan Ze said slowly.

"Haha, I hope so too!" Vologassis V smiled and nodded. With Jiang Gan joining, he seemed to have seen the possibility of centralization, and then he only needed to keep the Roman invaders out of the country. After ten years of internal development, perhaps he will not be so afraid of Da Chu.

If the Anxi Empire continues to grow stronger, then it may not be that there is no way to test Da Chu's idea.I heard that the Central Plains is rich in water and soil, which can be said to be much better than here. If there is such water and soil, how many people can be raised?

The national strength of the Parthia Empire is affected by the environment to the greatest extent, which has made it impossible to become stronger. There is a vast land, but the place to live is very limited, but compared to Shazhou, it is much better.

There must have been a banquet, and Vologassis V also entertained the envoys of Da Chu according to the highest standards, which was completely different from the situation of Jiang Gan and others who had worked so hard to make him look high.

At the banquet, Vologasis V also asked about Confucianism. Kan Ze introduced Sun Qian to him and told him that he was the disciple of some of the most knowledgeable Confucian masters in China.

Wologassis V wisely did not ask what status Jiang Gan had in Chinese Confucianism.He could tell that from the beginning to the present, the two sides had never communicated, and Jiang Gan's knowledge probably wasn't much higher.

He was amazed by the Confucianism, and he wanted to know more. Since Sun Qian was more talented than Jiang Gan, he naturally needed to ask for advice.So after the banquet, it is necessary to ask for advice.

Sun Gan is no loss of being Zheng Xuan's disciple, and Jiang Gan's classics is naturally not comparable to that of Jiang Gan. The key is that with the return of the pre-Qin classics, Sun Qian also began to come into contact with the theories of the Gongyang School and the Lianggu School.

It should be said that before the Eastern Han Dynasty, or before Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong and other masters of Confucian classics determined the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Annals for "Zuoshi Chunqiu", the Gongyang School and the Lianggu School already had their classics and meanings. Sun Qian combined the knowledge of the three schools, Based on "Zuoshi Chunqiu", he began to develop his own theory.

This kind of theory is more positive, and at the same time younger and more energetic, but of course he will not say this kind of theory here. After all, this is the real way of governing the country. For the Anxi Empire, the ordinary way of kingship is most needed.

"Depose a hundred schools of thought, and only respect Confucianism?" When Sun Qian said this idea, Vologassis V was frightened.

Even Jiang Gan was taken aback. To know this theory, he did not dare to bring it up casually. After all, the national conditions of the Anxi Empire did not seem to be suitable for raising this concept.

"Indeed, if thoughts cannot be unified, then there will be differences. And different beliefs will also lead to different pursuits by believers of various sects. What your majesty needs is a religion that can be used by oneself, and one that can support oneself, not those who The doctrine of the nobility, isn’t it? In this case, dismissing all schools of thought and respecting Confucianism alone is the concept that best suits His Majesty’s interests!” Sun Qian said slowly.

"Well, what Deputy Envoy Sun said, the emperor really needs to think about it." Unlike the big man, the envoy of Chu, especially the master of Confucianism, put forward such a concept, even Vologassis V also needs to think about it.

Of course, it was impossible for Vologasis V to give an immediate reply, but his attitude was much more enthusiastic than before.During the period, he also mentioned the Ancestral God Sect, but the Ancestor God Sect is not an improved version of the Tianshi Sect, which is more in line with the needs of the Parthian Empire, so he directly ignored it, but the religious atmosphere of the Parthian Empire is very free, so the Ancestor God Sect is also allowed to preach .

At the same time, Vologassis V also called out his two sons, Vologassis VI and Artabanus V.

The two princes were both adults. Compared with the prudence and wisdom of Vologassis VI, Artaban V looked strong and brave, just like the two princes of the Great Chu Empire.

The difference is that Shihao actually doesn't have much ambition to be emperor, at least not now.But Artaban V, there is something called ambition in his eyes, but he doesn't hide it.

"Is it because of the age factor, or because of the national conditions of the Anxi Empire?" Cai Jing knew how to read people best. He was in the crowd, and he valued Altaban V at the first sight.

I remember that when I came here, I had already investigated the Parthian Empire.The current king, Vologassis V, rebelled and succeeded in seizing the throne before he became emperor.His two princes may not repeat this process. In the end, it is a place of alienation, and the code of ethics often does not exist at all.

Speaking of which, the prime minister of this country seems to be named Aldaban, and Artaban seems to be a first name, not a surname. Otherwise, it would be impossible for his father to be called Vologassis V and his son to be called Artaban V.

And according to the history of this empire, about 300 years ago, there was an emperor of the Parthian Empire named Aldaban I. This name may be a symbol of blood, and there is something inherited by direct blood.

"How is it?" After returning to the place where he was staying, Kan Ze called the two of them over, "I think we may have found someone we can develop, and that is the second prince named Aldaban V."

"My subordinates think so too." Cai Jing is still Kan Ze's subordinate in his position. "The second prince's ambition is hardly concealed. It's too easy to control such a person. I'm just a little worried. The first prince and the second prince, and us The two princes of Da Chu seem very similar..."

"It's not a good thing to talk about the two princes here!" Kan Ze hastily stopped Cai Jing from continuing. In the past, the information of all members of the royal family was kept secret, except for the two princes who were born first, and the information could not be kept secret.

"I'm just worried that the second prince will be like this when he grows up..." Cai Jing shook his head, "Fortunately, he is still young, so it's not difficult to get an education, but it's not clear where they receive their education now Know."

"Maybe it's better this way, at least it won't be instilled with bad ideas by people with ulterior motives." Sun Qian reminded.

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(End of this chapter)

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