Chapter 392

"Follow me to kill!" Sun Ce took the lead and led the army to rush forward, while the Chu army behind followed closely, but they did not dare to approach easily.The two sides competed like this until Sun Cejun arrived under Yecheng.

"General, Yecheng is still under our army's control!" Deputy General Huang Gai pointed to the front and shouted.

"Very good, give them a semaphore immediately!" Sun Ce nodded. It has been two days since he came from Nanpi, and it was not in vain.

At the same time, on the city wall of Yecheng, Ma Teng was ready to break out tomorrow.Three days is already the last chance for Sun Ce. If the opponent has no way to break through, then he will choose to leave.

Just at this time, some soldiers on the lookout came to report that they saw a troop approaching from a distance.At the same time, after entering the field of vision, they sent someone over to play their semaphore.

"It's Sun Ce! Did they break through successfully?" Ma Teng immediately stood up and looked into the distance.As the army approached, the character 'Sun' on the flag gradually became clearer.

"Let's fight now!" Ma Teng became excited and shouted immediately.During the realization, Sun Cejun's formation has begun to loosen, and he looks exhausted, but since it is a breakthrough, then such a performance is not surprising.

Since it was a breakout, it must have been a fight.After a long-distance Mercedes-Benz, if you can still maintain the team, you have to doubt whether there is a fraud.

Especially when he saw a unit of light cavalry chasing him, Ma Teng knew he had to come to the rescue.

The gate of Yecheng, which had been closed for two days, suddenly opened. Ma Teng personally led the army to rescue, and Ma Chao served as the vanguard.Of course, Cen Xi would not allow such a thing to happen, so Yue Yun personally led the knight troops to intercept.Hua Rong even led [-] cavalry archers to support them.

"Swoosh..." A rain of arrows came, but it came from Ma Teng's army. This rain of arrows did not bring any harm to Yue Yun's army, but it made the knight army lag for a while.

"Sorry, I won't let you go here!" Ma Dai rode forward, followed by five thousand cavalry archers.

"Are you sure you can stop us?" Yue Yun sneered. The cavalry archers of the Han army learned from the Chu army, and they were still immature in terms of training and tactics.It cannot be denied that they are slowly becoming elite.

As long as they are given enough time, they may not be able to become an elite horse archer unit, of course, the premise is that they have this time!
"How do you know if you haven't tried it?" Ma Dai replied casually, but he was so relaxed in his heart.Especially behind Yue Yun, the [-] cavalry archers were also staring at them.

"Bo Fu, are you okay?" At the same time, Ma Teng began to approach Sun Ce's department, and he was about to see Sun Ce's appearance, so he couldn't help but shouted.

"General Ma Teng... I'm sorry!" Sun Ce looked at Ma Teng, and immediately gestured to the side.

"Charge!" Sun Quan knew that Sun Ce couldn't say it, so he gave the order on his behalf.After receiving the order, [-] soldiers immediately gathered from the edge of disintegration, and quickly rushed towards Ma Teng's department.

"Sun Ce, could it be you!" Seeing Sun Cejun rushing towards him, Ma Teng suddenly realized something and exclaimed.

"I'm sorry... I have to think about the Sun family... The general trend, why should General Ma be obsessed with it?" Sun Ce gritted his teeth, and charged towards Ma Teng.

The reason why Ma Teng believed in Sun Ce was only because Liu Xie got Zhou Yu's suggestion and betrothed his sister, Princess Wannian, to him and had a son, Sun Shao.It was this marriage relationship that allowed Sun Ce to also be labeled as "Liu Xie". In addition, Sun Yi also stayed in Chang'an as a hostage, so Sun Ce was allowed to lead troops outside.

Generally speaking, Liu Xie still tried his best to believe in Sun Ce, and Ma Teng did the same, so he was willing to wait for Sun Ce for three days.Unexpectedly, what they finally waited for was actually Sun Ce's betrayal!
"Sun Ce!" Ma Teng roared immediately, "You let me down so much!"

"General Ma!" Sun Ce looked at Ma Teng bitterly, "The third brother and Princess Wannian...have been taken away secretly!"

This is the reason why he finally made his choice. He still remembers that before he left for the expedition, his third brother Sun Yi said that he would take good care of Princess Wannian and his nephew Sun Shao.Based on Sun Ce's understanding of Sun Yi, if Princess Wannian and Sun Shao hadn't been taken away, Sun Yi might not have agreed to leave with them.In this way, he, Sun Ce, was completely stamped with the "Scholar's Emblem", which could not be washed off.

"This is not a reason for you to betray!" Ma Teng scolded angrily, "Look at you now, are you still the proud Sun Bofu from before? You are just a wandering ghost who has completely lost himself!"

"Father, don't talk nonsense with him, the child will be carried by you, you break through quickly!" Ma Chao shouted from the side.Seeing that the enemy army is beginning to break through, the tens of thousands of our own troops have already begun to be surrounded. If we don't leave, we really can't leave!

"Hmph, Sun Ce, as long as Ma is still alive, I will kill you!" Ma Teng had no choice but to retreat after saying this.If you don't leave, there will not be many tens of thousands of people left to help the court.

"It's a pity that none of you can leave today!" Cen Xi said slowly, unknowingly, not only Cen Xi's headquarters, but also Wei Wentong led the army to attack Bohai County. He was the one who led the army before. He came after Sun Ce.

"Haha!" Ma Teng looked at the situation that was already besieged on all sides, but he laughed loudly, "Boys, are you afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid!" Ma Chao, Ma Dai and other generals shouted one after another, and the soldiers below also responded one after another.

"Kill the enemy!" Ma Teng roared angrily, and then rushed towards Cen Xi, and the other generals also led their own troops and killed him.

It's just that what awaits them is not a frontal battle at all, but a triple shot of Liannu, Zhuge Liannu and Qiangnu.Immediately, the Asura's dual-knife soldiers led the assault of the Tomahawk soldiers, and the cavalry cruised around the periphery, shooting towards the center of the enemy's army from time to time to divert them.

About an hour later, Ma Teng's department completely collapsed, and only a few hundred people survived from the tens of thousands of troops.Cen Xi admired Ma Teng at the moment, none of the tens of thousands of people was afraid of death, but what a pity they met Chu Jun who was also not afraid of death!
"General Ma Teng..." Sun Ce looked at Ma Teng. At this moment, he was still standing, but he was lifeless.

"It's an enemy worthy of respect... By the way, what are your plans?" Cen Xi looked at Ma Teng respectfully. This enemy who fought to the end was hit by six arrows and was still at the forefront.

"Kill me!" Ma Chao, who was guarded by two Shura swordsmen, said angrily.At this moment, he was also hit by two arrows, but he missed the vital point, but the injury may worsen if he continues.

"If a soldier dies on the battlefield, he will fight me for [-] rounds!" Ma Dai was also tied up at this moment, and his injuries were more terrible than Ma Chao's, and he might die at any time.

"Isn't it good to be alive?" Cen Xi smiled at the two of them.

Sun Ce shook his head. Ma Teng gave him a great shock today. Compared with him, he looked very ugly... For a moment, the thought of disarming and returning to the fields came into his mind.

Ma Teng's army was wiped out, and there was no room for resistance in Jizhou. Cen Xi led the army, divided into several groups, and conquered counties and counties all the way. One month later, the whole territory of Jizhou changed hands.

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  Chapter 2...It is still released later, mainly because Sun Ce chose to go to Kawen, and thought about the possibility of not surrendering, false surrender...too many choices.


(End of this chapter)

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