The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 417 Program Upgrade Completed

Chapter 417 Program Upgrade Completed

Maybe even Xun Biao didn't expect that facing Liangzhou and Xinzhou, there was a bigger project behind.

A mere 200 million people entered Liangzhou and Xinzhou, mainly because of the land here, and now they can only accommodate 200 million people. Even in later generations, regardless of environmental issues, the population of these two places is not very large.

You know, the coastal areas support hundreds of millions of people, but the combined population of the two huge states is only around 5000 million.As far as the current agricultural technology and living conditions are concerned, fewer people can be supported.

Moreover, in a province, besides the permanent resident population, there are also the concepts of floating population and temporary resident population.At this stage, Xinzhou can support up to 300 million people, and Liangzhou can support up to 500 million people. Any more will bring great pressure to the local government.

There is no way to continue to fill the population, but you can send the engineering corps. The 500 million engineering corps are all directly transferred from the field soldiers. After all, the Central Plains is gradually recovering, and there is no need for a large number of military settlements. The vacated field soldiers are mobilized. Directly transferred to the Engineering Corps, in Shi Hui's plan, after a few years, they will be discharged one after another and become ordinary people.

The badges are already in various places, leaving enough arable land for them. As long as they leave the army, they will naturally receive their fields. This is the reward for their silent dedication for many years.

"Work hard, 500 people, build roads in sections, we can't be slower than others!" Construction generals yelled at their subordinates. Strictly speaking, most of them are working there with tools like workers at the moment.

No one is noble here, and no one is lower.In the current plan, several official roads in Liangzhou and Xinzhou need to be expanded, and greening along the way is also required.Some rivers will be dredged and widened as necessary.

These are large-scale projects. In later generations, large-scale construction equipment is generally used for construction. However, in this era, it is precisely because of the dedication of these field soldiers that Shi Hui can invest 500 million labors in one go for infrastructure construction.

Not only roads, but railways have also been planned. In terms of anti-corrosion materials, after blending several kinds of gums and resins, a kind of anti-rust coating was produced. The initial cost of such coatings is still very high, so the early railroad tracks It was all wooden rails, and the cost began to come down as several species of trees that produced the material began to be planted in abundance in the South.

Of course, the cost of rails and sleepers is still high today, but it is already a level that the country can afford.The meaning of a railway track is best understood by those who really need it.

It is a railway from Luoyang directly to Xinzhou Prefecture, starting from Wuwei, and then extending towards both ends, and laying it in sections. This construction may take several years, and this is still the case of investing 500 million people. .

"Don't worry, general, the construction period will never be delayed!" A soldier next to him said with a smile. The soldiers didn't complain at all about the work they put in, or they didn't regard themselves as ordinary people since they joined the army.

Besides, their generals are working as hard as they are, so what right do they have to complain?
"I'm not worried that you will delay the construction period!" The general kicked the soldier's ass directly, "Lao Li and I bet, if we are faster than them this month, then next month their meals will be divided in half." Give it to us, I will ask you, do you want to eat more?"

"Why didn't the general say it earlier?" Hearing the news, the surrounding soldiers started clamoring, "According to the general's habit, if we lose, we have to give half of our food to others?"

"You know why don't you hurry up and work?" The general muttered, and continued to work.

Now there is no way to not be serious. When it comes to their own food problems, let alone the benefits of winning, it will be terrible if they lose. The soldiers immediately went all out to work.

At the same time, one carriage after another came towards this side, laying down the sleepers, rails, and supporting parts along the way, and then there would be engineers coming to watch over them immediately. As soon as the road surface was leveled, construction would begin immediately .

One after another, more saplings were transported over, as well as a large number of grass seeds.As the water conservancy system began to be built, trees were replanted whenever appropriate on both sides of the railway and road.These are drought-tolerant trees with well-developed root systems. The climate in Liangzhou is better than that of later generations, and the rainfall is relatively abundant, so they can still support these trees.

"Perhaps there will be no smog on Youbeiping in the future? By the way, no one seems to know what this meme means..." Shi Hui looked at the information gathered below, although he didn't run To the Northwest, but you can also know that it was built rapidly in a very short period of time.

It is only necessary to improve the city's drainage and water storage systems and popularize the drip irrigation technology. Perhaps in three years, Liangzhou will be able to achieve self-sufficiency.In fact, places like this do not expect their output to support other places at all. As long as they can maintain local needs and reduce the amount of food delivered from other provinces, it is considered good.

"However, in future generations, with smooth logistics and strong material transportation capabilities, even if there is no harvest in these places, as long as the local specialties can be sold for money, then food is not a problem at all, and it can even play a role in regulating the southern food supply. The role of price." Shi Hui couldn't help but sigh, logistics and transportation issues, it is estimated that his generation will be difficult to complete.

Whether it is the Northwest, or Bingzhou, or even the subsequent West Asian region, if you cannot solve part of the food problem by yourself, then the cost of food transportation will be very high. Shi Hui does not think that the local products there can be enough to pay for the transportation and purchase of food Expenses, even at cost.

"Is the steam engine still under study?" After closing the documents, Shi Hui looked at Huang Yueying.

"Although I have an idea, it's not easy to produce a finished product..." Huang Yueying shook her head. Ever since Shi Hui proposed the concept of a steam engine to her, she has started researching it. If it wasn't for a report this time, she might still be in the laboratory.

"There's no rush, start with the big ones, as long as there are preliminary results, then it won't be too difficult to improve on this basis!" Shi Hui encouraged, Huang Yueying is indeed a genius, only relying on some incomplete Mohist mechanism techniques, The research direction of the steam engine has been found. You must know that physics in the strict sense of this era has not yet appeared.

"Could you organize the tricks into easy-to-understand words and some pictures so that ordinary people can learn them?" Shi Hui asked casually.

"Ah!" Huang Yueying obviously didn't expect that Shi Hui would ask this, but she immediately regained her composure, "This minister also tried to do something, is your majesty interested?"

"Well, this was originally the culture of our Zhu Xia, so we can't let it be lost!" Shi Hui nodded.

"The minister tried his best to sort it out!" Huang Yueying immediately made up her mind to transcribe all the knowledge she had learned, thought, and realized.Not for anything else, just for this man who said she was actually pretty.

Huang Yueying left, but Shi Hui was in deep thought.How can I not see her affection, I didn't expect to win the heart of this strange woman with a single sentence, it's really God's will.

Just when he was feeling emotional, there was a "ding dong" in his mind, and the program had been upgraded!

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(End of this chapter)

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