The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 431 Which country should I ally with

Chapter 431 Which country should I ally with

An alliance must be formed. The emissary can already be sure that if these 60 troops attack Anxi together, then this historic empire may find a devastating disaster.

After all, even if it is the Roman army, the so-called 30-[-] army, the actual number of soldiers is only [-] to [-].

The key is the governors in the rear, the great Vologassis V is most worried about them.There is a serious shortage of armaments, the guards are seriously lacking in training, and the common people have been in a state of starvation for a long time. Let them fight desperately on the battlefield, not to mention impossible. How can they beat Dachu's elite troops like that? ?
The envoy stayed in Shazhou for three days, and after confirming the strength of Dachu's troops and the combat effectiveness of these soldiers, he immediately returned to the capital. During the period, he passed through several counties and carefully checked the situation of the governor.

"To sum up, if we want to go to war with Da Chu... No, maybe if they find out that we are actually in a weak state, then they will definitely send troops to attack us. At that time, there will be no one in our east that can stop their attack !” The envoy reported what he saw and heard along the way.

Many of the courtiers were older, and they were somewhat shy at the moment. After all, those governors or sheriffs were actually their nephews, or they were somewhat related by marriage.In fact, just like in the Middle Ages, there were marriages between nobles and even the royal families of various countries, and there were some in-law relationships in the last few generations.

"Can we guarantee that their caravans are completely safe during the trade process?" Vologassis V was keenly aware of a problem, "If the caravan has problems again, do we count as voluntarily reneging on the covenant?"

In other words, take the initiative to send an excuse to the other party to attack him!

"They can't guarantee the safety of our caravan!" Aldaban went out directly.

"Unfortunately, we haven't received any news that our caravan has been persecuted in the territory of Dachu." Vologassis V shook his head, and the other party did a good job.It's not that nothing happened, but it was caused by wind and sand on the way home, or other factors.

According to the results of the follow-up investigation, many businessmen can feel safe in the territory of Dachu. No one oppresses them here, and even the officials do not accept their bribes at all. The key to the transaction is that the process makes them very satisfied, and they exchanged for the goods they wanted at an appropriate price.

It is this sense of security that makes their favorability towards Da Chu skyrocket. They are willing to come to this country to do business, deducting the risks on the journey. This is the most comfortable trade route.

But here comes the question, if Dachu can do it, why can't the Anxi Empire do it?It is based on this premise that Jushou can make this request!The point is, for the Anxi Empire, this is an unsolvable conspiracy!

Even Vologassis V knew very well that if he wanted to establish a political environment that could protect caravans from other countries, he had to fundamentally change the current system of the Parthian Empire.In another peaceful era, perhaps Vologassis V would consider it, after all, it would be more convenient for him to rule.

However, today's political problems in the Parthian Empire are already deeply rooted, and they are already corrupt to the root.If it wants to be political, then it will only set off another rebellion. If it is not rectified, in fact, Vologassis V also knows that it will only be eased for a while until the power gap caused by his rebellion is filled.

The so-called "ZTE" is actually this kind of piss, killing a lot of the old power class, so there is a lot of vacant land.More people became self-cultivating farmers, and the country's taxes began to recover.However, as more privileged classes come to power, the situation will gradually deteriorate until the next "ZTE".

After several "ZTEs", it was time for the country to perish. It is not difficult to see this from the development of various dynasties in Chinese history.

"So we can't form an alliance with Da Chu, but we have to guard against Da Chu's attack, what should we do?" Vologassis V looked at the courtiers below with a headache.

"Your Majesty!" Artaban said, "In fact, the situation is not that bad!"

"First of all, we can try to talk to the local nobles and governors to let them understand that if the merchants from Dachu cannot come, and our merchants cannot enter the territory of Dachu to trade, then they will suffer in the end. At least it can be guaranteed that most of the Great nobles will not reach out indiscriminately. As long as Da Chu’s caravans, from ten to three, turn to ten and five to six, the other party can’t say anything, after all, everyone has to bear certain risks when doing long-distance business. , Even the caravans of our country did not come back completely safely.

Secondly, the one who contacted us was only a border governor of Dachu, and he was unable to represent the emperor of Dachu to sign a formal covenant for us.So we can formally negotiate with the emperor of the other party, give guarantees, and finally reach the goal of forming an alliance. "

"You make a lot of sense, maybe you can try it!" Vologassis V returned after thinking for a while, "But we are far away from their country, so we must take the second measure! Otherwise, it will be too busy After half a year, what we get in the end is a guarantee that we will not form an alliance, so there is no point in that!"

"It's simple!" Artaban said, "In the south of the border of Great Chu, the Han Empire, the former ruler of China, has settled down there. They also have excellent forging skills and powerful troops. As long as you form an alliance with them and agree to the necessary If they attack Da Chu at the same time, then Da Chu must be afraid of this!"

"This reminds me that Da Chu is not the only choice for our alliance!" Vologassis V was stunned.Although the two sides are actually not bordering each other, the key is that both sides are bordering Dachu, and the enemy's enemy is one's natural ally.

Being able to start a rebellion and overthrow his father, Vologassis V can be said to know this truth well.

After a pause, he continued: "Then, the three routes will be launched at the same time. Even if Da Chu does not form an alliance with us, we will have a way to contain them. By the way, do we have a trade route to Dahan? What specialties are there? , do you have silk and tea?"

After drinking tea and feeling its benefits, Vologassis V never forgot about this drink.

"It seems not. Da Chu seems to be very strict about the secrecy of the seedlings. No one can take the tea tree seedlings, silkworm eggs and rhubarb plants out of the country, otherwise they will be killed directly if they are found out." Ardaban regretted shook his head.

Although the Dahan and the Dachu are both a civilization, they seem to have completely different emphasis on special products.

"If possible, try to form an alliance with Da Chu!" Vologassis V regretfully shook his head.

"Yes!" Aldaban replied solemnly. In fact, he knew very well that not only His Majesty the great emperor, but also many nobles couldn't do without the products of Great Chu, especially tea and rhubarb. These days, constipation will kill people. , and died very painfully.Many courtiers, especially those who ate meat every day, were not too old, and died because of this.

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(End of this chapter)

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