Chapter 368

In the messy camp, more than a thousand people were aimlessly moving, they were both combat soldiers and auxiliary soldiers.Gan Ning felt like a group of people who had just taken up arms...

He looked back at the lord of the slave country and his so-called cronies.Gan Ning also understood that this Japanese country may already have a certain level of civilization, or it may have learned some technology from the great Han, but the level of civilization is still very primitive.

what is this?Gan Ning sneered in his heart, this level is not even counted as fighting each other in the village!The so-called war in the Wa country is no different from the territory grabbing between rangers.

Look at this group of guys, I'm about to reach the outskirts of their camp, but I haven't reacted yet!Now all it takes is one charge, basically these idiots will have to pay for their stupidity!
Perhaps sensing Gan Ning's complaints, the resting Yamatai soldiers finally turned around to see them.The soldiers of the Chu army with an average height of 1.7 meters 1.8, and the [-] meters Gan Ning, are the existences they all need to look up to.Not to mention that the soldiers of the Marine Corps are all in armor, which has only been passivated and has no reflections, but it also looks very hideous.

"General, a group of monsters are coming outside!" A soldier rushed into the tent and shouted in obscure language.It is a bit similar to elegant language, and it seems to be a dialect of a certain place, which can barely be heard.

"I said, don't disturb my rest!" Immediately, a loud cry came from the camp, and the soldier was kicked out.Not long after, a man came out with his pants up, and the tent was blown up by the wind, revealing the floor, the floor, and the naked body of a certain woman who didn't know if he was alive or not.

Immediately he looked up and saw Gan Ning and the others, he was startled again, waved his hands behind him, and shouted: "What are you looking at, hurry up and get my armor!"

The surrounding soldiers didn't dare to neglect, they quickly handed over a set of armor, and hurriedly put it on for the man.

The fiery red exterior, the armor made of leather and bronze, is indeed much more advanced than the leather armor worn by the lord of the slave country.If this is not something given by the great man, then it can only mean that it is the result of smelting by Yamatai itself.

Gan Ning is more inclined to the latter, after all, the smelting process is actually not that high-end.

On one side is the slave country that can't even smelt bronze, and on the other is the Yamatai country that is gradually becoming stronger and knows how to smelt bronze ware.

"A nation that has already begun to have its own civilization will definitely become a bad neighbor in the future!" Gan Ning thought for a while, such as Wuhuan or Goguryeo, or Xiongnu and Xianbei, Qiang people and Wusun, Yue people and Nanman. The bad neighbor of the big man.

When the strength is strong, come and cry and surrender.Once he found that the big man was weak, he immediately tried to find a way to bite back. "Zhu Xia doesn't need an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf," Shi Hui once said to military generals and civil officials like them.

Either Zhuxia will be changed, or the country will be destroyed. Shi Hui has already set the tone of the outside world with them.It was originally Sinicized, because at that time the badge was still in the name of a courtier of the Han Dynasty.However, as he became the Duke of Chu, it is a bit unreasonable to continue talking about Sinicization, and it is not safe to continue to call himself a "Han Chinese".

Liu Bowen proposed to change it to "Chu People" and "Chu Hua", but Shi Hui denied it, and the result of the discussion was "Zhu Xia"!
The state of etiquette is called Xia, and the people living in the land of China can call themselves the people of Xia.Even the Shi Hui dates back to the Western Han Dynasty. What the court liked to do most at that time was to find an ancestor of Zhu Xia for all ethnic minorities.

Such as the Xiongnu, such as the Qiang people, such as Wusun, such as the Yue people.Everyone has the same root and origin, as long as they can be recognized, it will naturally be much easier for Zhuxia to transform in the future.

As for the country of Wa, at first it was only in the volumes of history, and I accidentally found some content.It was more about the introduction of the badges before leaving. When Gan Ning really came here, he realized that this place had already started, and that the Japanese had begun to learn from the civilization of the Han Dynasty and began to develop their own civilization. Of course, at this time, only It is the rudiment of civilization.

At least until the grandson of Himiko, Emperor Shenmu, was born and unified Kyushu Island, and at the same time launched Emperor Shenmu to conquer Honshu Island, and even Liu Xie's descendants came here to become emperors for several generations before they began to develop independently. The process of civilization comes out.Of course, all these emblems have only been investigated in literature and Du Niang.

Many things have not yet happened. For example, the great Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is now his emperor in Guanzhong. Depending on the situation, it is impossible for his descendants to come to Wa Island.Besides, Shi Hui would not allow such a thing to happen!

"Boring!" Gan Ning looked at the opponent at this moment, even though they had already started to gather, the opponent's lineup made him completely uninterested.It was a mess, there was no order at all, it was like two gangs of rangers fighting for territory.

What really makes people speechless is that their height is really... makes people laugh.

The average height is 1.3 meters, and the leader, Kagutsuchi, who is called the god of fire, seems to be only 1.5 meters. Gan Ning, who was 1.8 meters tall, was already something to look up to in front of them.Standing with such an enemy is really tiring, after all, you have to lower your head to see each other.

Not to mention him, even the [-] Shura dual sword soldiers under his command showed sympathy when they saw this.With this height, it is no wonder that they are called Japanese people, after all, 'Japanese people are short'.Their image is very similar to the kind of dwarfs that are specially raised to entertain guests in wealthy families.

"Who the hell are you?" Kagutsuchi felt like he was facing a formidable enemy at the moment. If he hadn't been well-educated, he might have doubted whether he was facing a group of monsters.

"You don't deserve to know!" Gan Ning pulled out the Huan Shou knife and pointed to the front, "Don't talk nonsense with them, kill them!"

After receiving the order, the soldiers immediately gathered together, their momentum suddenly turned aside, and a killing intent was quickly released.This aura actually overwhelmed the rulers of the slave kingdoms around him, not to mention the frontal soldiers of Yamatai.

"Fighting monsters, how do we fight? Run, run!" The soldier on the opposite side suddenly yelled strangely and ran away immediately.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Gan Ning had just led his army to rush in front of the opponent, but all the soldiers in Yamatai ran away, leaving only Kagutsuchi trembling there.Seeing this situation, Gan Ning lost interest.

"This is simply bullying the small with the big!" Gan Ning kicked Kagutsuchi away, such an opponent doesn't even count as a warm-up.It feels like shooting a soldier casually can kill him.

"Excuse me!" Kagutsuchi stood up abruptly, and asked respectfully, "But have I offended Your Excellency?"

"Then it's fine!" Gan Ning thought for a while, "It's too shameful to call yourself a Vulcan by being a mere barbarian. I'm not happy to hear that, but I also want to see if I can become a God Eater!"

"It's just random shouting by others. I've never admitted it..." Kagutsuchi immediately denied it, completely forgetting how he happily accepted the nickname when others praised him in the past.

"I don't care about that!" Gan Ning looked at Kagutsuchi, "I just know you're going to be in trouble!"

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  Perhaps when facing the Japanese of this era, Xiao Si will regain a lot of dignity...


(End of this chapter)

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